Newton Historical Release Notes
Newton Historical Release Notes
Newton 3.1
New Features
- NEWTON-232 - Credit-Card payments from Serving Line
- NEWTON-260 - Add support for CCSD Plugin
- NEWTON-266 - Exclude Schools from Claim
- NEWTON-236 - Use OLD POSID after merge
- NEWTON-238 - Option to run meal summary without entering blind deposit
- NEWTON-240 - Allow/Disallow charging for Adults vs Students
- NEWTON-242 - Prevent using really old line data
- NEWTON-247 - Fruit/Vegetable Requirement Change
- NEWTON-248 - Validation of Default Charge Limits on Cafeteria Parameter screen
- NEWTON-252 - Improve the Photo Importer's error handling
- NEWTON-263 - Add date range on Function Key Sales report
- NEWTON-264 - Hid Credit Card Payment Button
- NEWTON-267 - Add StateCode in lieu of ExportCode for Claim Exports
- NEWTON-269 - Provision 2 percentages not calculating through claim correctly
- NEWTON-234 - Improved the error message when attempting to synchronize schools when a duplicate school number would result
- NEWTON-235 - Fixed a bug that was causing datacenter synchronization to fail with an error when synchronizing merges to records that had previously participated in pos transfer adjustments
- NEWTON-239 - Fixed a bug that was causing an error when starting a serving line for a past day if there existed transfer records to or from students who were no longer active
- NEWTON-249 - Fixed a bug that was causing datacenter synchronization to fail with an error when synchronizing merges to records that had previously participated in central-office transfer adjustments
- NEWTON-250 - Fixed a bug that was causing ampersands in touch screen menu button captions to be invisible
- NEWTON-254 - Fixed a bug that was showing the incorrect total breakfast count on the claim report (did not include Severe Need), even though the total reimbursement amount was correct
- NEWTON-258 - Fixed a bug that prevented using offline mode without an open operating day
- NEWTON-259 - Fixed a bug that was allowing the user to attempt serving line transfers to function key customers
- NEWTON-261 - Fixed a bug in the Vending Wedge software that prevented troubleshooting measures from running automatically when palm scanning failed
- NEWTON-264 - Fixed a bug in the Claim Worksheet that was incorrectly displaying district totals when some schools have different rates than others (Severe Need)
- NEWTON-273 - Fixed a bug that was causing the "Accept Credit Card Payments" serving line parameter to function incorrectly
- NEWTON-274 - Fixed a bug that was causing an error to occur when attempting to manual initiate a transfer on the serving line when on the item and payment screen
- NEWTON-275 - Fixed a bug that was preventing the grade filter on the letter generation screen from working properly
Newton 3.0
New Features
- NEWTON-226 - Add the ability to programmatically query supper program meal counts
- NEWTON-231 - Datacenter Attachment Utility
- NEWTON-227 - Fruit/Vegetable Requirement for Offer-vs-Serve
- NEWTON-229 - Update Icon & Ribbon
- NEWTON-230 - Biometric enrollment report
- NEWTON-225 - Fixed a bug that was causing an error during end-of-year if there existed claim periods in the past
- NEWTON-228 - Fixed a bug that was causing the default mailing letter report to only print the first 22 labels in a batch
- NEWTON-233 - Fixed a bug that was causing an error when attempting to run the master customer list report with 2 levels of grouping
Newton 2.9
New Features
- NEWTON-136 - Add RSS News Feed Reader
- NEWTON-140 - User Activity Log Report
- NEWTON-141 - Cafeteria Parameters for Default Payment Allocations
- NEWTON-143 - Cafeteria Parameter to require cash for alacarte
- NEWTON-144 - Recovery Utility for Bad Batch Data
- NEWTON-148 - Rapid-Prepayment Utility
- NEWTON-150 - Serving Line Setting to Sing Happy Birthday
- NEWTON-152 - New External Balance Changes Report
- NEWTON-153 - Net High-Charges Supervisor Alert
- NEWTON-154 - Individual High-Charges Supervisor Alert
- NEWTON-155 - Outstanding Charges Report
- NEWTON-157 - Implement Claim System
- NEWTON-159 - Temporary Status Report
- NEWTON-160 - Serving Line Setting to Hide Quick-Pay button
- NEWTON-162 - Customer Change Tracking Report
- NEWTON-164 - Before Posting At-Cost Meal Report
- NEWTON-174 - Scheduled Reports
- NEWTON-177 - Customizable Report Menus
- NEWTON-182 - Spending Limits
- NEWTON-183 - Money Transfers on the serving line (Principal charges)
- NEWTON-201 - Default Cafeteria Filter
- NEWTON-209 - Pin Pad Implementation - XKeys Barcode/LCD
- NEWTON-217 - Laramie Principal Account Customizations
- NEWTON-218 - Data Set for Customer Pending Balance
- NEWTON-223 - Supper Program
- NEWTON-142 - Show Schools on Cafeteria Maintenance Grid
- NEWTON-145 - Add Ending date to Account Statement
- NEWTON-146 - Add Letter History to Account Statement
- NEWTON-147 - Ability to Customize Bank Deposit report
- NEWTON-149 - Reload posting screen after reviewing POS batches
- NEWTON-156 - Add Subtitle to Student Roster
- NEWTON-158 - Add 'Cafeteria Filter' to Void and Edit Comments
- NEWTON-161 - Fix Dead Buttons on POS Customer Dashboard
- NEWTON-163 - Increase Max Comment Length of POS_TRANSACTION comments
- NEWTON-165 - More After-Posting Report options
- NEWTON-166 - Auto-Refresh Search for Purchases
- NEWTON-167 - Automatically move reimbursable to unallocated when change to Free
- NEWTON-170 - Cafeteria Parameter to exclude charges from certain letters
- NEWTON-173 - Update SPS customer integration to include the POSID when available
- NEWTON-181 - Serving Line Setting to Require Manager Approval to Edit/Void Sale
- NEWTON-188 - Import See-Manager Comments
- NEWTON-189 - Homeroom in data sets
- NEWTON-215 - Report Filter by School
- NEWTON-220 - EOY 2012
- NEWTON-175 - Fixed a bug that was causing errors on vending machines when using a shortened birthday for identification
- NEWTON-176 - Fixed a bug that was preventing the date/time stamp on custom report layout overrides from working without manually adding a script to each report
- NEWTON-178 - Changed the Federal Edit Check to look compare meal counts against the (attendance factor x eligible) rounded up to the next integer when looking for problems
- NEWTON-179 - Changed the edit-check warning detection at posting to round up instead of round nearest when comparing meals to eligibilty x attendance factor
- NEWTON-184 - Improved the error message when attempting to delete a reference menu config
- NEWTON-185 - Fixed a bug that was preventing the deletion of serving line configs
- NEWTON-186 - Fixed a bug that was preventing custom breakfast items from being mapped to individual vending machine motors
- NEWTON-191 - Fixed a bug that was causing an error when running the Master POS Customer List with multiple fields grouped
- NEWTON-192 - Fixed a bug in 2.9.0 Beta that was causing many Point-of-Sale operations to fail if deleted POS Customer records existed in the cafeteria
- NEWTON-194 - Fixed a bug in the beta that was causing an error when initiating a transfer from the POS Customer Dashboard
- NEWTON-195 - Fixed a bug in the beta version that was showing incorrect reimbursement amounts on the Profit and Loss report if no claim periods had been configured
- NEWTON-196 - Fixed a bug that was preventing retrieval of batches when running Newton in offline mode
- NEWTON-198 - Fixed a bug that made it possible to charge the principal account for a customer's entire negative balance
- NEWTON-199 - Fixed a bug that was causing an error running the Account Statement report when a customer had transactions occurring after the end date that did not affect the balance
- NEWTON-200 - Fixed a bug where the new serving line setting for 'Require Manager Approval to Edit or Void a Sale' was not behaving as expected
- NEWTON-202 - The Outstanding Charges can now be correctly sorted by grade
- NEWTON-203 - Fixed a bug that was causing an error when running SPS online payment exports while in transition mode
- NEWTON-204 - Fixed a bug that prevented editing a posted operating day if invalid enrollment data was manually entered
- NEWTON-206 - Fixed a bug that would occasionally prevent the database upgrade from completing
- NEWTON-208 - Fixed a bug where checklist items for printing before/after-posting reports were not automatically checking off
- NEWTON-210 - Fixed a bug that was causing an error when removing the See Manager Comments on a POS Customer
- NEWTON-211 - Fixed a bug that was preventing vending machines from communicating directly with Newton if the pinpad was configured for entering birthdays in the MMDDYY format
- NEWTON-212 - Removed a constraint that was causing an error to occur when trying to post a virtual cafeteria's operations when one or more of the fed-for schools had a negative deposit amount
- NEWTON-213 - Fixed a misspelling of the word 'Charges' on the Daily Recap report
- NEWTON-214 - Fixed a bug that was preventing reports from properly enforcing prerequisite conditions, such as blind deposit entry
- NEWTON-219 - Repaired damage from a past bug that was causing confusing between 'No Charge Limit' and 'No Charge Limit Override'. Updated customer maintenance screen to reflect clearer definitions for per-customer charge limits
- NEWTON-221 - Fixed a bug that was causing more parameter tracking records to be created than necessary when system settings changed
- NEWTON-224 - Fixed a bug introduced in 2.9.6 BETA that was causing the build POS Customers process to error when new records were created
Newton 2.8
- NEWTON-138 - Fixed incorrect titles on the configuration screens for input devices, cash drawers and receipt printers
- NEWTON-139 - Fixed a bug that was causing an error to occur when printing letters if the system-default parameters had been removed from the report layout
- NEWTON-151 - Fixed a bug that was causing each cafeteria to poll for account balance changes too frequently, causing a huge waste of network and server resources
- NEWTON-171 - Fixed a bug that was causing an error to occur when including the Reimbursable Meals Report in the Before Posting Reports list
- NEWTON-172 - Fixed a bug that was causing an error when closing a report before it finished loading
Newton 2.7
New Features
- NEWTON-100 - Ability to Accept SPS Full Upload Refresh
- NEWTON-106 - Current Eligibility Letter
- NEWTON-119 - Ability to customize the student roster report
- NEWTON-132 - Inventory Reconciliation Report
- NEWTON-133 - Price-Category Change Report
- NEWTON-109 - Prevent deleting system-defined DISTRICT_POSID records
- NEWTON-114 - Duplicate Students Conflicting POS IDs
- NEWTON-116 - Option to Filter by POS Customer Type on Reimbursable Meals Served Report
- NEWTON-117 - Separate security permission re-opening previous day
- NEWTON-118 - New fields in POS Customer Data Set
- NEWTON-120 - Synchronize Batch headers on Full-Sync
- NEWTON-121 - Change Meal Summary to Split-by School
- NEWTON-122 - Prompt for Offline Network Batches
- NEWTON-123 - Test-Mode Enhancements
- NEWTON-124 - Add "please" permission to High Variance Permission
- NEWTON-126 - Pick Customer Control for Datasets
- NEWTON-128 - Include Comments on Central-Office Adjustments Reports
- NEWTON-129 - Date/Time mismatch to online payments systems
- NEWTON-130 - After Posting Meal summary not printing in same order
- NEWTON-131 - Track EOY Clear Balance Records better
- NEWTON-115 - Fixed a bug that was preventing inactive customers from inactivating the corresponding School Payment Solutions records
- NEWTON-125 - Fixed a bug that was preventing the Alt-G shortcut for giving change on the serving line from working when using the 'Default to Giving Change' serving line setting
- NEWTON-134 - Fixed a bug that was causing the posting screen to consider voided transactions as live transaction when checking for Edit-Check Warnings
- NEWTON-135 - Fixed a bug that was causing an error to occur when printing the After Posting reports if the Reimbursable Meals Served report was checked
Newton 2.6
New Featues
- NEWTON-74 - Supervisor Dashboard
- NEWTON-75 - POS Maintenance without selecting cafeteria
- NEWTON-80 - Miscellaneous Cash Collected
- NEWTON-95 - Mass-Merge Tool
- NEWTON-61 - Printing blank report instead of message that no data exists
- NEWTON-64 - Enable 2011-2012 SY
- NEWTON-65 - Security Permission for Subscribing to Customers
- NEWTON-70 - Problem finding students w/spaces in last name
- NEWTON-72 - Show Total Cash Payments on Account Statement
- NEWTON-83 - Cafeteria Permissions for Viewing Supervisor Alerts
- NEWTON-94 - Changes to Palm Enrollment
- NEWTON-97 - Fingerprint Problems
- NEWTON-98 - Fingerprint Speed Problems
- NEWTON-103 - Newton Name Search vs Student
- NEWTON-77 - Fixed a bug that was causing serving-line attachment to be lost on the next program startup if the program had not been restarted since the workstation was attached to the cafeteria
- NEWTON-78 - Fixed a bug that was causing the Search for Transaction feature of the Review Transaction screen to include payment-only transactions when searching for a specific item or purchase type
- NEWTON-79 - Fixed a bug that was preventing serial-port devices from working when using ports COM10 or higher
- NEWTON-81 - Fixed a bug in the 2.6.0 internal build that was preventing the database upgrade from occurring under certain conditions
- NEWTON-82 - Fixed a bug in the account statement report that was showing the wrong running balance and invalid information in the adjustment amount on some of the line items
- NEWTON-84 - Re-enabled the numeric-match student number search on the student pick screen that was inadvertently disabled in 2.6.x
- NEWTON-85 - Fixed a bug in the End-of-Year process that was causing an error to occur if there existing delete-pending customer records that had palm vein templates associated with them
- NEWTON-86 - Fixed a bug that was causing an error to occur when attempting to edit letters
- NEWTON-91 - Fixed a bug in the WinFSCM Legacy Conversion that was causing an error when importing transactions
- NEWTON-92 - Fixed a bug that was causing Newton to use the wrong physical file names for prior-year database backups
- NEWTON-93 - Fixed a bug in the end-of-year process that was causing an error if there existed customers assigned to a feeder school that was pending deletion
- NEWTON-99 - Fixed a bug in the previous beta release that was preventing the proper DLLs from being distributed
- NEWTON-102 - Fixed a bug that was causing an Sql error to occur when running a user-defined report based on the Generic Sql Data set if the statement contained carriage-return or line-feed characters
- NEWTON-107 - Fixed a bug in the pick-customer form that was preventing multi-reimbursable accounts from showing up when trying to make a central-office adjustment
- NEWTON-108 - Fixed a bug in the Federal Edit Check report that was causing it to consider days that had no meals served in the Average Daily Attendance calculations
- NEWTON-110 - Fixed a bug that was causing the datacenter synchronization to fail when merging students in certain situations
- NEWTON-111 - Fixed a bug that was causing an error when synchronizing the local database if unicode characters existed in the customer data
- NEWTON-113 - Fixed a bug that was causing a NullReferenceException to occur when displaying the on-screen keyboard when non-standard font-sizes were configured
Newton 2.4
- NEWTON-1 - Fixed a bug that was allowing users to delete in-progress batches
- NEWTON-8 - Restore CSI_NEWTON_20101021 DB Select Cafeteria (1795) Colorado Springs Early Colleges On Point Of Sale Tab Select Maintenance Select Customers Search PRATT Select student Lindsay Pratt Select Account Statement Button On Statement Meal purchase on 9/16
- NEWTON-9 - Fixed a bug in the profit & loss report that was causing it to print as portrait orientation and truncate the column data despite the preview showing it in landscapeNEWTON-25 - Fixed a bug that was showing obsolete function key commands when editing a serving line config's function keys
- NEWTON-11 - Fixed a bug that was allowing the user to enter a comment longer than the maximum length when adding a POS adjustment
- NEWTON-12 - Fixed a bug on the Federal Edit Check that was causing the average daily participation to always round-down instead of rounding to the nearest integer value
- NEWTON-19 - Fixed a bug that was causing incorrect evaluation of reimbursable meals when editing a transaction on the serving line where a reimbursable and an at-cost item had been sold together
, multiple selections available,
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