Reimbursement Claims

Reimbursement Claims


Claims for reimbursement are submitted based on the number of eligible children within a month.  This number is determined by Newton for the highest day of the month in which free, reduced, and paid status students received benefits. The day of the month may vary between free, reduced, and paying students in order to gain the highest status per eligibility.

Setup Reimbursement Rates

  1. From the Admin and Maintenance tab, click on Miscellaneous Setup. Then locate and click on Claims and select Reimbursement Rates.

  2. In the Reimbursement Rate Periods window, ensure you have correctly input your reimbursement rates for the proper school year. If you have not yet established current school year reimbursement rates, click the column next to the asterisk * and enter the current school year.

  3. Enter school year rates as provided to you. State reimbursement rates do not apply to all states. Please check with your state agency for rates. Click Ok once you have completed setting up reimbursement rates.

Available Reimbursement Rate Programs

  • Federal Breakfast Free

  • Federal Severe-Need Breakfast Free

  • Federal Breakfast Reduced

  • Federal Severe-Need Breakfast Reduced

  • Federal Breakfast Full-Paying

  • Federal Breakfast State-Reimbursed-Reduced

  • Federal Headstart Breakfast

  • Federal Lunch Free (Se11+Se4)

  • Federal Lunch Reduced (Se11+Se4)

  • Federal Lunch Full-Paying (Se4)

  • Federal Lunch State-Reimbursed-Reduced

  • Federal Headstart Lunch

  • Federal Snack Free

  • Federal Snack Reduced

  • Federal Snack Full-Paying

  • Federal Snack State-Reimbursed-Reduced

  • Federal Headstart Snack

  • Federal Special Milk

  • Federal Supper Free

  • Federal Supper Reduced

  • Federal Supper Full-Paying

  • Federal Supper State Reimbursed-Reduced

  • Federal Headstart Supper

  • State Breakfast Free

  • State Severe-Need Breakfast Free

  • State Breakfast Reduced

  • State Severe-Need Breakfast Reduced

  • State Breakfast Full-Paying

  • State Breakfast State-Reimbursed-Reduced

  • State Headstart Breakfast

  • State Lunch Free (Se11+Se4)

  • State Lunch Reduced (Se11+Se4)

  • State Lunch Full-Paying (Se4)

  • State Lunch State-Reimbursed-Reduced

  • State Headstart Lunch

  • State Snack Free

  • State Snack Reduced

  • State Snack Full-Paying

  • State Snack State-Reimbursed-Reduced

  • State Headstart Snack

  • State Special Milk

  • State Supper Free

  • State Supper Reduced

  • State Supper Full-Paying

  • State Supper State-Reimbursed-Reduced

  • State Headstart Supper

Setup Claim Periods

  1. From the Admin and Maintenance tab, click on Miscellaneous Setup. Then locate and click on Claims and select Claim Periods.

  2. Establish claim periods. When you have completed setting up claim periods, click Ok.

    1. Enter a start date.

    2. Enter an ending date.

    3. Use the drop-down arrow in the Reimbursement-Rate Period and choose a school year.

    4. You can continue to enter claim periods or click the Auto-Fill button to complete setting up periods.

Designate Severe Need Schools

  1. From the Admin and Maintenance tab, click on Cafeteria Setup. Then locate and select Cafeterias.

  2. In the Cafeteria Maintenance window, choose the cafeteria that is severe need and click the Edit button.

  3. In the Setup Cafeteria window, select the Schools tab and select the checkbox in the Severe Need Breakfast option. Then, click Save & Close.

Complete the process for the other cafeterias which are Severe Need.

Creating a Claim

  1. From the Central Office tab, click on Claims under the Operations ribbon.

  2. In the Claims window, click the Add button to add a new claim.
    Note: You may change the list of displayed claims by clicking on the record switches.

    • Include draft claim records

    • Include current claim records

    • Include old claim records

  3. Select a claim period and click Ok.

  4. In the Edit Claim Record window, review claim record details.

  5. To make changes to counts, select a cafeteria. Then, click Edit Row.
    Note: It is recommended any changes be made before committing to a claim. Although claims can be amended after being committed, it increases the chances of audits.

    1. Enter a comment and your initials as to the reason edits are being made to a school site. When you are done, click Ok.

    2. Make any necessary changes to the cafeteria. If you need to make adjustments to other cafeterias, follow the same procedures.

    3. Once you have completed reviewing and editing a claim record, click the Save and Commit button. You can click the Save without Committing button if you need to make additional changes at a later time.

The newest claim period will appear that the top of the claims list.

Reporting Claims

From the Reports and Letters tab, click on Claims for Reimbursement.

Claim Report

This report will breakdown each school by the number of operating days, average daily attendance, average benefit enrollments, and non-reimbursable meals. The report further breaks down breakfast, lunch, and snacks and provides a reimbursable total for each meal. At the end of the report, the total reimbursable sum of all meals eligible at all locations is provided.

  1. Select the Claim option from the drop-down menu.

  2. Choose a claim period by using the drop-down box to run a report for a selected period. Then, click Ok.

  3. Review the Claim report. If everything is accurate, click the Printer icon to print the report or the Save icon to save the report.

Claim Counts YTD

This report allows you to review claim periods from the start of the school year to present date. You may choose to filter information for a specific school, schools in a cafeteria, schools in a region, schools in a cluster, or all schools. You additionally have the option to include or exclude details.

  1. Select the Claim Counts YTD option from the drop-down menu.

  2. Establish the parameters of the report. After you have established report parameters, click Ok to run the report.

    Starting Claim Period - Use the drop-down menu to select All Claim Periods for the current year.
    Filter by School - By default, All Schools are selected. Use the drop-down menus to narrow your selection.
    Options - You can choose to include or exclude details.

  3. Review the Claim Counts YTD report. Click the Printer icon to print the report or the Save icon to save the report.

Claim Worksheet

  1. Select the Claim Worksheet option from the drop-down menu.

  2. Choose a claim period by using the drop-down menu to run a report for a selected period. Then, click Ok.

  3. Review the Claim Worksheet report. Click the Printer icon to print the report or the Save icon to save the report.

Claims Needing Amendment

Claims that show a difference between original counts and counts for reporting can be located by running the Claims Needing Amendment report.

  1. Click on the Claims Needing Amendment option. 

  2. Review the Claims Needing Amending report. Click the Printer icon to print the report or the Save icon to save the report.

Amending a Claim

Amending a claim after it has been committed increases the chances of an audit.

  1. From the Central Office tab, click on Claims under the Operations ribbon.

  2. In the Claims window, select the claim you wish to amend and click the Edit button.

The Amend Claim window will open informing you the claim has already been committed. If you would like to amend the claim, click Yes and follow the same procedures as you would when editing a claim prior to committing.

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