After Posting

After Posting


After Posting reports reflect all information gathered after posting an operating day. 

From the Reports and Letters tab, locate and click on After Posting.

The following After Posting Reports now have the ability to "Run for each school in the school filter." This allows the report to be run separately for each school while grouping the entire District together in one file for ease of printing and distribution.

  • At Cost Meals (After Posting)
  • Function Key Sales (After Posting)
  • Meal Summary (After Posting)
  • Void and Edit Comments (After Posting)

Adjustment Details

The Adjustment Details (After Posting) report shows the final transaction details affecting deposits (payments and refunds) and non-deposits (corrections and transfers). The transaction date and time, user completing the transaction, customer POS ID, customer name, amount, check number/check date (if applicable), and transaction totals are included in the report.

  1. Click on Adjustment Details located in After Posting.
  2. Establish Adjustment Details - After Posting options. Then, click Ok.

    Cafeteria - Use the drop-down menu to select a cafeteria.
    Operating Date - Use the calendar tool to choose an operating date.

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Amount Tendered

The Amount Tendered report displays final amounts paid for each meal. The POS ID, meal benefit category, customer name, check number/date (if applicable), and amount is displayed for each monetary transaction. Additionally, line totals, meal totals, and total amount collected are displayed. 

  1. Click on Amount Tendered located in After Posting.
  2. Establish Amount Tendered - After Posting options. Then, click Ok.

    Cafeteria - Use the drop-down menu to select a cafeteria.
    Operating Date - Use the calendar tool to choose an operating date.

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At-Cost Meals

The At-Cost Meals report displays any meals which were sold at-cost. The serving line, transactions date, customer, item description and item cost are displayed and the total at-cost transactions.  If no at-cost occurred or issues have been cleared prior to posting the operating day, no information will be displayed in the report.

  1. Click on At-Cost Meals located in After Posting.
  2. Establish At-Cost Meals - After Posting options. Then, click Ok.

    Filter by Cafeteria - Select a cafeteria filter for your report.
    Date Range (inclusive) - Use the calendar tools to choose a date range.
    Run for each cafeteria in the cafeteria filter  - Select this option to run reports for all cafeterias in a selected cafeteria filter.

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Bank Deposit

The Bank Deposit report reflects the amount of funds received for the operating day and assists in ensuring all totals are correct. The operating date, deposit slip #, manager's name, cafeteria, total cash, total checks, and total deposits are listed. Signature lines are included for best practice for confirming amounts.

  1. Click on Bank Deposit located in After Posting.
  2. Establish Bank Deposioptions. Then, click Ok.

    Cafeteria - Use the drop-down menu to select a cafeteria.
    Operating Date - Use the calendar tool to choose an operating date.
    Report Layout - Use the drop-down menu to select a report layout.

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Cash Drawer Report

The Cash Drawer Report shows a final summary of each starting cash, tender counts of cash and checks, miscellaneous cash, total amount tendered, and overages and shortages for each batch. Totals for all batches are displayed as well. 

  1. Click on Cash Drawer Report located in After Posting.
  2. Establish Cash Drawer Report - After Posting options. Then, click Ok.

    Cafeteria - Use the drop-down menu to select a cafeteria.
    Operating Date - Use the calendar tool to choose an operating date.
    Meal Types - Select one or more meal types to include in the report.
    Options - Place a checkmark in the box to include Page break between serving lines.

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Credit Card Transactions

The Credit Card Transaction report shows a transaction time/date stamp, the serving line on which the transaction occurred, the customer's POS ID, customer name, transaction amount, card type, last four digits of the card, the authorization code, and the transaction number. 

  1. Click on Credit Card Transactions located in After Posting.
  2. Establish Credit Card Transaction options. Then, click Ok.

    Filter by Cafeteria - Use the drop-down menu to select a specific Cafeteria, Category or Cluster, or Entire District.
    Date Range (inclusive) - Use the calendar tools to select a From and to date range.
    Group Records By - Use the drop-down menu to select how to group and subgroup records. You may also select to apply page breaks between groups.
    Sorted By - Select how to sort records.
    Run for each cafeteria in the cafeteria filter - The report will be run separately for each site while grouping the entire District into one printable file.

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Daily Recap

The Daily Recap report breaks down meal totals by status to include paid, charged, prepaid, meals earned and state reimbursed totals to include the typed of meals, cash collected, total meals served, miscellaneous sales, and sales of the day. Additionally, food cash and other cash incomes, deposits posted, deposits entered, variance amounts, net charges, deposits affecting receipts (if applicable), customers on file, miscellaneous figures (if applicable) and labor hours (if applicable) are included.

Report override option - Attendance Display - Report Criteria Enhancements (Newton 10.1)

Updates to the display of attendance in certain reports have been made to support the use of manually entered, imported, or calculated attendance display options.

To enable the additional Attendance display options in the report configuration:

  1. Make sure the Allow runtime override option is selected in your Reporting tab within System Settings.
  2. Click on Daily Recap from your After Posting report options.
  3. Establish Daily Recap options, then click Ok.

    Posted Enrollment x Attendance FactorSelect this option if you would like the attendance in your report to reflect the automatically calculated attendance using the attendance factor.
    Posted Attendance - Select this option if you would like the attendance on your report to reflect manually entered or imported attendance data. By default, this option is selected.
  1. Click on Daily Recap located in After Posting.
  2. Establish Daily Recap options, then click Ok.

    Cafeteria - Use the drop-down menu to select a cafeteria.
    Operating Date - Use the calendar tool to choose an operating date.

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Double Card Usage

The Double Card Usage report displays customers who had multiple sales during a meal, the serving lines in which transactions occurred, the line user, transaction date, type of purchase, and item description(s). If no double card usages occurred or issues have been cleared prior to posting the operating day, no information will be displayed in the report. The Double Card Usage Report should be used in conjunction with the Double Card Usage Utility during posting. 

Adults on Double Card Usage Report

Adults may appear on the Double Card Usage Report; however, since adult meals are not reimbursable, they will not appear in the Utility as an action item to address.

  1. Click on Double Card Usage located in After Posting.
  2. Establish Double Card Usage - After Posting options. Then, click Ok.

    Cafeteria - Use the drop-down menu to select a cafeteria.
    Operating Date - Use the calendar tool to choose an operating date.

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Function Key Sales

The Function Key Sales report reflects any sales that occurred during the session through pressing one of the function keys (F1, F2, F3, etc.). If no function keyed sales occurred or issues have been cleared prior to posting the operating day, no information will be displayed in the report.

  1. Click on Function Key Sales located in After Posting.
  2. Establish Function Key Sales - After Posting options. Then, click Ok.

    Filter by Cafeteria - Select a cafeteria filter for your report.
    Date Range (inclusive) - Use the calendar tools to choose a date range.
    Run for each cafeteria in the filter - Select this option to run reports for all cafeterias in a selected cafeteria filter.

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Initial Summary

The Initial Summary (After Posting) report provides the final details of meals and breaks the compiled information down to show the line number/description, the number of each meal status types, at cost counts, a la carte counts, total meals served, total cash collected, and variance amount.

  1. Click on Initial Summary located in After Posting.
  2. Establish Initial Summary - After Posting options. Then, click Ok.

    Cafeteria - Use the drop-down menu to select a cafeteria.
    Operating Date - Use the calendar tool to choose an operating date.

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Line Details

The Line Details (After Posting) report shows the final meal type, batch number, serving line name, time the meal was served, customer the meal was sold to, customer's meal status, item/adjustment description, purchase type, meal/item cost, amount tendered by customer, total meals sold in a batch, batch meal cost total, batch amount tendered total, meal cost total, and meal amount tendered total.

  1. Click on Line Details located in After Posting.
  2. Establish Line Details - After Posting options. Then, click Ok.

    Cafeteria - Use the drop-down menu to select a cafeteria.
    Operating Date - Use the calendar tool to choose an operating date.
    Meal Types - Select meal types to include in the report.
    Filter by Serving Line - Select the options to determine which serving lines to appear in your report.

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Meal Summary

The Meal Summary report breaks down the final meal counts by item (item description, count, item cost, cash tendered, prepaids used), item category (category description, count, item cost, cash tendered, prepaids used), adjustment summary (adjustment description, count, amount) and provides a summary of all meals.

  1. Click on Meal Summary located in After Posting.
  2. Establish Meal Summary - After Posting options. Then, click Ok.

    Filter by Cafeteria - Select a Cafeteria, Category or Cluster, or Entire District to filter your report by.
    Date Range (inclusive) - Use the calendar tools to choose a date range.
    Options - Select one or more options to include in the report.
    Run for each cafeteria in the cafeteria filter - Select this option to run reports for all cafeteria in a selected cafeteria filter.

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Multiple Transactions per Meal

The Multiple Transactions per Meal report reflects any customers which have had multiple transactions during a meal after the operating day has been posted. The report displays the POS ID, customer name, meal, time the transaction occurred, the line number, cashier name, purchase/adjustment description, price of item/meal, and amount tendered.  If multiple transactions have no occurred or issues have been cleared prior to posting the operating day, no information will be displayed in the report.

  1. Click on Multiple Transactions per Meal located in After Posting.
  2. Establish Multiple Transactions per Meal - After Posting options. Then, click Ok.

    Cafeteria - Use the drop-down menu to select a cafeteria.
    Operating Date - Use the calendar tool to choose an operating date.

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Reimbursable Meals Served

The Reimbursable Meals Served report breaks down any reimbursable meals served by the customer and include the student number, customer name, price category, and meal the customer received. Meals are totaled by price category and total amounts of reimbursable meals sold.

  1. Click on Reimbursable Meals Served located in After Posting.
  2. Establish Reimbursable Meals Served - After Posting options. Then, click Ok.

    Cafeteria - Use the drop-down menu to select a cafeteria.
    Operating Date - Use the calendar tool to choose an operating date.
    Meal Type - Select one or more meal types to include.
    Customer Categories - Select one or more meal types to include.
    Group By - Select how to group report results.
    Sort By - Select how to sort report results.
    Include POS Customer Types - Select one or more POS Customer Types to include.

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Void and Edit Comments

The Void and Edit Comments report displays the batch number, serving line, user, student number, student name, type of change, and comments as to why a change has occurred when voids and edits have been made.

  1. Click on Void and Edit Comments located in After Posting.
  2. Establish Void and Edit Comments - After Posting options. Then, click Ok.

    Filter by Cafeteria - Select a Cafeteria, Category or Cluster, or Entire District to filter your report.
    Date Range (inclusive) - Use the calendar tools to choose a date range.
    Run for each cafeteria in the cafeteria filter - Select this option to run reports for all cafeteria in a selected cafeteria filter.

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