Nutrients Tab

Nutrients Tab

The Nutrients Tab is used to enter all the nutrient information for basic foods. Recipe and prepared food items use the nutrients from the basic food ingredients to build nutrients for the entire recipe. Only the nutrients required by USDA are entered here.
There are three ways of adding nutritional information to an item. If the item is the same as an item that is listed in the USDA database, you can link the USDA item to your item number and use the nutrient values that are in the USDA item. If the nutrients change on the USDA item, your item will be updated. You can also copy nutrients.This option will copy nutrients from another item in your database.If the source nutrients change, the item will not be automatically updated. You can also manually enter nutrient information.

Note: Nutrient information can be listed on packaging using the USDA or FDA label formats. WebSMARTT displays this information in the FDA format.

Enter a dash to indicate a missing nutrient value instead of a zero or a blank. If the nutrient amount is actually zero, enter a zero. A dash indicates that you do not know what the value should be.

Get Nutrient Information From
There are several ways to enter nutrient information.

Items that are linked to NSSM items will show USDA in the Nutrient Source field. This link will be limited to the nutrient information of an item. Enter the item ID to select an item. You cannot edit the nutritional information of a linked item without editing the item it is linked to.

This option lets you copy the nutritional information from another item and makes it editable on the new item.

Calculate from Recipe Ingredients
This option will calculate nutrient values through summing the nutrients from a recipe ingredient. This option is selected by default.

Manual Entry
This option lets you manually enter information from a nutritional label.

Date Last Modified
This is the date that this item was last changed.

Modified By
This field shows who edited the item last.

Nutrient Source
This field displays where the nutrient information came from.

Portion Size
You can either base the portion size on a standard 100 grams of the item, or define a specific serving size.

Note: Changing the Portion Size while editing nutrients will result in those nutrients being set for the new size data.

Nutrient fields
The remaining fields let you specify the number of calories water, fat, and so on for that item. Most of these are in standard units, but some of the vitamins also let you enter the quantity as a percentage of the recommended dietary allowance for that nutrient. You can pick the appropriate unit from the drop-down menus so that you are entering units in the same format as the product label you are copying. If you do not supply all of the nutrient data, you will see a warning after saving moving to the next tab.

Note: The trans fat value is provided for informational purposes only and is not used for monitoring purposes.

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