Site Manager - Production

Site Manager - Production


After planning has been completed, meals need to be prepared for recipes listed on the menu. During this process, items are withdrawn from inventory counts, leftovers are created, and State and Federal reports are printed.

From the Home tab, select Production.

Choose a serving date and meal in the Search ribbon.

  • Serving Date - The Serving Date defaults to the current open day. Use the calendar tool to select a different serving date.
  • Meal Type - Use the drop-down menu to select the correct meal type.

Review Meal Planning Numbers

  1. Select Meal Planning from the ribbon.
  2. Make any necessary adjustments to meal planning numbers if necessary. Then, click Ok.

    For additional options, refer to Site Manager - Meal Planning.

    Meal counts highlighted in red indicate meal mapping has not occurred for the Menu Count Type.

Print Before Production Reports

It is recommended that you print the Production Worksheet, Recipe Instructions, and Recipe Ingredients Pull Sheet.

Select Print. Then, select a report from the list.

You may choose to print or export the report. After you have finished printing or exporting, click Close Print Preview.

 Production Worksheet

The Production Worksheet report shows the recipe ID, recipe name, total number of planned servings, Served by Site, Serving Size, Portion Size, Scoop (if applicable), and Planned Servings. Each recipe is broken down by items necessary to complete each recipe. Included is the item Catalog Number, Item Description, Case/Unit Description, and Calculated Quantity to Pull. Record the Actual Quantity Used and Physical Count Remaining areas. You should also record Temperature Log details to ensure the safety of the food to prevent illness. Write notes about any leftovers.

Select Production Worksheet options. Then, click Ok.

        Prepared by Site - Use the magnifier icon to select a site if you are producing meals for another location.
        Serve Date - Use the calendar tool to select a different serving date if you are producing meals for a different date.
        Meal - Select one or more meal types you are planning on producing.
        Group Records By - Use the drop-down menu to select how records should be grouped and subgrouped. You may also select to include page breaks between groupings ((none), Production Areas, Recipe Category, Menu Item Type).
        Options - Select one or more options to include in the report.
        Run for each site in the site filter - The report will run separately for each site while grouping the entire District into one printable file.

When there is not enough inventory of a particular item, it will appear in red font and highlighted yellow.

The manager will use the information from completed worksheets to enter production numbers.

 Recipe Instructions

The Recipe Instructions report shows the Production Area, recipe ID, recipe name, total number of planned servings, Served by Site, Serving Size, Portion Size, Scoop (if applicable), and Planned Servings. Each recipe contains step-by-step direction on how to prepare each recipe and ingredient quantities. Instructions may also include safety measures such as minimum internal temperature, how often a temperature should be tested, and the amount of time a recipe item may remain in certain conditions until it is discarded.

Select Recipe Instructions options. Then, click Ok.

        Options - Select one or more recipes to include in instructions. You may choose to Select All or Select None.
        Group Records By - Use the drop-down menu to select how records should be grouped and subgrouped. You may also select to include page breaks between groupings ( (none), Production Area, Recipe Category, Menu Item Type).
        Options - By default, Include Photos is selected.

 Recipe Ingredients Pull Sheet

The Recipe Ingredients Pull Sheet report is broken down by entree, side dish, milk, and other. The recipe ID, recipe name, total number of planned servings, Served by Site, Serving Size, Portion Size, Scoop (if applicable), and Planned Servings is displayed. Included is Item Description, Catalog Number, Quantity to Pull, Case/Unit Description, Brand, and Inventory Tag for each item necessary to create each recipe.

Select Recipe Ingredients Pull Sheet options. Then, click Ok.

        Prepared by Site - Use the magnifier icon to select a site if you are producing meals for another location.
        Serve Date - Use the calendar tool to select a different serving date if you are producing meals for a different date.
        Meal - Select one or more meal types you are planning on producing.
        Group Records By - Use the drop-down menu to select how records should be grouped and subgrouped. You may also select to include page breaks between groupings (none), Production Areas, Recipe Category, Menu Item Type).
        Run for each site in the site filter - The report will run separately for each site while grouping the entire District into one printable file.

When there is not enough inventory of a particular item, it will appear in red font and highlighted yellow.

 Temperature Log

Select Temperature Log options. Then, click Ok.

        Report Layout - Use the drop-down menu to select a report layout.
        Prepared by Site - Use the magnifier icon to select a site if you are producing meals for another location.
        Serve Date - Use the calendar tool to select a different serving date if you are producing meals for a different date.
        Meal - Select the meal types you are planning on producing.
        Options - Select one or more options to include in the report.
        Run for each site in the site filter - The report will run separately for each site while grouping the entire District into one printable file.

Produce Recipes

  1. In the Production tab, select a recipe from the list and click Produce.

    It is important to use Before Production reports to record inventory used during the production process.

  2. Begin the production process by following the wizard and click Next.

    The name of the recipe being produced is located at the top of the window throughout the production wizard.

    If you do not want to use the production wizard, you can click Skip in the lower left-hand side of the window.

    Select to Skip just this time or to Skip always, never show this wizard again. Then, click Ok.

    Clicking skip will then bring up the Production Record. Skip Steps 2 - 6 and refer to instructions on How to Complete the Production Record Details.

  3. Serving counts must be entered prior to running the final Production Report. Enter the Prepared, Served, Served Extras, and Remaining counts for each menu count type. 

    Prepared Counts Default

    Prepared counts are prefilled with the planned counts; however, Site Settings may be adjusted to default as zero (0).

    The Served and Remaining amounts automatically adjust as counts are entered.

  4. For each item in the recipe, enter the quantity pulled from inventory (if it differs from the any of the above reports) and the quantity placed back in inventory (if applicable). Then, click Next.

    The item and item information cannot be changed.

    Fluid milk should be returned to inventory.

    If the recipe is a variety recipe (e.g. cereal with five choices of cereal types), each item for the recipe will be included in a separate window.

  5. Establish leftover criteria and notes. Then, click Next.
    1. Enter Leftover Notes.
    2. Enter the quantity returned to inventory (if any). 
    3.  If you plan on using leftovers for a future date, click the ellipsis icon.

      Enter a start and end Serving Date and use the drop-down menu to select the Meal.

      Locate and choose a future date in which the menu item will be served.

      If you would like to serve the leftovers on a date that does not contain the menu item, click Add New.

      Next, use the same search criteria as above to list all future planned dates and menus.

      Locate and choose a future date in which the menu item will be served. Then, click Ok.

      After you have established a future date for leftovers, click Ok.

  6. Enter Temperature Log details. Then, click Next.
    1. Time - Enter the time the temperature was checked.
    2. Temperature - Enter the temperature.
    3. Name of Person - Enter the name of the person who checked the temperature at the entered time.
    4. Notes - Enter any notes.
  7. Click Finish to create the new production record for the selected recipe and view and make necessary corrections.

Bulk Production

For instructions on how to use the Bulk Editor, please review this Bulk Production Knowledge Article.

Complete Additional Production Record Details

Production Record

In the Production Record section, change the production record date if it is incorrect and enter the total number of labor hours if required in your District.

Edit Serving Records Produced

In the Serving Records Produced section, enter quantities in the PreparedServed, Served Extras, and Remaining columns.

The Served and Remaining amounts automatically adjust as counts are entered.

 Additional Serving Records option

Although you have the option to Attach Serving Record or Detach Serving Record, this is typically only done when producing two meals at the same time (such as breakfast and lunch) and most sites will not perform these actions.

Edit Inventory Issued for Production 

In the Inventory Issued for Production section, enter quantities in the Quantity Used, Returned to Inventory, and Actual Quantity Used columns. These entries allow the system and you to keep better track of inventory for reporting purposes.

Actual Quantity Used

 If the "Production Entry Mode" of an item has been established as Free-Text (no issuing) or Issuing PLUS Free-Text, the Actual Quantity Used column will be displayed.

 Additional Issued Inventory options

On occasion, it may be necessary to add an additional item to the recipe production records. Choose Add Item. (If an item was not used for the recipe, select the item and click Delete Item.)

    1. Enter an item or catalog number in the Search field. Place a checkmark in the box for the item. After you have selected the correct item(s), click Ok.

      You may select more than one item to add to a recipe at one time by placing a checkmark in each box. Once you have selected all the items added to the recipe, click Ok.

    2. Enter the quantities used in the recipe.
    3. (Optional) You may also choose to Recalculate Quantities. 

      Recalculating quantities will discard current issuing data and replace quantities with the estimated quantities based on the prepared counts.

      1. Click Recalculate Quantities.
      2. Read the notification. If you agree to discard current issuing data and use the estimated quantities, click Yes.

Edit Leftovers Received from Production

    1. In the Leftovers Received from Production section, enter quantities in the Quantity Leftover column.
    2. Next, click the ellipsis icon in the Planned Use column.
    3. In the Pick Planned Serving window, select a Serving Date range by using the calendar tool. Select a future date to serve leftovers. Then, click Ok

You may also choose the Add New button to select any serving date not listed.

Meal Planning Counts must be established in order for future planned servings to appear for selection.

 Additional Leftover options
    1. You can choose to add notes about leftovers or add additional leftovers to the production record. (If a leftover item is listed and should not be, select the item and click Delete Leftover.)
    2. Leftover Notes - Use the drop-down menu to select a pre-defined comment. You may also select free-text or enter free-text after you have selected a pre-defined comment. Then, click Ok.

      Clear Leftover Notes

      To clear an existing note, highlight the existing text and click the delete button on your keyboard.

    3. Add Leftover - Use the search function to locate the item/recipe. Select the correct item/recipe. Then, click Ok.
    4. Follow the same steps as above to add quantities.

Additional Production Record Options

Temperature Log

    1. Click the Temperature Log button.
    2. Complete log records by entering the times, temperatures, names of the person testing temperature, and any notes. Then, click Close.


    1. Click the Comment button.
    2. Click the Add Comment button.
    3. Production Comment - Use the drop-down menu to select a pre-defined comment. You may also select free-text or enter free-text after you have selected a pre-defined comment. Then, click Ok.
    4. Click Close once you have entered all comments.

After you have completed all the necessary parts in the Edit Production Record tab, click Ok

Repeat the process for each recipe. As recipe production records are completed and saved, a check mark will appear in the Produced column.

Enter Meal Counts

You must enter meal counts prior to printing the Production Report.

  1. From the Production tab, select Meal Counts.

  2. Complete Meal Count information using information from Newton or your Point-of-Sale system. Then, click Ok.
    1. Click the plus sign to expand each menu and enter served counts for each Menu Count Type.
    2. Enter total dollar amount for Extra Sales.

      Meal counts and dollar amounts for extra sales can be found by running the Meal Summary and Daily Recap reports in Newton.

Print Production Report

Once all production records have been completed, you must print the production report. 

You may choose to print or export the report. After you have finished printing or exporting, click Close Print Preview.

  1. From the Production tab, select Print. Then, choose Production Report.

  2. Establish Production Report options.

            Saved by Site - Use the magnifier icon to select a site if you are printing production reports for a site other than the default.
            Served in Date Range - Use the calendar tools to select a From and to date range (if applicable).
            Meal - Select one or more meal types.
            Options - Select one or more options to include in the report.
            Run for each site in the site filter - The report will be run separately for each site while grouping the entire District into one printable file.

    The Production Report shows the Menu, Site, Meal Type, Serve Date, Serving Size Groups, Meals Planned/Served, and meal components. Each recipe is included in the report which is broken down by items issued to prepare the recipe, unit description, and the quantity used to produce each recipe. Remaining leftovers that have been designated for a future serving date are also noted. 
    The production report reflects meal contribution components for fruit, vegetables, meat/meat alternates, grains, and milk.

    The legend for food contributions is located on the last page of the report.

    Dark-Green Vegetables

     Beans/Peas Vegetables (Juice)
    Red-Orange Vegetables

    Starchy Vegetables (Juice)
    Beans/Peas Vegetables

    Other Vegetables (Juice)
    Starchy Vegetables

    Fruit Juice
    Other Vegetables

    Whole Grains
    Dark-Green Vegetables (Juice)

    Not-Whole Grains
    Red-Orange Vegetables (Juice)

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