Customer Information
The Customer Information page provides details specific to the customer and the customer's status.
Sites can now add adult customer records. This new feature allows a global search for adults. This allows you to search to see if an adult who is to be added is already in the Central Office database. They may be currently setup at a different site. If that is the case, you could call the Central Office and have them transfer them to this site. If the record is not already entered at the Central Office, you can create an Adult customer record with grade AD and status Adult. First, last, and middles names for adult customers can also be modified after they've been added.
Selecting Adjustment takes you to the Adjustment page where you can adjust this account without affecting the bank deposit.
Eligibility Information
Selecting Eligibility Information takes you to a page displaying all the meal status information for a specific customer. For more information, see Eligibility Information.
Selecting Prepayment will take you to the Prepayment page.
Selecting Prepayment History takes you to the prepayment information for the specific customer selected. For more information, see Prepayment History.
Selecting Refund will take you to the Refund page.
Sales History
Sales History takes you to the history of items and meals purchased or charged by a specific customer. For additional information, see Sales History.
Account History
Account History takes you to the history of all account transaction of a specific customer. For additional information, see the Account History Report.
District Information
Displays basic information on the customer selected. The Bar Code, Homeroom, Bus Code, and Language fields can be modified.
Last Name
Displays the customer's last name.
First Name
Displays the customer's first name.
Displays the customer's middle initial. Only one character is allowed.
Customer ID
Displays the customer's ID. The Customer ID is a required field. It is a unique identification number of the customer. This number can be up to 12 digits. Once a customer ID has been entered, it cannot be changed. This field is numeric only. It can also be used as the Point of Sale ID number. The Customer ID number must be unique throughout the district.
Bar Code
Displays the customer's bar code. This field is a supplemental ID that needs to be unique within a site, but not necessarily throughout the district. It is printed on each customer's WinSNAP access card or bar code roster. The Point of Sale can use either the Bar Code or the Customer ID to access the customer's information. Often, it is the same as the customer ID. This field is editable.
Displays the customer's homeroom. Indicates the homeroom in which the customer is enrolled. If running POS Client, this customer will appear in a list along with all the other customers in this same homeroom. This field is editable.
Previous Site
Displays the customer's previous site. Indicates the previous site, if any, where the customer record appeared.
Displays the customer's grade.
Bus Code
Displays the customer's bus code. Enter the code for the bus on which this customer arrives at the daily site. The bus code can be used to sort customers arriving at the same time for a breakfast Graphic Terminal Point of Sale Session. This field accepts both alpha and numeric characters.
Track ID
Displays the customer's track ID. This field is not currently linked to a specific function in WinSNAP at this time, but can be used for unique district needs. For example, one district used this field to track students that were in school 9 months vs. all year round. They entered the letter N (for nine month students) into the Track ID field for all 9-month students. When the district or site wanted a list of these specific students, they sorted the report using the Track ID field - On the Customer reports screen, the bottom right hand corner (How to sort the report?), select Track as the Level 1 sort option. Keep in mind when you use this field it is considered a customization of the program, and may require special upkeep in the future.
Family Code
Displays the customer's family code. If your Student Information System offers this field, it can be imported into WinSNAP. The Family Code Exceptions Report will report students who have the same family code with different statuses. This field is 15 characters in length.
Displays the customer's language and offers a drop-down menu to change the language selection. The choices are English and Spanish. If you select Spanish, any customer letters generated for this customer will print in Spanish.
Race Code
Select the customer's race code from the combo box. The choices are American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian, Black or African American, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, Other, White and Two or More Races. This field defaults to "Other". If you have entered additional codes through Setup | Customer #4, they will also be available here for selection.
Ethnic Code
Select the customer's ethnic code from the combo box. The choices are Hispanic or Latino or Not Hispanic or Latino. This field defaults to blank.
Attendance Status
Displays the customer's attendance status. Indicates if the customer's attendance status is enrolled or withdrawn. The field defaults to Enrolled.
Record Code
Displays the customer's record code. Indicates if the customer's record is active, inactive, or used by the program (system). The field default is Active.
A System Record should be used for special events, bulk entry and catering only. In the case of bulk entry, it allows you to sell multiple meals to a single account without being charged 2nd meal prices. System Records are normally used for special accounts such as the football team or principal's account. The Record Code Field is where you set up System Records to use for special events, bulk entry and catering.
Account Information
The Account Information Page details the meal credits, spending limits and cash account for a specific customer. Most of the fields on this topic can be modified except Breakfast Credits, Lunch Credits and Account Cash. These fields are calculated based on the charges and prepayments made to the customer's account.
Breakfast Credits
Breakfast Credits indicates the number of breakfast meal credits available for a customer. This field is automatically calculated based on the activity on the customer's account.
Lunch Credits
Lunch Credits indicates the number of lunch meal credits available for a customer. This field is automatically calculated based on the activity on the customer's account.
Account Cash
Account Cash indicates the amount of cash available in a customer's cash account. This field is automatically calculated based on the activity on the customer's account.
Unapplied Breakfast Credits
The number of breakfast credits that have been entered for this customer but have not been credited to their account. This amount will be credited once the amount has been replicated back to the site.
Unapplied Lunch Credits
The number of lunch credits that have been entered for this customer but have not been credited to their account. This amount will be credited once the amount has been replicated back to the site.
Unapplied Account Cash
The amount of cash that has been entered for this customer but have not been credited to their account. This amount will be credited once the amount has been replicated back to the site.
Credit Limit
Credit Limit is the maximum individual credit limit. The Credit Limit Field can be set if $0.00 is the default entered on the Setup | Point of Sale Tab. This would be the maximum total amount the customer would be able to charge on their account.
Allow pre-paid account cash to be used for ala carte? (checkbox)
A checkmark in this box indicates that this customer is allowed to purchase ala carte items using their pre-paid account cash. If you do not have a checkmark in this field, the customer can only purchase meals with the money in their cash account. The default for this field is checked.
Allow charges to account for ala carte items? (checkbox)
A checkmark in this box indicates that this customer is allowed to charge ala carte items using their pre-paid account cash. If you do not have a checkmark in this field, the customer cannot charge ala carte items to their cash account. The default for this field is checked.
Daily Spending Limit
The Daily Spending Limit is the maximum amount a customer can spend daily for meals. When a child spends more than the limit defined, a message displays at the Point of Sale that the daily spending limit was exceeded. We suggest removing items until the child is within the daily spending limit.
Weekly Spending Limit
If you choose to use Weekly Spending Limits, see WebSMARTT Setup Tasks. The Weekly Spending Limit is the maximum amount a customer can spend at the Point of Sale during the course of a week. If you enter a daily spending limit larger than the weekly spending limit, a warning will appear noting that the daily amount cannot be greater than the weekly limit. Select OK to close the message window and adjust the limits so that the daily limit is less than the weekly limit.
Terminal Display
You can enter a special message in the Terminal Display Field that will appear when the customer's account is accessed at the point of sale. An example would be "See Manager" or "NSF – no checks". It is not necessary to enter a customer's first name in this field unless it is different than the information in the First Name Field. The Point of Sale display defaults to the customer's name. Information entered in this field displays at the Point of Sale when the customer is selected.
Dietary Restrictions
The Dietary Restriction Field is used to enter any known dietary issues or restrictions such as lactose intolerance, vegetarian diet, etc. This field will display on the Point of Sale terminal display when the student makes a purchase to alert the cashier to visually check for restricted items on the tray.
General Information
Displays address, guardian information, and other information about a selected customer. No fields in this area can be modified. The information needs to be updated at the Central Office through WinSNAP. The only exception is for Adult customers. For Adult customers the Birth Date field can be entered or altered.
Address 1
The Address 1 Field represents the home mailing address of the customer. There are two lines available for address information.
Address 2
The Address 2 Field represents the home mailing address of the customer. There are two lines available for address information.
City is the location where the customer lives.
State is the location where the customer lives.
Zip is the zip code of the customer. This field can accommodate up to 10 digits 12345-6789 (the dash counts as a digit).
Phone Number
Phone Number is the customer's home phone number. A guardian work number can be listed if there is an application for this customer.
Guardian is the name of the customer's immediate guardian. This information can be manually entered, or obtained from the mainframe system if available.
Birth Date
Birth Date is the customer's birth date. For Adult customers only, this field can be entered or altered.
SSN is the customer's social security number. This is not for the guardian's SSN. That can be recorded separately in the application program if necessary. The number can be entered with the dashes - For example 555-55-2563. If your district does downloads from your Student Information System, make sure the format used in WinSNAP is the same as the Student Information System. Only the last four digits of the SSN are displayed on the Customer Information screen.
Gender is the customer's gender. This field defaults to "Unknown".
Customer Meal Details
Customer Meal Details shows the meals and locations where the customer eats, as well as some user defined fields.
Home Site
Home Site indicates the primary or main site where the customer is currently enrolled or employed.
The Meals field indicates which meals the customer is eligible to receive at his/her home site. The program defaults to Breakfast & Lunch.
Options are:
- Breakfast & Lunch: The customer receives both meals at the home site.
- Breakfast Only: The customer receives only breakfast at the home site.
- Lunch Only: The customer receives only lunch at the home site.
- None: The customer receives no meals at the home site.
Alt Site
Alt Site indicates an alternate or part time site that this customer may attend. For instance, if a customer attends a special technical school for the second half of each school day, that site would be indicated here. To be used, the customer should be at this site every day for the meal session(s) indicated. This is most often used for a combo school scenario, where 2 different schools share one serving site.
Meals indicates the meals which the customer is eligible to receive at the alternate site. The program defaults to None.
Options are:
- Breakfast & Lunch: The customer receives both meals at the alternate site.
- Breakfast Only: The customer receives only breakfast at the alternate site.
- Lunch Only: The customer receives only lunch at the alternate site.
- None: The customer receives no meals at the alternate site.
User String 1
User String 1 can be used to track specific district information. The field is available to filter and select records in the report filter and can be viewed and printed, but is not attached to any report. A custom report can be created to utilize this field according to the district's needs. An example for this field might be to track lost card charges, morning bus codes (if different from afternoon), field trip dates (to print a list from) etc.
User String 2
User String 2 can be used to track specific district information. The field is available to filter and select records in the report filter and can be viewed and printed, but is not attached to any report. A custom report can be created to utilize this field according to the district's needs. An example for this field might be to track lost card charges, morning bus codes (if different from afternoon), field trip dates (to print a list from) etc.
User Date 1
User Date 1 can be used to track specific district information. The field is available to filter and select records in the report filter and can be viewed and printed, but is not attached to any report. A custom report can be created to utilize this field according to the district's needs. An example for this field might be to track lost card charges, morning bus codes (if different from afternoon), field trip dates (to print a list from) etc.
User Date 2
User Date 2 can be used to track specific district information. The field is available to filter and select records in the report filter and can be viewed and printed, but is not attached to any report. A custom report can be created to utilize this field according to the district's needs. An example for this field might be to track lost card charges, morning bus codes (if different from afternoon), field trip dates (to print a list from) etc.
User Currency 1
User Currency 1 can be used to track specific district information. The field is available to filter and select records in the report filter and can be viewed and printed, but is not attached to any report. A custom report can be created to utilize this field according to the district's needs. An example for this field might be to track lost card charges, morning bus codes (if different from afternoon), field trip dates (to print a list from) etc.
User Currency 2
User Currency 2 can be used to track specific district information. The field is available to filter and select records in the report filter and can be viewed and printed, but is not attached to any report. A custom report can be created to utilize this field according to the district's needs. An example for this field might be to track lost card charges, morning bus codes (if different from afternoon), field trip dates (to print a list from) etc.
The Notes field can be used to enter any additional information for this customer. This field is not available to filter and select records in the report filter.
Apply Button
Click Apply to save any changes made to the record.
Reset Button
Reset clears any changes that were made to the customer's information.
Cancel Button
Click Cancel to cancel any changes made to the record. The changes will not be saved and you will return to the Customer Find page.