Franklin 5.5 Release Notes
Franklin 5.5 Release Notes
Franklin 5.5.2 - May 3, 2016
- ApplyForLunch Integration - Removed the MySchoolApps integration from the 5.5.2 version to allow for integration between Franklin & ApplyForLunch.com.
Franklin 5.5.1 - May 2, 2016
SQL Server 2008 Support - Fixed a bug that was causing an error when upgrading to Franklin 5.5.0 when using SQL Sever 2008
DataCenter 5.5.1
SQL Server Support - Fixed a bug that was causing an error when upgrading to DataCenter 5.5.0 when using SQL Server 2008
Franklin 5.5.0 - April 29, 2016
FR-14654 - Hosting Support - Added compatibility for Hosting Support for future Data Hosting Services
DataCenter 5.5.0
DC 15081 - Hosting Support - Added compatibility for Hosting Support for future Data Hosting Services
- FR-14653 - Scan Form Improvements - Added improvements for slow connections on scan form maintenance and scanning q/a. Added a cancel button to progress bars. Fuzzy Match checks the DB every 10 minutes instead of every student to speed up the matching process. Saving images in scan form maintenance does not convert the format unless the image is larger than 4MB.
- FR-10257 - Scanned Application List Report - Fixed the Scanned Application List report that was showing unprocessed student names instead of actual student names
- FR-10258 - Mark Application as Unrecognizable - Fixed bad image check in delivery bag details
- FR-10259 - Tool tip correction - Corrected a tool tip on the F2 function key