The Refund Page allows you to refund account cash from a customer's account balance. You may select to refund the entire balance or a portion of the balance. The amount is automatically deducted from today's cash.
Entire Balance
Select if you would like to refund the entire amount of cash in the customer's account. If you select this, the Account Cash field will gray out.
Portion of Balance
Select if you would like to refund a portion of the customer's account balance. Then, fill out the appropriate amount in the Account Cash field.
Account Cash
If you selected Portion of Balance (above) enter the amount of cash that you would like to refund from this customer's account.
Accounting Date
This date will default to the system's date. You may change this date. This reverse/refund will show on reports for the date selected. The Bank Deposit for the date selected will also be affected.
Lunch Credits
The current number of lunch credits in this customer's account. Meal credits are refunded at the amount for which they were purchased.
Breakfast Credits
The current number of breakfast credits in this customer's account. Meal credits are refunded at the amount for which they were purchased.
Account Cash
The current amount of cash in this customer's account.
To prevent multiple refund transactions for the same balance, WebSMARTT does not allow a refund for a customer account that has an unapplied prepayment or refund. If a refund is attempted, the user receives the following message: Refund not permitted. Customer has a prepayment and/or refund that is unapplied.
Click here to learn:
How to refund a prepayment