Recipe Info Tab

Recipe Info Tab

If you are creating a recipe, the Recipe Info tab lets you define it. Recipes combine individual ingredients and their nutritional data. Nutritional values are calculated with the portion and number of servings.

Note: You cannot change the item information in a USDA recipe. However, you can use the Add/Copy feature to make a new, editable version of this recipe.

Recipe Info
Recipe Card #
Enter the USDA Recipe Card Number, if applicable. Many districts have numbers on their recipes for quick access. Use this field to indicate your own specific recipe number.

Production Yield of Recipe
Enter the number of servings this recipe produces.

Note: If you hover the mouse cursor over the Production Yield of Recipe field, the measurement source displays.

Waste Factor
The Waste Factor field is calculated automatically based on loss of weight from the sum of the recipe ingredients to the recipe yield. This is useful as a quick indicator if there is an error in their recipe definition.

Fat Item ID
If the preparation of the food will change the fat content, enter the food ID number of the product you will be using. For example, French fries cooked in canola oil will require the ID for the oil to be entered here.

Fat Change
Enter the percentage of fat added due to the cooking method. In the case of a food cooked in oil, this will be a positive number. Other cooking methods, such as grilling a hamburger patty, may cause the fat content to decrease, which would require a negative number.

Note: If you enter a value here, the nutrients from the specified Fat Item ID are used to adjust the nutrients of the recipe.

Moisture Change
Enter the percentage of moisture change due to the cooking method used. If the cooking method does not change the moisture of your recipe, you may leave this field at 0.

Know As You Go Button
The Know As You Go (KAYG) link opens up the Know as You Go screen and shows updates as the recipe composition changes. The information will break out food versus non-food cost of the recipe. You will be allowed to select any serving unit defined for the KAYG calculation.

Recipe Ingredients
Line #
As you add ingredients, they will fill out the ingredient list. You can move an ingredient up or down in the list by clicking the arrows to the left of the line number.

Item ID
This is the item ID for the particular ingredient.

Note: Remember that all Child Nutrition items begin with the letter "U". When searching for USDA items or entering the item number into a recipe or menu plan, include this in the item ID.

This displays a brief item description.Click the desired line to see the complete description. A pop-up with the complete item description will open.

This is total amount of the item used in the recipe.

This is the unit for this recipe ingredient, based on the ingredient measurements that were created.

Quantity 2
If applicable, this is an additional amount of the item to use in the recipe. Often an ingredient will be used at multiple stages in the process. For example, you may use a large amount of pepper to produce 100 servings of a meal, and then a smaller amount that is applied to each individual serving.

Unit 2
The unit for this recipe ingredient.

Select the Edit link to edit this recipe ingredient.

Clicking the red X button will delete this ingredient.

Add Button
Select the Add button to add a new line for this recipe.

This section lets you set up the instructions for cooking the recipe. Click the Add button to add a step. Use the arrows to the left of the step number to move a step up or down in order. When you add a step, you can define which ingredients are used at that step and can specify the quantity of each. You can also associate an image with each step as a visual guide. In the list view, click the image icon to view that image.

Click Edit to edit this step. A list of the ingredients in this recipe appears. Click the check boxes to associate an ingredient with this step, then enter the instructions for this step. You can select a picture at this time as well. Click Save when you are done, or the Cancel arrow to undo your changes.

Clicking the red X button will delete this step.

Click Add to insert a new step. A list of the ingredients in this recipe appears. Click the check boxes to associate an ingredient with this step, then enter the instructions for this step. You can select a picture at this time as well. Click Save when you are done, or the Cancel arrow to undo your changes.

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