


Some improvements with the newest upgrade require additional steps. Those Improvement steps are noted here.

Add State Reimbursed Reduced Enrollment Counts

 Applicable to Districts who receive State Reimbursed funding only.


Location: From the Checklist, select Post Operating Day.

In the Daily Figures tab, note Sate Reimbursed Reduced enrollment counts.

Location: From the Reports and Letters tab, select Claims for Reimbursement. Then, select Claim Worksheet.


Return to Batch Button

From Newton POS

Location: After batches have been served, the End Batch window allows the ability to Return to Batch to continue serving.

Search by Item Cost on Search Transaction

Location: From the Point-of-Sale tab, locate Review Transactions.

Select the batch# and click Search.

Place a checkmark in the Item Cost box and enter a price. Then, click Refresh.

More Info on the Edit POS

Location: From the Point-of-Sale tab, locate Review Transactions.

Select the batch# and click Edit/Review.

Cafeteria Setting to Allow Main Machine to Operate Independently

Location: From the Administration and Maintenance tab, locate Cafeteria Setup. Then, select Cafeterias.

Select the cafeteria and click the Edit button.

Select the Settings tab. Scroll down to the Serving Line options and locate Allow Main-Machine to Operate Independently. Place a check mark in the box and click Ok.

Parameter to Control Edit-Check Rounding

Location: From the Administration and Maintenance tab, locate System Settings. Then, select the Misc Values tab.

A là Carte Totals Split by Student and Adult

Location: From the Reports and Letters tab, locate Meal Summary in the Before Posting tab and After Posting tab.