Edison 3.2 Release Notes

Edison 3.2.2 - Private Beta - March 2, 2017


  • ED-17533 - Added Receive Date to the field list to be used when customizing Report Layout Overrides for Inventory Tags.
  • ED-17430 - Added Item Filter to Generic SQL Data Set when generating User-Defined Reports.
  • ED-17292 - Updated the stock Transfer Ticket to include Order Comments, Transfer/Order Discrepancies & Order History.

    This new stock layout is not available for existing report layout overrides. If you have an existing customization and would like to utilize the new format, you will need to recreate the report using the new format. You should note that this enhancement does not break your existing customization. For detailed instruction on how to suppress unnecessary details of the new stock layout, refer to the Transfer Ticket Changes.pdf document.


  • ED-11625 - Bulk Wizard not auto selecting when single order is selected - When selecting a single order for Bulk Update, the wizard will now maintain the selection of the single order
Edison 3.2.1 - January 19, 2017


  • ED-11559 - Automatic Ordering not Considering Planning - Fixed a bug in automatic ordering when ordering from planning AND ordering AND considering inventory on hand is enabled
  • ED-11562 - Predicted Order Worksheet Error - The view Predicted Order Worksheet button hides when an order is not created based on predicted orders
  • ED-11563 - Sort Order Bug When Removing Items From an Order - Fixed a bug that caused selection “jumping” when removing an item during the order creation process
Edison 3.2.0 - January 13, 2017

New Features

  • ED-16986 - Planning Summary Report - ‘Planning Summary’ that displays a total count of meals planned for each recipe on a day/date range with the planning counts for each site and a group total.
  • ED-16989 - Central Kitchen Manufacturing Summary Report - ‘Manufacturing Summary’ that acts as a production report for the central kitchen
    Reports | Production Reports | Manufacturing Summary
    Home | Manufacturing | Print | Manufacturing Summary


  • ED-16366 - Added options to include incomplete orders when running the On Hand & Encumbered Inventory & the On Hand and Encumbered Inventory Encumbrance Details reports
  • ED-16425 - Added the ability to restrict Menus and Menu Templates from being brought over during the WinFSIM conversion. Menus and Menu Template descriptions should be prefixed with the word Deleted(space) before the description in order to eliminate from the conversion.

  • ED-16578 - Added the ability to select multiple ordering groups when running the Automatic Ordering Discrepancies report
  • ED-16840 - Ordering Worksheet for Predicted Orders - Updated the ordering screen to include the option to view and print worksheet for predicted orders
  • ED-16844 - Incomplete Order Review Screen Update - Updated the Incomplete Order Review Screen to have a single column that displays ordering dates, planning dates or predictive order dates
  • ED-16883 - Menu Template Maintenance Update - Updated the functionality to allow the ability to drag and drop recipes below a selected row on the menu template. This functionality is useful in conjunction with the "Link to Entreé" option where location is crucial. Updated group moving to group selected recipes together before moving recipes up or down in the sequence.
  • ED-16988 - When auto printing the Receiving Details report, there will no longer be a prompt to print attachments. If attachments exist, they will be printed.
  • ED-17092 - Added a button to ‘clear’ Daily Alerts from the Menu Template


  • ED-11111 - Error when printing Item Measure Tracking Report - Fixed a bug when attempting to print the item measure tracking log for a catalog number where no item measures exist
  • ED-11131 - Inactive Flags not carrying over from WinFSIM conversion - Updated Convert Legacy Process to not import inactive items and recipes
  • ED-11133 - Primary Unit Format changing in WinFSIM Conversion - Corrected decimal place formatting inconsistency when running Covert Legacy Process
  • ED-11134 - LBS changing to Grams in WinFSIM conversion - Updated the Convert Legacy Process to bring in usable weight using the same logic applied in WinFSIM
  • ED-11135 - Primary Unit Description Changing in WinFSIM Conversion - Fixed a bug that was adding an extra space on package type for WinFSIM item conversions
  • ED-11154 - Internal Order List not allowing multiple saves - Fixed a bug that was causing the Save Changes button to disable after creating or editing an internal order list after saving once
  • ED-11155 - Internal Order List Test Button displaying incorrect sites - Fixed a bug that was displaying sites that cannot receive from the list when testing
  • ED-11180 - Order Quantities changing when removing an item - Fixed a bug that was causing the text editor to remain open after deleting rows in an order
  • ED-11185 - Named Site Filters not Persisting - Fixed a bug in deserialization of site filters that pointed to a named site filter
  • ED-11230 - Automatic Order Discrepancies doubling counts - Fixed a bug causing numbers on Automatic Order Discrepancies report to be multiplied by the number of vendors
  • ED-11238 - Flattened Menus not Saving - Fixed a bug when attempting to flatten menus on the menu template
  • ED-11344 - Recipes not carrying over to menu template in conversion - Fixed a bug in Convert Legacy Process that was not bringing over recipes on the menu template
  • ED-11346 - Error when running Meal Pattern Analysis for a single date - Added validation to meal pattern analysis to prevent errors
  • ED-11387 - Manufacturing Setup - Fixed manufacturing rules in scaled recipes to honor manufacturing configurations
  • ED-11396 - Meal Components not staying in order - Fixed a bug in menu planning showing incorrect sequence of merged menu recipes when other menus existed
  • ED-11398 - Error when running Physical Inventory Corrections Report - Fixed unhandled exception running Physical Inventory Corrections report when no inventory periods are defined
  • ED-11402 - Inconsistent Entrée Bolding in Menu Maintenance - Changed font bolding and indenting for entrée and link to entrée in menu maintenance
  • ED-11425 - Review & Approve Orders Bulk Updates consistency - Fixed case-consistency of labels on Bulk Update Order Wizard
  • ED-11426 - Review and Approve Order Functionality - Added the ability to select order header group rows on central office approve order functionality
  • ED-11427 - Issue with Central Kitchen Transfers on Cost of Food and Supplies Report - Fixed the Cost of Food and Supplies report to differentiate transfers to/from warehouse/kitchens/sites between transfers and returns more appropriately based on site kind
  • ED-11508 - Manufacturing Report not Printing - Fixed a bug when printing the manufacturing details report when running SQL 2014
  • ED-11513 - Resize Daily Alert Box - Fixed a bug when resizing comment editor so that the editor cannot be sized smaller than minimum requirements
  • ED-11525 - Manufacturing Items not ordering correctly - Fixed a bug in manufacturing configurations that was not allowing the manufacturing site to order ingredients for manufactured items
  • ED-11536 - Page Break missing on Paper Order Report - Corrected the Paper Order report to include a page break between sites