Franklin 3.0 Release Notes
Franklin 3.0 Release Notes
New Features
- FR-405 - Stated "Does Not Qualify" Letter
- FR-408 - Special Circumstances Change Letter
- FR-409 - Scanning Q/A Time by User Reports
- FR-420 - Delivery Bag Tally Sheet Report
- FR-421 - Print Warning Letters
- FR-422 - Prior-Year Tracking in Student Lookup
- FR-427 - End of Year 2013
- FR-428 - Excluded Schools and Grades Report
- FR-429 - Synchronize Provision 2 Base Year
- FR-406 - Support for Special Circumstances from AFL
- FR-407 - Add Special School Type 'Community Eligibility Option'
- FR-410 - Add Application Into to Verification Sample Report
- FR-411 - Processing Results on Application Detail Report
- FR-412 - Add Batch Kind to letter X-Ref
- FR-413 - Select Next Record in Application Review
- FR-414 - Add School to Scanning Q/A
- FR-415 - Add Scanned By User to Delivery Bag Contents Screen
- FR-416 - Navigation Buttons when Viewing Scanned Application
- FR-417 - Split Scanning Q/A Permissions
- FR-419 - New Delivery Bag Fields
- FR-423 - Handle Email Errors Gracefully
- FR-438 - Hold CEO students for Review
- FR-460 - MCS Authorization for legacy WinFSFR status
- FR-424 - Fixed a bug on Null data that was throwing the error
- FR-431 - Fixed a bug that was causing an error when running the end-of-year process
- FR-434 - Fixed a bug in the datacenter sync that was failing to properly merge records when the new student guid did not exist
- FR-437 - Improved error message when attempting to print a letter from student maintenance when the student is inactive
- FR-439 - Added and fixed several missing and/or broken security permissions
- FR-440 - Fixed a bug in the ApplyForLunch integration that was causing the new 'Stated I Do Not Qualify' checkbox on ApplyForLunch to be ignored when importing applications
- FR-445 - Fixed a bug that was causing the "Read More" link the News and Announcements feed to not work properly if the rss document wasn't formatted properly
- FR-446 - Improved Full-Sync to Datacenter to add students that had been removed by EOY but were still in Franklin
- FR-448 - Fixed a bug in the stock mailing labels format report that was causing a label to be printed for each student, rather than one per family
- FR-450 - Fixed a bug that was causing the 'Incomplete Application (Already Free)' letter to be queued for prior-year free students with incomplete applications instead of the regular 'Incomplete Application (Paying)' letter
- FR-451 - Fixed a bug on the DC File Import Confirmation screen that was causing DC source codes to be displayed incorrectly
- FR-452 - Fixed a bug that was preventing scanned applications from capturing the city, state, and zip-code components of the address
- FR-453 - Changed the Queue Warning Letter process to honor the 'Queue Notification Letters' setting of the School Type to suppress warning letters for schools that don't get application notification letters
- FR-456 - Fixed a bug that was causing an error when loading the user-defined formula editor when duplicate user-defined special circumstances existed
- FR-457 - Fixed a bug that was causing the Datacenter synchronization to fail if merging a student into another student record marked as a sibling DC of the first