Item Reporting
The Item Reports page allows you to find and print item reports from the Item Reports page. Search for your items to create views and reports based on each of the criteria listed on this page to narrow the search.
Report Name
The Report Name field allows you to select the chosen report from the drop-down menu.
Inventory Category
The Inventory Category field indicates the type of inventory WebSMARTT will search to print. The default selection is set to All. Use the drop-down menu to search specific inventory categories.
Item Type
The Item Type indicates the item type to be printed. The default setting for this field is All. Use the drop- down menu to search the specific item type.
Data Source
The Data Source drop-down menu allows you to select the type of Data Source to be printed. The default setting for this field is All.
Item Status
The Item Status field indicates the item status to be printed. The default setting for this field is All.
Display Type
The Display Type field toggles how the item report will be displayed. You can generate a report in Report Viewer or as a PDF.
The Range field drop-down menu allows you to select the range. Based on what you select, the search window will refresh with new fields of entry. The default setting for this field is All.
Business Process
Select a Business Process to view items containing the selected process on the report. To display all items, uncheck all business processes.
Select the View Button to view the report.
The Cancel button terminates any requests to search for a report and returns you back to the Item Management page.