Franklin 4.1 Household Matching Features

Franklin 4.1 Household Matching Features


From the Utilities tab, select Household Matching.

Click Generate New List.

Establish Household Matching Criteria. Then, click Ok.

Prior-Year Application and Prior-Year DC Sibling Attachment are now options for matching criteria.

In order to auto-attach all DC siblings, you must select a matching criteria of Application, Household Key, Prior-Year Application, or Prior-Year DC Sibling Attachment.


Click Auto-Attach DC Siblings.

In order to auto-attach all DC siblings, you must select a matching criteria of Application, Household Key, Prior-Year Application, or Prior-Year DC Sibling Attachment.

You will receive a warning that the process will match all of the unreviewed households in the list and link them as DC siblings. Click Yes to continue.

There is NO undo for this process.

You will see a series of processes running as the system attempts to match households. You will be notified how many students were attached using the selected match criteria. Click Ok.