Customer reporting enables you to print commonly-used reports from within WebSMARTT. The reports can be run for specific ranges and sorted for easier viewing. There are also several options that enable you to select what information to include on a given report.
Note: If you are have problems viewing or printing reports, you may need to unregister crviewer9.dll . Select the Start menu and click Run. Enter the following command at the prompt, exactly as shown here, including all spaces and punctuation:
regsvr32 /u "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Crystal Decisions\2.0\bin\crviewer9.dll"
Click OK. The next time you print or view a report, you will be asked if you want to download a file. Click Yes. This action only needs to be completed once.
Report Name
Select the report you want to run from this field. The following reports are available. x
Note: The Customer List with Account Balances report has a Non-Zero Balance option that you can use to run a Non-Zero Balance Report. There is not a specific report for non-zero balances.
Select which customers you want to include in the report from the Group menu. The options are: x
- All (Active)
- All (Students)
- Free
- Reduced
- Paid
- Free & Reduced
- Adult
- No Bar Code
- Inactive
- Withdrawn
- System
- Low Balance
- Negative Balance
- Non-Zero Balance
The Range field defines what information is pulled from the customer data. For example, you can select the
Last Name range and then a Start Range of A and End Range of M to return a list of students whose last names begin with A through M. The options include: x
- All
- Customer ID
- Bar Code
- Status
- Last Name
- First Name
- Application ID
- Grade
- Homeroom
- Bus Code
- Account Cash
- Status Type
- Status Expiration Date
- Birth Date
- Change Date
- Dietary Restrictions
Start Range
Start Range is the beginning option for the selected range type. You must first identify a range from the Range field. For example, if the range is last name, A could be the start range for the report. This way the report pulls all last names starting with the letter A through the letter that is selected for the end range.
End Range
End Range is the end option for the selected range type. For example, if the range is last name, Z could be the end range for the report. This way the report pulls all last names starting with the letter selected for the start range through the letter Z.
Level 1, 2, and 3 Sort
You can enter up to three sorting criteria for your report. For example, you could sort students by last
name, grade level, and student number. Consider the following student list:
x - John Smith, grade 3, ID 99999
x - Jane Smith, grade 3, ID 88888
x - Daniel Smith, grade 1, ID 77777
x - Kelly Davis, grade 6, ID 66666
x - Terry Jones, grade 6, ID 55555
Sorting by last name only puts the students into this order:
x - Kelly Davis
x - Terry Jones x
- John Smith x Jane
- Jane Smith
x - Daniel Smith
Applying the Level 2 sort would put them in this order:
x - Kelly Davis, grade 6
x - Terry Jones, grade 6
x - Daniel Smith, grade 1
x - John Smith, grade 3
x - Jane Smith, grade 3
Applying the Level 3 sort would put them in this order:
x - Kelly Davis, grade 6, ID 66666
x - Terry Jones, grade 6, ID 55555
x - Daniel Smith, grade 1, ID 77777
x - Jane Smith, grade 3, ID 88888
x - John Smith, grade 3, ID 99999
Select Inactive to include any inactive customers that meet the selection criteria on the report.
Select Withdrawn to include any withdrawn customers that meet the selection criteria on the report.
Select System to include any system records that meet the selection criteria on the report.
Alt Site Students
Select Alt Site Students to include any students from Alt Sites that meet the selection criteria on the report.
View Button
Click View to view the contents of the report selected. Once the report displays, click the printer icon to print the report.
Reset Button
Click Reset to clear any information entered on the this page and start over.
Cancel Button
Click Cancel to return to the main menu.