Edit Check Report
The Edit Check prints a listing showing the number of eligible students by status, number of students attending school, and the number of students that actually ate on a particular day.
Note: The Edit Check report when run through WebSMARTT includes Alt Site numbers.
The enrollment figure on the Edit Check Report is found on the Setup | Site | Details Tab in the Student Enrollment field. This figure is automatically calculated based on the number of customer records attached to a site and you cannot manually change this number. If this number is incorrect, you may not be running DailyEvents. DailyEvents is one of the scheduled tasks that should run every day. It calculates total free and reduced customers by site for edit check purposes.
The Edit Check report can be run daily once the POS sessions have ended for the day.
Note: The Edit Check report also shows an asterisk and disclaimer when there are Provision 2 site figures for breakfast or lunch during that month. The asterisk is displayed beside the appropriate session's figures.
When to Print this Report
The Edit Check report can be run daily once the POS sessions have ended for the day. Make sure Daily Events and PullData have been run before printing this report to ensure accurate numbers.
Primary Table Source
This report is generated from the OPSumm and POSTransHist tables.