Item Management Report List
This section contains a description of the various item management report types available in WebSMARTT.
Contribution Item List
The Contribution Item List generates a list of items with contributions, as well as subgroups and attributes for each contribution record. This report only lists items that have contribution records.
Discontinued USDA Item Usage Report
Items the USDA tags as discontinued are kept in the Child Nutrition Database for one Release (version) to allow users sufficient time to replace data that will be removed in subsequent versions of the Child Nutrition Database. The Discontinued USDA Item Usage Report displays a printable list of any items from the USDA Child Nutrition Database that are in use and marked as discontinued. This includes recipes, nutrients, and menu plan templates that are linked to the discontinued items.
Inventory Categories Report
The Inventory Categories report displays a printable list of the category, storage bins, receiving bins, physical inventory category and JIT ordering for each inventory category. This report should be printed after the setup of all items and their categories have been completed.
Item List Report
The Item List report displays a printable Iist of items including the 10, description, cost, and units of measurement for each.This report should be printed after an initial install, the beginning of the year, and any time the listing of an item dramatically changes. Store the list in a safe place as a backup in case of an emergency.
Item List by Allergen Report
The Item List by Allergen report displays a printable Iist of all the items that are designated as having allergies, sorted by the allergen. When generating the report, two new filters are available: Contains Allergen and Facility Allergen. The Contains Allergens filter will narrow the list to items that actually contain the allergen. The Facility Allergen filter will narrow the list to items that are prepared in the presence of the selected allergen. For example, selecting "peanut" under Contains Allergen will limit the list to items that actually have peanuts, such as peanut butter, whereas selecting "peanut" under Facility Allergen will include any items that are exposed to peanuts during preparation.
Item List by Attribute Report
The Item List by Attribute report displays a printable list of all items by their associated, user-defined attribute, such as "Kosher" or "Certified Organic."
Item Measurements Report
The Item Measurements report displays a printable list of the measurement descriptions by code, description, and source. This report should be printed after the setup of the measurement descriptions has been completed.
Item Inventory Information Report
The Item Inventory Information report displays a printable list of specific item information related to inventory, along with the item's measurements.
Menu Plan Item List
The Menu Plan Item List report displays a printable list of item information related to items that are included in menu plans.
Nutrients per 100 Grams Report
The Nutrients per 100 Grams report displays a printable list of items and their calculated nutrient values per 100 grams. To meet USDA requirements, an asterisk ( * ) has been added to the right of nutrients if ingredients have missing nutrients. You can filter the report by USDA Category for easier organization. This report should be printed when item setup is completed and when items are added or changed.
Important : You can generate a Nutrients per 100 Grams report with as many items as you have available. However, reports that list a large number of items can take a long time to generate. For quicker results, you should use the report filters to narrow the number of items listed on the report.
Note: The trans fat value is provided for informational purposes only and is not used for monitoring purposes.
Recipe Composition Report
The Recipe Composition report displays the composition of a recipe with ingredients and nutritional information that can be printed for your records. At the end of the report, you can find nutritional information for each serving. This report should be printed when a recipe setup is completed and when a recipe is added or changed.
Note: The trans fat value is provided for informational purposes only and is not used for monitoring purposes.
Recipe Information Report
The Recipe Information report displays printable recipe instructions with ingredients.
Note: The trans fat value is provided for informational purposes only and is not used for monitoring purposes.
Recipe Cross Reference Report
The Recipe Cross Reference report displays, by Item ID, the recipes that contain that specific item that can be printed for your records. This report should be printed when a recipe setup is completed and when a recipe is added or changed.