Item Category Search
The Inventory Categories Search box allows you to search for categories in specific bins and specific ordering and inventory states.
Category Name
Enter the name of the category you are searching for.
Primary Storage Bin
Select the primary storage bin for this category. The choices are Stock Room, Cooler, and Freezer.
Primary Receiving Bin
Select the primary receiving bin for this category. The choices are Stock Room, Cooler, and Freezer.
Ordering and Inventory
Select whether you would like to search only for categories that are inventoried, are just-in-time categories, or if items in this category are perishable.
Click Search once you have entered the search criteria.
After running a search, the associated categories display below the Search area. You can click the Category, Primary Receiving Bin, and Primary Storage Bin headings to sort by those columns. The other columns indicate if the category should be included in inventory, if it is subject to just-in-time ordering, and if it contains perishable items.
Click View Items to see all of the items in a category. Click Edit to change the category name, receiving and storage bins, and business rules. Click the red X to delete a category completely. Click Add to create a new category.
Note: You can only delete a category if no items are associated with it.