System Settings

System Settings



System Settings is where the client will set the parameters that will be utilized throughout the system.

For the initial setup, please use the Setup Checklist to record when each section is complete.


Opening System Settings

This procedure is used to access all processes in the System Settings section.

Locate and click the Administration and Maintenance tab. Next, click on the System Settings option.

For changes in multiple areas click Apply after completing modifications in each tab. Clicking Ok will save changes and close the window.

District Info

The District Information Section is where you tell the system about your District.

Select the District Info tab to enter District information.

District Name - The name of the District (Not editable. Set by MCS/DataCenter).
District Code - Abbreviated code for your District (Not editable. Set by MCS/DataCenter).
MCS ID - A numeric identifier for your District (Not editable. Set by MCS/DataCenter).
Address Line 1 - District's mailing address.
Address Line 2 - District's mailing address continued or P.O. Box.
City - District's city.
State - District's state.
Zip Code - District's zip code.


The Miscellaneous section contains information that does not fall under the other categories.

Select the Miscellaneous tab to enter miscellaneous setup information.

Backup Path Relative to Client

Some users may not have a backup path relative to client due to rights established by the District.

Backup Path Relative to Server

If a network path is used, be sure the SQL server user log in being utilized has the appropriate permissions to write to the chosen network location.

Max Parallel Database Connections

Increasing this number may improve performance on some processes, but may also increase the load on the SQL server.

News and Announcements

News and Announcements can be blocked for individual roles by revoking their permissions to News and Announcements under Administration and Maintenance → Security → Permissions.

Prior-Year Expiration Date - Enter the expiration date of the prior-year applications. Click the ellipsis icon to open a calendar.
Current School Year - Select the current School Year from the drop-down menu.
Backup Path Relative to Client - Enter the location where the system will place backups relative to the workstations.
Backup Path Relative to Server - Enter the location where the system will place backups relative to the servers (usually a folder on the server's local drive).
Skip alert check for users that cannot see details - Select this option to skip Alert Checks at startup for users who do not have access to the alert details.
MySchoolApps Integration ID - If your District utilizes the MySchoolApps service, enter the Integration ID number (supplied by MCS Software).
Database GUID - The GUID for the current database (not editable).
Max Parallel Database Connections - Enter the maximum number of database connections to use when processing parallel operations against the database.
Show News and Announcements on Startup - Select this option if you want News and Announcements to be displayed at startup (leave unchecked to disable this option).
Auto-Assign Student Numbers - Select this option if you want student numbers to be automatically assigned.
Auto-Assign Student Numbers Format - The number format designates a range of numbers to attach to student files when using the Auto-Assign Student Numbers option.
Shrink the log after database upgrades - By default, the database and log files are shrunk after upgrades.
Target Log Space Available (MB) - Specify the maximum space allowed for database shrinkage. In most cases, the default value, 1024 MB (1 GB), is sufficient.

Direct Certification

The Direct Certification Section allows you to choose DC options, including Letter Queuing, State Match Fields, and DC Eligibility Priority.

Select the Direct Certification tab to establish direct certification setup information.

For additional Direct Certification Details, please refer to the Direct Certification section of the Setup Guide.

Queue DC Letters Warning

If this option is not selected prior to importing Direct Certifications, letters will not be queued for printing. If letters are not queued for printing, there is not an option to go back and print letters at a later time.

DC File Source

If you have enabled "Require DC Source" and a DC File Source is missing in the import file or when manually entering DC status in the Edit Student screen, the system will stop the process.


What It Does

School Type

Overrides the DC Free status with the School Type status. e.g. Disaster Relief will take precedence over DC status

Decline Benefits

Overrides the DC Free status when benefits have been declined.

Free Special Circumstances

Overrides the DC Free status with one of the free Special Circumstances/user-defined special circumstances except for SS: Declining Benefits. Declining benefits will always override DC Free.

Reduced/Paying Special Circumstances

Overrides the DC Free status with one of the reduced/paying Special Circumstances/user-defined special circumstances except for SS: Declining Benefits. Declining benefits will always override DC Free.


What It Does

School Type

Overrides the DC Reduced status with the School Type status. e.g. Disaster Relief will take precedence over DC status

Decline Benefits

Overrides the DC Reduced status when benefits have been declined.

Free Special Circumstances

Overrides the DC Reduced status with one of the free Special Circumstances/user-defined special circumstances except for SS: Declining Benefits. Declining benefits will always override DC Free.

Reduced Special Circumstances

Overrides the DC Reduced status with one of the reduced Special Circumstances/user-defined special circumstances except for SS: Declining Benefits. Declining benefits will always override DC Free.

Paying Special Circumstances

Overrides the DC Reduced status with one of the paying Special Circumstances/user-defined special circumstances except for SS: Declining Benefits. Declining benefits will always override DC Free.

Free Application

Overrides the DC Reduced status if a "Free Application" status exists.

Temporary Free Status

Overrides the DC Reduced status if a "Temporary Free Status" exists.

Queue DC Letters - Select this option to queue Direct Certification Approval Letters at time of approval.
Enable Multi-Child DC Letters - Groups all children residing in a Direct Certification household into one household letter versus separate letters for each child.
Require DC Source - If enabled, the system will require a DC Source when importing the DC File and when manually editing a student record as Direct Certification.
State Match Field - Use the drop-down menu to select the field to be used for a State DC Match (Student Number (Exact), Student Number (Numeric), SIS Data (Exact), SIS Data (Numeric), Student SSN, SIS Key).
Free DC Overrides - Place a checkmark in the box to determine when to override Free DC statuses.
Reduced DC Overrides - Place a checkmark in the box to determine when to override Reduced DC statuses.



DataCenter is used to house student information and pass and accept information between MCS programs.

Select the Datacenter tab to establish appropriate Datacenter options.

Database Guid - The identifier of the currently attached DataCenter database (not editable).
Next-Year Guid - Next year's DataCenter database identifier. This field will be blank if the End of Year is not enabled in DataCenter.
Add Inactive Students - Select this option to add inactive students from the database when downloading.
Special Circumstances Update Mask - Select one or more Special Circumstances that can be applied to an application ((Select All), Severe Need, Homeless, Indian Reservation, Migrant, Per Administrator, Runaway, Institutionalized, Headstart Free, Headstart Reduced, Disaster Relief, Foster Child, Declining Benefits, Emancipated Free, Emancipated Reduced, Emancipated Paying, Per Administrator Reduced, Per Administrator Paying).
Load All Students into Memory on Full Sync - Select this option to load all students when performing a full sync with DataCenter.
Force Full Refresh on Next Sync Upload - Select this option to send student eligibility data up to Datacenter on the next sync upload.
Force Full Refresh on Next Sync Download - Select this option to pull Datacenter's schools, grades, tracks, Provision 2, and student demographic data into Franklin on the next sync download.


The Reports section allows you to set a default Confidentiality Statement and custom Headers that will appear in all reports.

Select the Reports tab to establish appropriate reports options.


Delete text in the Report Titles that will not be used. 

Report Title 1 - Enter the first default title line that will appear on all reports.
Report Title 2 - Enter the second default title line that will appear on all reports.
Report Title 3 - Enter the third default title line that will appear on all reports.
Confidential Data Statement - Enter the default confidentiality statement that will appear on all reports containing confidential data.
Show Names as Last, First - Select this option to list students in a last name, first name order.
Hide Site Code/School Number - Suppresses all site codes and school numbers from reports.
Sort Schools by Name instead of Number - Sorts schools by their school identification number instead of the name of the school.

Application Processing

The Application Processing section allows you to configure how applications are handled in the system.

Select the Application Processing tab to establish appropriate application processing options.

The Numeric and Alpha-Numeric rules can be configured by selecting the gear icon to the right of the drop-down menu.

Regular Expression Case Number rules can be configured by selecting the gear icon to the right of the drop-down menu

Regular Expression Case Number rules can be configured by selecting the gear icon to the right of the drop-down menu

Zero-Income Evaluation Update

The USDA has made changes regarding eligibility and the expiration of temporary approval statuses. From the USDA Eligibility Manual for School Meals (www.fns.usda.gov/cnd/Guidance/EliMan.pdf) Part 3 - Section G: A child’s eligibility is in effect from the date of eligibility for the current school year and up to 30 operating days in the subsequent school year. However, this does not apply when the initial eligibility determination was incorrect or when verification of household eligibility, including verification for cause, does not support the level of benefits for which the household was approved. In those instances, officials must make appropriate changes in eligibility.

Stated Does Not Qualify Meaning

If Process normally if otherwise eligible is selected and an application is marked "Does Not Qualify" and an application can be processed as Free or Reduced, the system will process as Free or Reduced; otherwise, the application will process as "Does Not Qualify".

Stated Does Not Qualify Meaning Exception
If Require Income: Do not require and Stated Does Not Qualify Meaning: Process normally if otherwise eligible are selected and "Does Not Qualify" is checked on an application where the income box is left blank, the application will not process as "Free/ Free-Zero Income".

SNAP/TANF/FDPIR Case Number Validation Rules - Use the drop-down menu to select a SNAP validation type (Numeric Case Number, Alpha-Numeric Case Number, None, Regular Expression Case Number, Custom Plugin). Then, click the gear icon to establish validation configurations.
Share SNAP/TANF/FDPIR Case Numbers - Use the drop-down menu to select when to share SNAP case numbers of students on the same application (Always, When No Income, Never).
Case Number Recipient Name Validation - Use the drop-down menu to select how recipient names are verified (Must be non-blank, No validation required, Regular Expression, At least two letter first and last names).
Multiple Application Rules - Use the drop-down menu to select which application to use if multiple applications are available.
Best - Uses the application with the best status.
Newest - Uses the most recent application.
Zero-Income Evaluation - Use the drop-down menu to select which evaluation option to use for zero-income applications (Only use Zero-Income App if it is newest, Zero-Income is better than Reduced, Zero-Income is worse than Reduced).
Zero-Income Expiration Days - Set the number of days a Zero-Income Application is eligible for free meals before expiring.
Require Income - Use the drop-down menu to select how to handle incomes (Do not require, At least one household member or student, Every household member, Every household member and student).
Stated Does Not Qualify Meaning - Use the drop-down menu to determine the meaning of "Does Not Qualify" (Process normally if otherwise eligible, Treat the application as denied, Decline all benefits).
Apply Special Circumstance from Application - Select this options if Special Circumstances are noted on an application and you wish to keep a record of those circumstances.
Information Releases for Keyed Apps - Use the drop-down menu to enable information release options to display when keying applications.

Application Review

This section allows you to configure the application review process. Application types can be set for a review hold and various review tolerances can be adjusted depending on the District's needs.

Select the Application Review tab to establish application review options.

Hold Applications for Review


What It Does

Hold All Online Applications for Review

Places all applications imported from an online system into the review queue.

Hold All Scanned Applications for Review

Places all applications scanned into the system into the review queue.

Hold Free DC Students for Review

Places all applications where a student has a DC Free source flagged in the system into the review queue.

Hold Reduced DC Students for Review

Places all applications where a student has a DC Reduced source flagged in the system into the review queue.

Hold SNAP/TANF Applications for Review

Places all applications where SNAP/TANF case numbers are reported into the review queue. If the student is DC for SNAP/TANF/FDPIR/Unspecified, the review reason is ignored.

Hold Zero Income Applications for Review

Places all applications where income entered is "0" or left blank into the review queue.

Hold Foster Students for Review

Places all applications with students noted as "Foster" into the review queue.

Hold Applications Signed by Emancipated Minors for Review

Places all applications with students identifying as an emancipated minor into the review queue.

Hold Applications with Duplicate Incomes for Review

Places all applications where household income and frequency is the same into the review queue.

Hold Applications with Student Incomes for Review

Places all applications where student income is noted into the review queue.

Hold Second Applications with Increasing Benefits for Review

Places all applications where a second application will result in an increase of benefits into the review queue.

Hold Second Applications with Decreasing Benefits for Review

Places all applications where a second application will result in a decrease of benefits into the review queue.

Hold Special Circumstances Application for Review

Places all applications where Special Circumstances have been noted into the review queue.

Hold Students at CEP Schools for Review

Places all applications for students enrolled at a CEP school into the review queue.

Hold Applications using a Duplicate Email Address for Review

Places all applications where an email address is identical into the review queue.
Note: Enabling this option may significantly slow down the system as each email address on file will need to be queried to locate potential duplicates.

Hold Inactive Students for Review

Places all applications where a student is inactive in the system into the review queue.

Hold Applications with Duplicate Applicant Names for Review

Places all applications where a name is identical into the review queue.

Confident Match Rules: Low Second Score

Confident Match Rules for Low Second Score if enabled looks at both the Must have high score. Enables low score and additional options.

Confident Match High Score and Confident Match Low Score

Confident Match High Score and Confident Match Low Score work in conjunction with each other to determine if a single student is a confident match. e.g. The match scores are set at 2000 (high) and 1000 (low). The system contains a Susan White and Susan Whyte. The score difference for Susan White's application must be greater than the 1000 point threshold to be considered confident. If Susan Whyte's score is within the 1000 point threshold, the system cannot determine if the students are the same person and application will be held for review in order to manually match students to an application.  

Automatic Review Queue Rules

Knowledge of SQL language is required in order to define formulas. Contact someone familiar with SQL language or your IT department to assist you if you choose to utilize this function.

Hold Applications for Review - Select which applications should be automatically held for review.

Refer to the "Hold Applications for Review" information section for details of each of these settings.

High Total Members - Holds the application for review if the household contains the same or more members than the set threshold.
High Total Income - Holds the application for review if the total household income is the same or exceeds the set amount.
Low Total Income - Holds the application for review if the total household income is the same or below the set amount.
Second Application too Soon - Holds the application for review if a second application is received the set number of days from the first application.
High Zero-Income Count - Holds the application for review if the amount of zero-income applications is the same or more than the set threshold.
Confident Match Rules - Select one or more rules for a fuzzy match result to be considered confident Low Second Score, Exact Birthdate, Exact School).
Confident Match High Score - The high score must be above the set number for a fuzzy match to be confident.
Confident Match Low Score - The second highest score must be below the set number for a fuzzy match to be confident.

Application Reference Number is Read-Only - Select to make the reference number read-only. When editing, the user would be unable to make changes to the reference number (reference number is always read-only for online applications).
Automatically enter Edit-Mode when no students have been processed yet - During Application Review, automatically toggle to Edit Mode (without prompting for comments) if none of the students on the applications have been processed.
Auto-Accept Ignorable Problems for DC Students - Ignorable problems (such as incomplete, suspicious income, etc.) will not cause the application to be held for review if the student is currently DC Free.

Automatic Review Queue Rules - Click the ellipsis icon to enter a User-Defined Formula to establish custom Automatic Review Queue Rules.

Letter Printing

The Letter Printing section allows you to choose printing options, including sort orders, which letters to automatically queue, and amount of warning days before sending letters.

Select the Letter Printing tab to establish each of the appropriate letter printing options.

Overwrite Notification Letters - Replace unprinted notification letters if a newer letter is placed in the queue.
Multi-child Letters - Place all students on a single application on the same letter (when possible).
Sort Order - Select the order that the letters in a batch will be printed from the drop-down menu.
Batch size - Set the maximum size of a letter batch.
Zero-Income Warning Days - Set the number of days before expiring a Zero-Income application to queue a warning letter.
Verification Expiration Warning Days - Set the number of days before expiring a Prior-Year Eligibility Status to queue a warning letter.
Queue Application Processed Letters - Automatically generate a letter when an application is processed.
Queue Economic Survey Processed Letters - Automatically generate a letter when an economic survey is processed.
Queue Economic Survey Incomplete Letters - Automatically generate a letter when an economic survey is incomplete.
Queue Zero-Income Expiration Letters - Automatically generate an expiration letter when a Zero-Income Status expires.
Queue Prior-Year Expiration Letters - Automatically generate an expiration letter when a Prior-Year status expires.
Queue Verification Expiration Letters - Automatically generate an expiration letter when a Zero Income Status expires due to incomplete/incorrect verification information.
Queue Stated Does-Not Qualify Letters - Automatically generate a letter is a household marks the selection that they "Do Not Qualify" for benefits.
Queue Area-Eligible Grace Period Letters - Automatically generate a letter is a student is enrolled in an area eligible school

Grace Periods

Grace Periods allows you to set the number of days that a student can maintain their current benefits status when their benefits are decreasing.

Select the Grace Periods tab to establish each of the appropriate grace period options.

Grace Period Days - Enter the number of days to allow students to remain on their old status when benefits are decreasing.
Give Grace Period on Edit Application - Choose an action from the drop-down menu regarding Grace Periods for application edits that result in decreased benefits (Yes, No, Prompt).
Give Grace Period for Verification Expiration - Select this option to give a grace period for applications expiring due to incomplete/incorrect verification responses.
Apply Grace-Period when Decreasing Benefits - Select the starting date to begin the grace period before decreasing benefits.

Apply Grace Period when Decreasing Benefits

To Reduced or Paying Application

To Incomplete Application

From Permanent Status

  • None

  • From Process Date

  • None

  • From Process Date

From School Status

  • None

  • From Process Date

  • None

  • From Process Date

From Prior-Year Status

  • None

  • From Process Date

  • From Process Date, but no earlier than Existing Expiration

  • From Existing Expiration Date

  • From Process Date, but no later than Existing Expiration

  • Use Existing Expiration Date

  • None

  • From Process Date

  • From Process Date, but no earlier than Existing Expiration

  • From Existing Expiration Date

  • From Process Date, but no later than Existing Expiration

  • Use Existing Expiration Date

From Temporary Status

  • None

  • From Process Date

  • From Process Date, but no earlier than Existing Expiration

  • From Existing Expiration Date

  • From Process Date, but no later than Existing Expiration

  • Use Existing Expiration Date

  • None

  • From Process Date

  • From Process Date, but no earlier than Existing Expiration

  • From Existing Expiration Date

  • From Process Date, but no later than Existing Expiration

  • Use Existing Expiration Date


To DC Reduced

When Both Application and DC Reduced Grace Periods Exist

From Permanent Status

  • None

  • From Process Date

  • Use DC Reduced Grace Period

  • From DC Reduced Grade Period, but no earlier than App Grace Period

  • From End of App Grace Period Date

  • From DC Reduced Grade Period, but no later than App Grace Period

  • Use App Grace Period

From School Status

  • None

  • From Process Date

From Prior-Year Status

  • None

  • From Process Date

  • From Process Date, but no earlier than Existing Expiration

  • From Existing Expiration Date

  • From Process Date, but no later than Existing Expiration

  • Use Existing Expiration Date

From Temporary Status

  • None

  • From Process Date

  • From Process Date, but no earlier than Existing Expiration

  • From Existing Expiration Date

  • From Process Date, but no later than Existing Expiration

  • Use Existing Expiration Date



The scanning section allows you to set options utilized when scanning in applications.

Select the Scanning tab to establish appropriate scanning options.

'Numeric-Only' Options

 Selecting a 'Numeric Only' option increases the accuracy of numeric values, but prevents alphabetic characters from being recognized by the system.

Batch Size - Enter the number of scanned applications per batch.
Recognize Student ID as Numeric-Only - The system only recognizes numeric values in the Student ID.
Recognize Case Numbers as Numeric-Only - The system only recognizes numeric values in benefit case numbers such as SNAP, TANF, FDPIR.
Skip Q/A of 'I Do Not Qualify' Apps without Income - Skips the QA process where an applicant has chosen "I Do Not Qualify" and leaves income values blank or noted as "0."/
Auto-Select Confident Fuzzy Matches - Automatically accept confident fuzzy matches without prompting the user.
Auto-Process after Q/A - Automatically process batches after completing the Scanning Q/A process.
High-Quality Scaling in Q/A - Displays smoother images when showing the large application image in Scanning Q/A (may decrease performance on some workstations).
Date to use for 'Receive Date' - Choose which date to be listed as the Receive Date (Use Delivery-Bag Received Date, Use Scan-Date).
Default to Filtering by School when fuzzy-matching - Defaults the fuzzy-match form's 'Filter by School' state to "Filtered" when matching students on scanned applications.
Scan contents after counting delivery bags - Automatically move to the Delivery Bag Contents screen and start scanning after entering the delivery bag counts.
Prompt for Delivery Bag Fields - Use the drop-down menu to select which prompts to look for when completing delivery bag details ((Select All), Reference Code, Received Date, Sent from School by, Date sent from School, From School, From Location Code, Reported App Count, Reported App Count, Reported Supporting Document Count, Date Sent to Sorting, Batch Count, Unrecognizable Apps, Rejected Apps, Discarded Apps, SNAP/TANF/DC Letters, Other Documents, Sorted By, Date Sent to Scanning).
Require Total Members if Zoned - Requires total members count to be present if the area is zoned.


The Verification section allows you to set the sample type and application amounts for District Verification.

Select the Verification tab to establish appropriate verification data options.

Sample Pool

A Sample Pool is defined as the number of approved applications from which the sample percentages are calculated.

Franklin 8.0.X Versions




3% of all applications (max 3000) taken from error prone


1% of all applications (max 1000) taken from error prone + 1/2% of all case-number applications (max 500)


3% of all applications (max 3000)


Sample Type Information

Franklin includes the USDA Verification sample set options as amended in Section 105 of the re-authorization act. Most Districts are required to use the Basic Rules: 3% of all applications (max 3000) option. To qualify for the second and third option, please refer to the Verification Activity document mentioned above. It is also recommended that districts confirm the use of this option with their State Department.

Expiration Date - Enter the date to expire the Verification samples. Verification grace periods (if any) will begin on this date.
Sample Type - Select the type of sample verification to generate (USDA: Standard, USDA: Alternate 1, USDA: Alternate 2).
Percent of Eligible Applications to Pick - The percentage of eligible applications Franklin will pick for verification (in addition to case-number applications for a USDA: Alternate 1 sample type).
Maximum of Eligible Applications to Pick - The maximum number of eligible applications Franklin will pick for verification (in addition to case-number applications for a USDA: Alternate 1 sample type).
Percent of Case-Number Applications to Pick - The percentage of case-number applications Franklin will pick for verification (USDA: Alternate 1 Sample only).
Maximum of Case-Number Applications to Pick - The maximum number of case-number applications Franklin will pick for verification (USDA: Alternate 1 Sample only).
Sample Populations As-Of - Set the month and day cutoff to use when evaluating the verification pool to help Franklin determine the required sample size.
At the beginning of the day - Select this option if the sample size is to be based on the beginning of the day chosen above.
Count Non-Pickable Applications in the Sample-Pool - Includes non-pickable applications, such as a DC student with an application on file, towards the sample pool.
For-Cause Expiration Days - The number of days that applications selected for verification are given to respond before expiring. Grace periods (if applicable) begin at expiration.

Terminology Chart

Old Term

New Term




Alternate 1


Alternate 2


Additional Changes to Note

In order to maintain existing functionality, the terms BasicFocused, and Random have been updated to Custom: BasicCustom Focused, and Custom: Random.

To reduce confusion, the existing functionality has been modified in the following ways:

  • Custom: Basic has been updated to disable the Percent of Case-Number Applications to Pick and Maximum of Case-Number Applications to Pick options as the system does not utilize information in those fields for verification.

  • Custom: Focused remains the same to allow all options to be modified.

  • Custom: Random has been updated to disable the Percent of Case-Number Applications to Pick and Maximum of Case-Number Applications to Pick options as the system does not utilize information in those fields for verification.

The new USDA Sample Types are as follows:

  • USDA: Standard is not editable and defaults to 3.00 Percent of Eligible Applications to Pick and 3000 Maximum of Eligible Applications to Pick of error prone applications.

  • USDA: Alternate 1 is not editable and defaults to 3.00 Percent of Eligible Applications to Pick and 3000 Maximum of Eligible Applications to Pick at random.

  • USDA Alternate 2 is not editable and defaults to 1.00 Percent of Eligible Applications to Pick, 1000 Maximum of Eligible Applications to Pick of error prone applications PLUS 0.50 Percent of Case-Number Applications to Pick and 500 Maximum of Case-Number Applications to Pick in lieu of income information.


The Email section allows you to configure your email settings. Contact your IT department for SMTP setup details.

Select the Email tab to establish appropriate email options and establish how email should be set up.

Relay to SMTP Server - Select to send email messages utilizing a SMTP Relay Server.
Hostname - Enter the SMTP Relay Server host name or IP address.
Port - Enter the SMTP Relay Port Number (typically 25 for non-SSL, and 465 for SSL).
Enable SSL - Select to enable SSL Communication with the SMTP Relay.
Authentication Mode - Select an authentication mode.
Anonymous - Select to use Anonymous Authentication.
Basic - Select to use Basic Authentication (Enter the Username and Password in which emails will be sent and received. You
may wish to contact your IT department to establish a separate email account for notification emails.).
Windows - Select to use Windows Authentication
Send to Pickup Directory - Select this option to send email to the user-specified folder instead of relaying through a SMTP server.
Email on Failure Address - Select this option to send an email to the email address listed when a job fails. You can add multiple addresses by separating them with a comma.


The End-of-Year section allow you to establish settings for the End-of-Year Process.

End-of-Year processes should only be performed at the end of the school year and with the most recent version of Franklin as indicated in the End of Year/Beginning of Year documentation.

Select the End-of-Year tab to establish appropriate end-of-year options.

Keep Statuses for Inactive Students - Gives prior-year statuses to inactive students.
Set Students at Provisions 2 sites to Prior-Year Free - Gives prior-year status to students enrolled at Provision 2 schools.
Set Students at Community Eligibility Option schools to Prior-Year Free - Gives prior-year free status to those students established as community eligible.
Clear SIS Overrides - Resets all SIS Override flags such as change of address or head of household at end-of-year.
Clear Manual Special Circumstances - Clears all manually set special circumstance flags at end-of-year.
Clear Automated Special Circumstances -Clears all automatically set special circumstance flags at end-of-year.
Clear Information Release - Resets all information release flags collected from online/scanned applications and shared with other agencies at end-of-year.

Custom Strings

Custom Strings allows a District to modify/customize up to 30 user-defined information release fields to be used in conjunction with paper and online applications.

Select the Custom Strings tab to establish appropriate user-defined data.

Click the arrow > to expand a section. Next, click in the correct column of Custom Text and enter text, Then, click Apply to save changes.

Independent Application Review

The Independent Application Review section allows you to establish percentages of each application type for independent reviews. Independent reviews will allow you to have a second pair of eyes on the reduce the number of possible errors that occur during the review process By conducting independent reviews, configure the application review process. Application types can be set for a review hold and various review tolerances can be adjusted depending on the District's needs.

Select the Application Review tab to establish percentages of applications to select for independent application review.


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