Biometric Enrollment Opt-in/Opt-out

Biometric Enrollment Opt-in/Opt-out

The Biometric Enrollment Opt-in/Opt-out function allows the ability for a customer to opt-in or opt-out of biometric enrollment. The "not specified" option is set by default and enrollment is allowed. If a student has chosen to "opt-out" of biometric enrollment, the serving line will not allow the process to be performed. 


Step 1: From the Central Office tab, locate Customer Maintenance.

Step 2: Enter a name, student number, or SIS Data and click the Refresh button.

Step 3: Select the student whose biometric information you wish to adjust and click Edit.

Step 4: Click on the Biometrics tab. Click Ok after you have made changes.

  • Allow Biometric Enrollment - The default setting is indicated by the blue-gray square. Click in the box to opt-in (checkmark) or opt-out (no mark) of biometric enrollment.
  • Biometric Enrollment Information - Indicates the date and time captured, the person who enrolled the student, the type of device/setting used, and on which line the enrollment occurred.
  • View History - Bring up the Biometric Enrollment Report showing all biometric enrollment dates and details. 

     Biometric Enrollment Report - Click here to expand details of the View History option.

  • Delete Biometric Data - Allows the option of deleting all biometric data for the student.

     Delete Biometric Data - Click here to expand details of deleting biometric data.

    The Delete all biometric data window appears. Click Yes to continue.

    You will receive a message once the data has been successfully deleted.

Warning Notification

If trying to enroll a student in biometrics and they have chosen to opt-out, you will receive a message stating the student has opted out of biometric enrollment. You will not be allowed to bypass the warning and continue enrollment.