Newton 3.5 Release Notes
Newton 3.5 Release Notes
New Features
- NEWTON-245 - Multiple Palm Sensor Support
- NEWTON-268 - Biometric Enrollment Troubleshooting and Enhancements
- NEWTON-276 - Yesterday's After-School Posting Counts
- NEWTON-277 - Biometric Enrollment Opt-in/Opt-out
- NEWTON-278 - Allergy System
- NEWTON-280 - Meals Per Labor Hour Report
- NEWTON-286 - School Maintenance Screen
- NEWTON-294 - Serving Line Instant Messenger
- NEWTON-295 - Messaging System
- NEWTON-296 - Option to Hide Balance on Student Roster
- NEWTON-300 - Grade Groups - Grade Groups and Grade Group Mapping Templates are first established. Next, grade group mapping is applied to Cafeterias. After mapping is complete, The Participation by Grade Group report can be run.
- NEWTON-301 - Custom Customer Category Codes - Once Customer Category Codes have been established, codes are reflected in the following reports: Master Customer List, Master POS Customer, and Student Roster. "Coded", "POS ID with Category Prefix Code", or "POS ID with Category Suffix Code" should be selected in report criteria.
- NEWTON-302 - Photo Capture on Serving Line
- NEWTON-303 - Subscribed Customer Purchase Detail
- NEWTON-306 - Customers with Allergies Report
- NEWTON-307 - User-Defined Letter Types
- NEWTON-308 - Permission Override Request Report
- NEWTON-312 - Items Sold to Inactive Students Report
- NEWTON-316 - POS Item Detail Report - The POS Item Detail report can be run as a Central Office report or from Item maintenance.
- NEWTON-325 - Split prepaid used and amount charged in SOD Meal Info table between Students and Adults
- NEWTON-244 - Palmsecure v31
- NEWTON-270 - Additional debug logging
- NEWTON-271 - A la Carte Totals split by student and adult
- NEWTON-279 - Parameter to Control Edit-Check Rounding
- NEWTON-290 - Cafeteria Setting to "Allow Main Machine to Operate Independently"
- NEWTON-291 - "Show Date Range Criteria" for Account Statement from Customer Maintenance
- NEWTON-292 - Student Roster enhancements
- NEWTON-293 - Change to Default Bank Deposit Layout
- NEWTON-297 - More Info on the Edit POS
- NEWTON-298 - Search by "item cost" on Search for Transaction
- NEWTON-299 - Return-to-Batch button
- NEWTON-304 - Sort options on See Manager Report
- NEWTON-305 - Change Black Hand Guide
- NEWTON-309 - Add State-Reimbursed Reduced Enrollment Counts
- NEWTON-317 - Format Provision 2 Base Year percentages to four (4) decimal places
- NEWTON-320 - Add support for DevExpress 12.2
- NEWTON-322 - Add a text description next to tri-state checkbox on customer biometric settings tab
- NEWTON-329 - DB Upgrade takes too long
- NEWTON-358 - Revert to PalmSecure v30
- NEWTON-359 - Photo.vdb3 workaround
- NEWTON-274 - Fixed a bug that was causing an error to occur when attempting to manual initiate a transfer on the serving line when on the item and payment screen
- NEWTON-275 - Fixed a bug that was preventing the grade filter on the letter generation screen from working properly
- NEWTON-281 - Added customer tracking for the various customer-level spending and charging limits
- NEWTON-284 - Added customer tracking for the various customer-level spending and charging limits
- NEWTON-285 - Added customer tracking for the various customer-level spending and charging limits
- NEWTON-289 - Fixed a bug that was causing a null reference exception error to be displayed when running the Principal Account Transfer Summary report with no principal account transfers
- NEWTON-311 - Fixed a bug that was causing a null reference exception error to be displayed when running the Principal Account Transfer Summary report with no principal account transfers
- NEWTON-318 - Fixed a bug in the RSS news reader that was preventing the 'Read More' link from working properly
- NEWTON-330 - Fixed a bug in 3.5.0 beta that caused an error during datacenter synchronization if new students had been added
- NEWTON-333 - Fixed a bug in 3.5.0 beta that caused an error during datacenter synchronization if new students had been added
- NEWTON-334 - Fixed a bug that was causing chat messages sent from the manager's PC to broadcast to all serving lines rather than send just to the selected line
- NEWTON-336 - Fixed a bug in the beta version that was causing an error when trying to save changes to system-defined letter definitions
- NEWTON-337 - Fixed a bug in the beta version that caused previously posted transactions to be lost when using the new After-School Counts feature
- NEWTON-338 - Fixed the incorrect form title on the allergen maintenance screen
- NEWTON-339 - Fixed a misspelling of 'reimbursable' on the second meal warning message
- NEWTON-340 - Fixed a bug in the line details report that was causing an error to occur when there existed transactions with no purchases
- NEWTON-341 - Fixed a bug that was causing an error during database upgrade under certain conditions
- NEWTON-343 - Fixed a bug in the Line Details report that was causing the total amount tendered to calculate incorrectly when both overpayments and multiple purchases existed on the same transaction
- NEWTON-344 - Fixed a bug that was preventing users from logging in when their report menu configuration referenced a report that could not be found
- NEWTON-346 - Fixed a bug in the Claims Needing Amendment report and the corresponding alert checker that caused an error to occur when it detected a school's data was missing from the claim period
- NEWTON-348 - Fixed a bug in the Function Key Sales report that was causing the Function Key description to be blank on the first record
- NEWTON-349 - Fixed a bug on the generic claim report that was preventing the state-reimbursed reduced rate from appearing on the report
- NEWTON-350 - Fixed a bug that was causing the date label to print incorrectly in the bottom-left corner of certain reports
- NEWTON-352 - Fixed a bug that caused an error on startup of the serving line on Windows Vista/7 if no sound card was present
- NEWTON-353 - Fixed a bug that was causing an error to occur when starting a serving line when running from offline data
- NEWTON-354 - Fixed a bug that was causing an error to occur when attempting to start a meal when running offline
- NEWTON-356 - Fixed a bug in the startup code that was preventing auto-upgrades on multi-user systems when changes were made to the photo database cache
- NEWTON-360 - Fixed a bug that was causing a several minute delay between the splash screen and the login screen when running as a restricted user with limited network access