Measurement Descriptions
The Measurement Descriptions page allows you to search for specific measurement descriptions. Once the measurement description is located, you can setup, edit, and delete the description.
It is good practice to always search for a measurement description prior to adding a new one to avoid duplicates. If you can't find the measurement description you need, you can add a new description by clicking on the Add button.
Description Contains
The Description Contains field allows you to enter a measurement description to be searched. The measurement descriptions must be unique. This will prevent an item from being associated with measurements containing the same description creating a duplicate text when selecting a measurement. Make the comparison case insensitive.
Abbreviation Contains
The Abbreviation Contains field allows you to search for a measurement description by its abbreviation.
Data Source
Select the type of Data Source from the drop down menu. This drop down allows you to search for measurement descriptions by its source. Choices are All, System, USDA, and District.
Select the Type of measurement from the drop down menu. Choices are Weight, Volume and Auxiliary.
Measurement Uses
You can search by how the measurement is used. Choices are All, Unassigned, Ordering & Inventory, Serving & Ingredient and Ordering/Inventory & Serving/Ingredient.
Select the Search button to search for the measurements that match the search criteria.
Records per Page
The "Show records per page" drop-down menu allows you the option to view 10, 25, 50, and 100 records per page.
Select the Add button to add a new measurement.The Add New Measurement Description Page will open.
The Cancel button terminates any requests to search for a measurement descriptions and returns you back to the Item Management page.