Adding Inventory Category Sourcing
Add sourcing information on this tab by Category and Source based on site types.
Inventory Category
The Inventory Category field indicates the type of inventory category WebSMARTT will search for inventory category sourcing records. The default selection is set to All. Use the drop-down menu to search specific inventory categories.
Site Type
The Site Type field indicates the site type to be searched. The default setting for this field is All. Use the drop-down menu to narrow the site type to be searched.
Site Name
The Site Name field indicates the location of a specific site to be searched. The default setting for this field is also set All. Select the drop-down menu to modify the search to a particular location if needed.
The item sourcing detail window allows you to modify sourcing information by category and source based on site types.
Outside District
Outside district sourcing can be set to a specific vendor or the vendor who has a valid Master Purchase order in the system for the items within the specified category.
Best practice is to assign Outside District sourcing to "Vendor on PO". This will allow items within the same category to come from different vendors and will also prevent the need for changing the sourcing record, if the vendor changes.
In District
In district sourcing is set for inventory categories that will come from in district source, such as a warehouse, central kitchen, or storage facility. These may vary based on site types.
Menu Plan Round Method
The Menu Plan Round Method field indicates the menu plan round method to be used when determining requirements when using order-by-menu plan. The default setting for this field is None. Use the drop- down menu to select the desired menu plan rounding method.
General Ledger Account
The General Ledger Account field allows you to enter a general ledger account to be saved.
The Save button allows to save any sourcing information entered.
The Cancel button terminates any sourcing information entered and returns you back to the Inventory Category Sourcing Find page.