Customers with Allergies Report
Customers with Allergies Report
The Customers with Allergies report information allows you to view student numbers, student names, and food allergies.
Step 1: From the Reports & Letters tab, locate Customer Info. Then, select Customer Allergies.
Step 2: Set the Customers with Allergies details you wish to be included in the report.
- Filter by Cafeteria - Choose to run the report by a Specific Cafeteria, Region, or Cluster by using the drop-down menu or choose to include the Entire District.
- Include POS Customer Types
- School Fed by Cafeteria
- Automatic Feeder Rules
- Feeder School
- Feeder Group
- Manual Subscription
- Guest
- None
- Options
- Include Multi-Reimbursable Accounts
- Allergens - All allergens are selected by default. Use the drop-down arrow to select a specific allergen.
- Sort By - Choose how to sort the report results.
- Student Number
- Name
Step 3: Once you have completed setting Customer Allergies options, click Ok to generate the Customer Allergies report.
, multiple selections available,