Newton 2.5 Release Notes
Newton 2.5 Release Notes
New Features
- NEWTON-2 - Serving line maintenance User Interface for configuring per-motor vending machine items
- NEWTON-6 - Vending machine locator tool to help locate and identify vending machines on the network
- NEWTON-7 - Support for integration with Franklin via Datacenter
- NEWTON-13 - Agent-Mode operation which logs real-time payment updates from SchoolPaymentSolutions to the serving line
- NEWTON-14 - Newly Added POS Customer report
- NEWTON-15 - Posting Summary that shows which cafeterias have or have not posted
- NEWTON-19 - Support for Fujitsu PalmSecure palm vein scanners
- NEWTON-21 - Items Sold by Customer Report
- NEWTON-22 - Purchase Detail and POS Transaction Detail data sets for use in exports and user-defined reports - Purchase Details and POS Transaction Details have been added to Exports and User-Defined Reports. This option allows custom exports of all Newton data that can be developed so the information can be utilized in other systems or for self-analysis in an application such as MS Excel. See User Defined Reports for more information.
- NEWTON-29 - POS Launcher Local-Deploy
- NEWTON-30 - Ability to design and run user-defined reports
- NEWTON-32 - Biometric enrollment report that lists students enrolled with biometric data
- NEWTON-3 - Labor Hours and Misc Income and Expenses spreadsheet/data entry problems
- NEWTON-4 - Widen column on Federal Edit Check
- NEWTON-16 - Added Date-Range Criteria to Items Sold Report
- NEWTON-17 - Added Warning when voiding a transaction with a non-zero amount tendered
- NEWTON-18 - Cash Tendered column added to the Double Card tool's detail grid
- NEWTON-20 - Popular Item Report Enhancements
- NEWTON-23 - Grade and Homeroom fields added to the Transaction Receipt report
- NEWTON-26 - Rewrite MCSFingerprint.dll in C#
- NEWTON-31 - Time added to the date range filter and report display of the online payments report
- NEWTON-34 - Change PalmSecure to Use 'With Guide' mode
- NEWTON-35 - Sync Issues on Status
- NEWTON-36 - Check the Web for External Plugin Updates
- NEWTON-42 - Include Operating Days in Month Criteria on All Cafeteria Letters
- NEWTON-43 - Export Code on School & Cafeteria
- NEWTON-59 - Polling for Account Balance Changes
- NEWTON-60 - Network Drop Recovery
- NEWTON-62 - Resize Check Tally Screen/Blind Deposit screens
- NEWTON-63 - 64-bit Fingerprint Support
- NEWTON-5 - Fixed a bug in the vending wedge web-admin that was causing it to display the wrong authentication type in the line setup
- NEWTON-28 - Removed the student photo synchronization step from the Datacenter Synchronization process, which was overwriting photos imported directly into Newton
- NEWTON-37 - Fixed a bug when posting virtual cafeteria transactions that was causing it to include voided transactions and non-deposit affecting adjustments in the bank deposit
- NEWTON-33 - Fixed a bug in the See Manager report that was causing it to include all central office comments regardless of cafeteria selected
- NEWTON-39 - Fixed a bug that was preventing the system from grouping by user-specified fields
- NEWTON-40 - Fixed a bug that was preventing the Student Roster from grouping by the user-specified group field
- NEWTON-41 - Fixed a bug in the line-details report that was causing it to always show all meals regardless of the user-selected meal types
- NEWTON-44 - Fixed a bug that was causing an error when merging customer records (either manually or when synchronizing merges from DataCenter) under certain conditions
- NEWTON-45 - Fixed a bug that was causing the last digit of the POSID to be double-entered if 'Auto-Enter Customer POSIDs' was enabled and a message alert (such as second-meal warning) was displayed on the last keystroke
- NEWTON-47 - Fixed a bug in the text file specification editor that was causing the field name and types to mismatch when rolling the mouse wheel over the 'add-new' row
- NEWTON-48 - Fixed a bug in the user-defined export maintenance screen that was preventing changes to the dataset to be reflected in the layout editor until after changes were saved
- NEWTON-49 - Fixed a bug in the text-file exporter that was preventing 'Ignored' fields from exporting as their Format string
- NEWTON-51 - Fixed a bug that was causing central office adjustment comments to be truncated to 80 characters
- NEWTON-54 - Fixed a bug in the Generic SQL Data Set that was causing an Argument Out of Range exception to occur when displaying user-defined reports that prompted for cafeteria
- NEWTON-57 - Fixed a bug that was causing an error to occur when attempting to reopen a past day under certain conditions
- NEWTON-58 - Fixed a bug that was causing ampersands to be doubled in the menu path displayed at the bottom of reports
- NEWTON-66 - Fixed a bug that was causing an error to occur on the serving line when enrolling and legacy fingeprint templates existed and the legacy engine could not be instantiated
- NEWTON-67 - Fixed a bug that was causing the xrLabelTodaysDate templated label from properly updating to the current date on user-defined reports
- NEWTON-68 - Fixed a bug that was causing occasional program crashes when running a meal on networks that drop sql server connections
- NEWTON-71 - Fixed a bug that was causing a NullReferenceException to occur when subscribing to a guest from a serving line without fingerprint support when the guest customer had a fingerprint template enrolled from another school
- NEWTON-73 - Fixed a bug that was ignoring manual changes to district-assigned POSIDs until the next full POS Customer rebuild