Item Search
On the Item Search page, you can enter one or more criteria about an item to filter by, or you can browse from all available items by the first letter of the item name.
Searching for Items
Item ID
Each item has a specific ID associated with it. If you know this ID, you can enter it to find a particular item.
Item Description
This field lets you search for any item containing a particular term in its Description field. For example, you could search for any item containing "apple," which would show you apples, apple juice, applesauce, and any other item associated with apples.
Data Source
Each item in WebSMARTT is associated with a particular data source. This filter option lets you limit your search to a particular source. District sources include those specific to your school district. USDA sources are defined by the USDA, and System sources include the WebSMARTT default items. The All option will search all available sources.
Note: You cannot edit USDA items in Item Management.
Item Type
Items can be one of three types: Basic Food, Recipe, and Non-Food. Basic Food includes any consumable item that is not prepared by the district. Recipe items are consumable items that are prepared using Basic Food items. Non-food items include utensils, trays, napkins, and other non-edible items used in food service.
Note: The Prepared item category from previous versions of WebSMARTT has been removed. These items now fall under the Recipe category.
Item Status
This option lets you search by Item Status, including Active items, Non-active items, Discontinued items, and Incomplete items.
Inventory Category
Items are grouped into a number of different categories, such as Bread and Dairy. These categories will vary from district to district. You can use this option to limit your search to a particular category.
USDA Category
You can restrict the search to items that fall under a particular USDA category. These categories cannot be edited.
Contains Ingredient Desc
This option lets you search for an item that contains a particular ingredient.
Contains Allergens
Selecting this option will display a number of allergens that you can search for. For example, you can search for any item containing eggs, peanuts, soy, or any of a number of other common allergens.
Note: Only items that display with bold Allergen links contain allergens.
Business Process
You can limit your search to items that are used in a particular business process. These include Ordering, Inventory, Menu Planning, Production, and POS Items.
Browse by First Letter
You can also click the first letter of an item name to display all of the items that begin with that letter.
After entering your search criteria, click the Search button to filter for the items.
Search Results
After clicking the Search or Browse option, a list of all items matching your criteria displays beneath the Search area. This list includes the Item ID, Item Description, Inventory Category, and Scale Recipe.
- Clicking the ItemID and Item Description column headers will sort the list based on that column.
- Clicking an individual Item ID will display the Item Detail screen about that particular item. This provides a quick summary of the information contained in that item.
- For recipes, the Scale Recipe column lets you perform conversions for different numbers of servings.
- Clicking the Edit link for an item enables you to edit that item.
- Clicking the Add/Copy link lets you create a new item based on an existing item.
- Clicking the Add New Item button launches the Item Setup tool, enabling you to create a new item from scratch.