Step 1: Add Items
The New Allocation link opens the Allocation Wizard. The Allocation Wizard is a five-step process of allocating commodities to sites based on their Average Daily Participation (ADP) in the National School Lunch Program (NSLP).
Item ID
The Item ID field allows you to enter the item's ID.
Magnifying Glass
Once the Item ID is entered, select the magnifying glass icon to search for the item.
Item ID
The Item ID field displays the item's ID. The Item ID field is displayed only after the item is located and selected.
The Description field displays the description of the item.
X (delete)
The X button allows you to delete the item from Step #1 of the Allocation Wizard.
The Cancel button terminates the request to create a commodity allocation and returns you to the Ordering page.
The Next button proceeds to Step 2 after all items have been added.