Items & Catalog Numbers

Items & Catalog Numbers


The Items & Catalog Numbers section will take you through the process of editing and adding items, item storage categories, item usage categories, item categories, brands, partial-use units, and allergens.

Opening Items & Catalog Numbers

This procedure is used to access all processes in the Items & Catalog numbers section.

Locate and click the Admin & Maintenance tab. Next, click on the Items & Catalog Numbers option.


Items are established by entering the catalog number details, item-specific details, nutritional information, allergens, attachments, weights and measures, and substitution details.

Item-Specific Setup Examples

Download additional Item-Specific Setup examples in PDF format by clicking here.

  1. From the Items & Catalog Numbers option, select Items.
  2. Click Add Item. If you are adding an item that already exists, locate and click on the item before selecting Add Item.

    You may also select an item and click Edit Item or Remove Item.

    The main Item Maintenance tab displays the following information:

    • Catalog Number
    • Description
    • Case/Unit Description
    • Partial-Use
    • Brand
    • Product Code
    • CN Label
    • Usage Category
    • Storage Category
    • Ordering Category
    • Tax Category
    • CN Code
    • Needs Attention
    • Precosted
    • Production Display
    • Production Entry Mode
    • Mfr'd by Recipe
    • Custom Item Categories

  3. Select the correct option. Then, click Ok.

    When adding a new item as a copy, all established components of the existing item will be carried forward. You should consider if there are nutritional differences, serving size/size differences, serving requirements, and differences in bid requirements before choosing to create an item with the same catalog number or new catalog number.

    It is highly recommended that you review all nutritional information when adding a copy of an existing item.

            As a new item from scratch - Select this option to add a new item from scratch.
            As a copy of the currently selected item (same catalog number) - Select this option to use an existing catalog number as a copy of an existing item.
                    e.g. Onions, yellow - USDA and Onions, yellow - vendor/brand.
            As a copy of the currently selected item (new catalog number) - Select this option to add a new catalog number to a copy of an existing item.
                    e.g. Hamburger Patty, 4 oz with different nutritional values.

  4. Establish all item components. Then, click Save Changes.

 Catalog Number

The Catalog Number tab allows you to establish the catalog number, description of the item, usage category, storage category, ordering category, tax category, ordering restrictions, production report format, production entry mode, conversion method, if the item is precosted, Perishable State, and the preferred item sequence for nutrient analysis and other functions of the program.

Ordering Restrictions

Ordering restrictions may be established to limit ordering across certain sites. The more ordering restriction tags selected decreases the item/catalog number's restrictive measures.

Production Entry Mode

All precosted items are defaulted to None. Items, such as tap water, that appear on the recipe but are not entered in production should use this mode.

All normal items are defaulted to Issuing. The issued quantity is formatted as per the Production Record Format setting and displayed on the Production Report.

Items that you want to enter a free-text quantity used for production but do not want to deduct from inventory should be entered as Free-Text (no issuing). This is useful for using items that need to show on the Production Report, but do not want to maintain a perpetual inventory of that item. The item should be issued as "Consumed" once the entire amount of the item has been used.

Free-text entered is displayed on the production report and the amount issued is deducted from inventory if selecting Issuing PLUS Free-Text. The user is prompted for both issuing information and free-text actual quantity used. Issued quantity always defaults to 0 for these items. This is useful for precosted items, such as spices, that need to appear on the Production Report, but you do not want to partial-out down to the gram.  Instead, you enter free-text of the amount used (e.g. 4 tbsp) and leave the quantity pulled from inventory at 0. When the bottle is used up, you enter 1 for the quantity pulled on that day to deduct it from inventory.

Conversion Method

The selected conversion method is used when an Order is being filled with a different item of the same catalog number where the primary unit or case size differs from the originally ordered item. The conversion selection is held constant when converting quantities.

If one brand packs 4 #10 cans to the case and another brand packs 6 #10 cans to a case, assuming the primary unit is a #10 can, you will set the conversion method to "Primary Unit." During the ordering process, if the manager orders 6 cases of the 4-to-a-case item, the system will try to fill 4 cases of the 6-to-a case item brand when the other is not available. If there is only one item, then this scenario cannot happen and it does not matter what is entered.

        Catalog Number - Enter the catalog number for the item.
        Description - Enter a description of the item.
                Item Description has a maximum length of 200 characters.
        Usage Category - Use the drop-down menu to select a system-defined usage category.
                e.g. Condiment, Food, Large Equipment, Supplies, Seasoning.
        Storage Category - Use the drop-down menu to select a system-defined or user-defined storage category.
                e.g. Chemicals, Dry Food, Equipment, Frozen, Uncategorized.
        Ordering Category - Use the drop-down menu to select a user-defined ordering category.
                e.g. Milk, Produce, Bread.
        Tax Category - Use the drop-down menu to select a tax category.
        Ordering Restrictions - Use the drop-down menu to select restrictive ordering tags.
                e.g. 4 oz chicken fillet can only be ordered at middle and high schools.

Options highlighted in yellow in the above image or descriptions with a red asterisk* signify Custom Item Categories, and may vary between districts.

        *MFR Kitchen or WHS - Use the drop-down menu to select an MFR Kitchen or Warehouse.
        *Allow Broken - Use the drop-down menu to select an allow broken reason.
        *Perishable State - Use the drop-down menu to select if the item is perishable or non-perishable.

        Production Report Format - Use the drop-down menu to select how the item should be reported on the production report.
        Production Entry Mode - Use the drop-down menu to select how the system will prompt you for data entry during production.
                None - Items are not suggested for system usage during production (e.g. Tap Water).
                Issuing - Default for normal items. Prompts to enter the amount issued from inventory and deducted from perpetual inventory.
                Free-Text (no issuing)
- Prompts to enter free text quantity for production, but does not deduct from inventory.
                        e.g. Precosted mustard issued to "Consumed" after all is used.
                Issuing PLUS Free-Text - Combined issuing and free-text when used in production and reported on the Production Report.
                        e.g. 2 tsp of Oregano from a 3.12 oz jar.
        Conversion Method - Use the drop-down menu to select a conversion method.
        Precosted - Select the checkbox if the item is precosted (issued manually when opened rather than measured and amounts recorded).
        Preferred Item Sequence - When more than one catalog number exists for an item (in cases where more than one brand exists, unit/case size differs, or one item is USDA issued), the topmost item is used for nutrient analysis and various other  situations. Use the arrows to increase/decrease an item's priority.

 Review the Preferred Item Sequence when more than one catalog number exists for the item.

The row checked is the current item ([40009] Carrots - Shredded - Fresh) being added or edited and should not be confused with the priority level for preference.


The Item-Specifics tab allows you to establish purchase unit descriptions by case/unit, issue and production units by partial-use units, recipe scaling factors by measurement and/or piece for an item. Additionally, the brand, product code, CN label, and shelf life can be entered. You can attach items to the USDA CN database, inactivate an item no longer in use, and flag an item that may require further clarification.

Item setups can vary depending on how items are ordered and the type of item. You may review additional Item-Specific Setup examples below.

Shelf Life

Entering a shelf life assists in less loss of product due to expiration/spoilage.

        Case/Unit Description (Purchase Unit) - Choose how the item is ordered/purchased. Then, establish purchase unit details.
              Normal Item - Select if the item is ordered by a primary unit and/or case size.
                    Primary Unit - Enter the smallest unit wrapped/packaged.
                    Case Size - Enter the number of primary units in a case, box, carton, etc.
              Bulk Item (by pound, oz, etc.) - Select if the item is ordered by weight. Then, use the drop-down menu for the Bulk Base Unit to select the correct measurement. (g, kg, mL, L, oz, lb, fl oz, tsp, tbsp, cup, pint, qt, gal)
        Partial-Use Units (Issue/Production Unit) - Establish partial-use units if the item can be accounted for in a smaller unit than the primary unit. Then, establish partial-use unit details.
              Partial-Use Unit - Use the drop-down menu to select the correct partial-use measurement. (none, C/fl oz, fl oz, g,1/2, 1/100, kg (fractional), L (fractional), mL, oz, Piece, lbs (fractional), lbs/ozs, 1/4, 1/10, 1/1000, user-defined)
              Partial-Use Units per Primary Unit - Enter the smallest unit accountable for issuing, production, and keeping perpetual inventory (32 ounces = 2 pounds)
        Recipe Scaling Factors - Establish recipe scaling factors.
              Usable Weight per Primary Unit - Enter a usable weight and use the drop-down menu to select the correct measurement when the item is used in a recipe as a weight or measurement.
              Pieces per Primary Unit - Enter the number of pieces within a primary unit when a recipe calls for a count. (A box of chicken patties contains 32 pieces.)
        Brand - Begin typing the brand of the item and select the brand from the list. You may also click the magnifier icon to search for a brand or add a new brand. *See instructions below.
        Product Code - Enter the product code from the package (if applicable).
        CN Label - Enter the CN label from the package (if applicable).
        Shelf Life - If a shelf life exists, enter the shelf life from the package. Entering a shelf life assists in less loss of product due to expiration/spoilage.
        USDA CN Code - Allows you to attach/detach the item from the USDA Child Nutrition database. *See instructions below.
        Inactive - If an item is no longer active, place a checkmark in the box.
        Needs Attention - If there is a possible issue with the item (nutritional value, weight, recipe scaling, etc.) place a checkmark in the box and enter a statement.

Calculate Recipe Scaling Factors

When the primary unit is a case of smaller pieces (such as condiments like ketchup, mustard, or salad dressing), use the Calculate button to determine the Usable Weight per Primary Unit.

You must know the number of pieces per case/container and the serving size/weight for each individual item (typically displayed on the case).

    1. Click the Calculate button.
    2. Change the serving measurement to the correct type. Then, enter the serving size.
    3. Enter the number of Servings per Container. Then, click Ok.
      The following example is a case containing 40 lbs of bananas.

Review/Add Brands

If the brand of the item does not exist, you may add additional brands.

    1. Enter the name of the Brand and press Enter. If the brand name you entered isn't recognized, a search window will appear.
    2. Enter the brand name of the item in the search field.
    3. If the correct brand appears in the list, select it and click Ok.
    4. If the brand does not exist in the list, click Add New. Be sure you have correctly spelled the brand name to ensure additional brand maintenance does not need to be performed.
Attach the USDA CN Code to an Item

When you attach an item to the USDA CN database, nutritional information is automatically pulled into the system. If the item is not attached, you will need to key the data from the food label in the Nutrition and Weights and Measures tabs.

    1. Select Attach
    2. Enter information in the search area to narrow choices. Then, click Search.
    3. Select the correct item, click Ok.
Review USDA CN Information

If an item has been attached to the USDA CN database, you can click the information icon to review additional information provided by through the CN database.

Detach Item from USDA CN Database

To detach an item, click Detach and confirm you would like to continue disassociation from the item from the USDA CN database.

If there are associated USDA weights and measures, they will also be detached from the USDA CN database.


The Nutrition tab allows you to enter/edit nutritional information from the product label. Nutritional values should be entered as purchased. If the item contains milk, the milk contribution type should be selected in order to meet Meal Pattern Analysis standards.

If you attached the item through the USDA CN database, the nutritional information is automatically pulled into this section. If the item is not attached, you may also use Import from CN Database to locate nutritional information for the item or similar item. It is recommended you review these amounts to rule out any possible inaccuracy.

        Nutrition Information per usable portion - Use the drop-down menu to select the measurement value. Then, enter the quantity.
        Nutrition values for the product - The As Purchased nutritional values of the product should be entered. There is no other option available.
        USDA Nutrients - Enter the amounts of the required nutrients from the food label.
        Milk Contribution Type - Use the drop-down menu to select the type of milk contributing to the item (if applicable).
                Unknown, Skim (unflavored), Skim (flavored), 1% (unflavored), 1% (flavored), 2% (unflavored), 2% (flavored). Whole (unflavored), Whole (flavored)


The Allergens tab allows you to attach allergens to an item which will carry over at the recipe level. The system allows you to select when trace allergens exist for an item.

        Add Allergen - If an allergen exists for an item, click the Add Allergen button and select the allergen from the list. Then, click Ok.
        Trace Amount - Select the checkbox if only Trace Amounts of the allergen are present.

                Standard Allergens:
                Apple, Celery, Food Colorings, Peanuts, Shellfish, Aspartame, Corn, Kiwi, Preservatives, Soy, Banana,
                Eggs, Milk, Rice, Tree Nuts, BHT/BHA, Fish, MSG, Sesame, Wheat

        Remove Allergen - To remove an allergen, select the allergen and click the Remove Allergen button.


The Attachments tab allows you to attach files and images, as well as add notes, to an item.

An item must first be saved before attachments can be added.

        Add Image or File - Click Add Image or File and select the correct file from your local or network drive.
                You may need to use the drop-down menu to change the file type in order to locate the file (e.g. image file versus .pdf or .txt files).
        Scan Picture - Allows you to scan a document/image from your connected scanner.
        Add Note - Allows you to add a note to the item.
        Remove Attachment - To remove an attachment, select an attached item and click Remove Attachment.       

 Weights and Measures

The Weights and Measures tab allows you to add different weight and measurements for an item.

Weights and Measures are applied at the recipe level.

If an item is attached to the USDA CN database, you may Import from USDA or create a user-defined measure though the Add Measure option.

Select one of the three following options to add weights and measures to an item:

Add Measure - Add user-defined weights and measures or a copy of weights and measures from the USDA.

USDA Weights and Measures

Adding a copy of weights and measures from the USDA or calculating similar weights from the USDA does NOT attach the item to the USDA database.

Weights and measures for multiple preparation methods

Multiple weights and measures can be added to the item depending on preparation. Once you have established the first weight and measure, repeat the process for each new preparation description. e.g. Block cheese may be sliced, cubed, or shredded depending on the recipe. 

    1. Click Add Measure.
    2. Enter Item Measure details. Then, click Ok.

              Catalog Number - Not editable.
              Item Description - Not editable.
              Preparation Description - Enter a description.
              Weight/Volume Equivalency - Establish weight/volume equivalency factors.
                    Volume - Use the drop-down menu to select a measurement type. Then, enter the volume.
                    Weight - Click the magnifier icon and choose the item to add from the USDA database, or
                                   Click the ellipses icon to select from a list of known weight equivalencies, or
                                   Use the drop-down menu to select a measurement type and enter a quantity.
              Piece/Each Information - Enter a piece/each Description and choose a method to define "Each."
                    'Each' means one piece, as defined in item maintenance
                    'Each' means one weight-equivalency as defined above
              Copy from USDAClick to search and copy the measures exactly as reported by the USDA. This does NOT attach the item to the USDA database.

Edit Measure - Edit weights and measures.

    1. Click Edit Measure.
    2. Enter Item Measure details. Then, click Ok.

Editing weights and measures for USDA-attached items

If an item is attached and weights and measures are imported from the USDA database, they cannot be edited; however, the item can be detached from the USDA and the weights and measures can be converted to a user-defined measure.

Import from USDA - If an item is attached to the USDA database, you have the option of importing weights and measures from the USDA database.

Editing weights and measures for USDA-attached items

If an item is attached and weights and measures are imported from the USDA database, they cannot be edited; however, the item can be detached from the USDA and the weights and measures can be converted to a user-defined measure.

    1. Click Import from USDA.
    2. Select the appropriate weight equivalency. Then, click Ok.

Due to strict guidelines in regards to nutritional and other factors, Substitutions are no longer being utilized under any conditions.

 Additional (Specific) Item Maintenance Options
Item Usage/View Usage

Allows you to view/print how an item has been used. The View Usage report is the same as the Item Usage report accessed from the Print option in the main Item Maintenance screen.

Advanced Options

The Advanced option allows you to generate a recipemerge two items of the same catalog number into one item, and change the catalog number.

Generate a Recipe

Allows you to generate a recipe directly from the specific Item Maintenance screen.

    1. While adding or editing an item, click on Advanced. Then, select Generate Recipe.
    2. The New Recipe tab will open. Refer to Recipes instructions to create a recipe. Then, click Save Changes.
Merge into Another Item

Allows the ability to merge two items in to one catalog number.  Once a merge is complete, any recipes containing the old catalog number are redirected to the new catalog number.  You should note that this does not merge all items to one inventory tag. e.g. You have a separate item number for commodity onions and purchased onions.

The process to complete a merge may also be accessed from the main Item Maintenance screen.

Change Catalog Number

Allows the ability to change an existing catalog number to a new catalog number. The new catalog number may not previously exist in the system.

The process to complete changing a catalog number may also be accessed from the main Item Maintenance screen.

Search and Replace Item on Recipes

Allows the ability to search for and replace a single item on multiple selected recipes.

The process to complete searching and replacing recipes may also be accessed from the main Item Maintenance screen.

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Additional Item Maintenance Screen Options


You may print a number of item reports from the main Item maintenance screen.

  1. From the Administration tab, select Items & Catalog Numbers and then Items.
  2. Next, select an item from the list of items and select Print
  3. Select the type of report to print. You may choose to print or export the report. After you have finished printing or exporting, click Close Print Preview.
Item Usage

The Item Usage report allows you to view/print how an item has been used.

While editing or adding an item, you can also choose the View Usage button to view the report.

Select which Item Usage options to include in the report. Then, click Ok.

        Options - Select which item usage options to include in the report.

Item Tracking Log

The Item Tracking Log report tracks the history of an item from the time it is created through the most recent change.

Catalog Number Tracking Log

The Catalog Number Tracking Log report tracks the history of a catalog number from the time it is created through the most recent change.

Item Measure Tracking Log

The Item Measure Tracking Log report tracks the history of item measures from the time it is created through the most recent change.


The Import/Export function allows you to Import items from a Test Database. By first making changes in a Test Database, you can test how an item functions at the recipe level and review the Production Report.

Any changes to Items made in the Live Database after a Test Database has been created will be overwritten. Best practice it to create a new test database with the current data each time you wish to import items. You may wish to delete older test databases in which items have been created/changed to reduce confusion.

    1. From the Admin & Maintenance tab, select Items & Catalog Numbers and then Items.
    2. Click Import/Export. Then, select Import from Test Database.
    3. Select the correct Test Database in which you wish to import Items. Then, click Ok.
    4. Use the Item Import wizard to complete the process. Click Next to begin.
    5. Select the appropriate change to apply. Then, click Next.

              Import changes made to items in the test database since XX/XX/XXXX - Use the calendar tool to apply changes from the test database to the live database made since the chosen date.
              Import items from the test database that are not already in this database - Select this option to import newly added items from the test database to the live database.
                    Include Inactive Items - Select this option if you wish to include inactive items.
              Include Changes to Item Measures - It is recommended you leave this option selected to include changes to Item Measures.

    6. Select which changes to apply to apply to the live database. Then, click Next.

      The Action column displays the type of changes that occurred to an item.

    7. Click Finish to import and apply changes to the live database.

      You will see a series of processes run as the items are imported and applied to the live database.
      The Item Maintenance screen will refresh once the import process is complete and the Test Database Item Import Import Results report will open in a separate tab.


Merge into another Item

Allows the ability to merge two items in to one catalog number.  Once a merge is complete, any recipes containing the old catalog number are redirected to the new catalog number.  You should note that this does not merge all items to one inventory tag. e.g. You have a separate item number for commodity onions and purchased onions. Once a merge has been completed, the "kept" item will become the primary item and the merged item will be displayed as part of the Preferred Item sequence.

The process to complete a merge may also be accessed when editing a specific item.

The Merge process can only be completed when no other users are logged into the system.

    1. From the Administration tab, select Items & Catalog Numbers and then Items.
    2. Use the Search function to locate and select the duplicate item from the list of items.
    3. Click on Advanced and select Merge into another Item.
    4. Use the wizard to merge one item with another item.
      1. Click Next to begin the merge process.
      2. Select the correct item from the list. The selected item from the list will be the item kept. Then, click Next.
      3. Complete conversion details. Then, click Next.
      4. You will see a progress bar while the system loads item records in preparation for the merge.
      5. Review information about how the item merge will be applied. Use the scroll bar to review all item information. Click Next when you are ready to continue.
      6. To complete and commit to the merge process, click Finish.

        There is no undo for this process.

        You will now see the two items have been merged into one item on the Item Maintenance screen.

Change Catalog Number
    1. From the Administration tab, select Items & Catalog Numbers and then Items.
    2. Use the Search function to locate and select the duplicate item from the list of items.
    3. Click on Advanced and select Change Catalog Number.
    4. Use the wizard to guide you through branching, merging, or moving catalog numbers.
      1. Click Next to begin the process.

      2. Select the correct function. Then, click Next.

        Merge Catalog Numbers

        Merging catalog numbers differs from merging items. You should merge catalog numbers when the brand and unit/cases sizes are the same. If brands and unit cases sizes differ, you should select Merge Items. 

         Branch this item to a new catalog number

        Enter a New Catalog Number and New Description. Then, click Next.

        Review changes. Then, click Finish.

         Move this item to a different catalog number

        Use the Search option to locate and select the new catalog number where the item should be moved. Then, click Next.

        Review changes. Then, click Finish.

         Merge catalog numbers

        Use the Search option to locate and select the catalog number where the item should be merged. Then, click Next.

        Review changes. Then, click Finish.

Search and Replace Item on Recipes

  1. From the Admin & Maintenance tab, select Items & Catalog Numbers and then Items.
  2. Select an item with which you wish to replace items within the recipe.
  3. Select Advanced, and then choose Search and Replace Item on Recipes from the drop-down menu.
  4. Use the wizard to guide you through search for and replacing items on recipes with a different ingredient.
    1. Select next to confirm you have selected the correct ingredient.

    2. Type in a search word to filter your results. When you find the ingredient you were searching for, click Next
    3. Select the checkbox of the recipes in which you would like to change out the ingredients. Then, click Next.

    4. Select how each item will be mapped from the old catalog (recipe) number to the new catalog (recipe) number. When finished, click Next.

    5. Confirm that the correct recipes will be updated. If you are not satisfied, you can select the Back button to make different changes. Then, select Finish to apply your changes.

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Item Storage Categories

Item Storage Categories allows you to add and remove storage categories utilized in the Catalog Number tab of Item Maintenance.

  1. From the Items & Catalog Numbers option, select Item Storage Categories.
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the list and click in the cell next to the asterisk * or click Jump to New Row.
  3. Enter the storage category name. Then, click Save Changes once you are done.

To remove a storage category, select a storage category and click Delete. You can only delete a category if it is not in use.

To locate a storage category in your list, click Find. Then, begin typing the storage category name in the search bar.

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Item Usage Categories

Item Usage Categories allows you to add and remove usage categories utilized in the Catalog Number tab of Item Maintenance.

  1. From the Items & Catalog Numbers option, select Item Usage Categories.
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the list and click in the cell next to the asterisk *.
  3. Enter the usage category name. Then, click Save Changes once you are done.

To remove a usage category, right-click on the selected category and choose Delete Item Usage Category. You can only delete a category if it is not in use.

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Item Categories

Item Categories allows you to add and remove categories utilized in the Catalog Number tab of Item Maintenance and for reporting purposes.

  1. From the Items & Catalog Numbers option, select Item Categories.
  2. Enter the item category description and key in the cell next to the asterisk *. Next, click Save Changes.
  3. Click the plus + sign to expand the new category and enter subcategories/entry. Then, click Save Changes once you are done.

To remove an item category, right-click on the selected category and choose Delete Item Category or Delete Item Category Entry. You can only delete a category/entry if it is not in use.

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Brands allow you to add and remove different brands utilized in the Item Specifics tab of Item Maintenance.

  1. From the Items & Catalog Numbers option, select Brands.
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the list and click in the cell next to the asterisk * or click Jump to New Row.
  3. Enter the brand name. Then, click Save Changes once you are done.

To remove a brand, select a brand and click Delete. You can only delete a user-defined brand and it cannot be in use. System defaults cannot be removed.

To locate a brand in your list, click Find. Then, begin typing the brand name in the search bar.

Brand Merge

You can merge one brand into another when issues, such as misspelled brands, occur.

    1. Select the incorrect/misspelled brand from the list. Then, click Advanced and select Merge into another Brand.
    2. Use the wizard to merge one brand with another brand.
      1. Click Next to begin the merge process.
      2. Select the correct brand from the list. The selected brand from the list will be the brand kept. Then, click Next.
      3. Review information about how the item merge will be applied. Use the scroll bar to review all item information. Click Next when you are ready to continue.
      4. To complete and commit to the merge process, click Finish.

        There is no undo for this process.

You will now see the two brands have been merged into one brand on the Brand Maintenance screen.

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Partial-Use Units

Partial-Use Units allows you to establish and remove different partial-use units utilized in the Item Specifics tab of Item Maintenance.

  1. From the Items & Catalog Numbers option, select Partial-Use Units.
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the list and click in the cell next to the asterisk *.
  3. Enter the partial-use unit Description, Prompt, Format Mode, Unit Label, Large-Unit Label (if applicable), and Small Units per Large information. Then, click Save Changes once you are done.

To remove a partial-use unit, right-click on the selected description and choose Delete Partial-Use Unit. You can only delete a user-defined partial-use unit and it cannot be in use. System partial-use units cannot be removed.

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Allergens allows you to establish and remove types of allergens contained in items utilized in the Allergens tab of Item Maintenance.

  1. From the Items & Catalog Numbers option, select Allergens.
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the list and click in the cell next to the asterisk * or click Jump to New Row.
  3. Enter the allergen name. Then, click Save Changes once you are done.

To remove an allergen, select an allergen and click Delete. You can only delete a user-defined allergen and it cannot be in use. System allergens cannot be removed.

To locate an allergen in your list, click Find. Then, begin typing the allergen name in the search bar.

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Mass Update Catalog Numbers

Allows you to make mass changes to the following fields of all items instead of modifying each item individually:

  • Catalog Number
  • Description
  • Usage Category
  • Storage Category
  • Ordering Category
  • Tax Category
  • Conversion Method
  • Precosted
  • Production Report Display
  • Production Entry Mode
  • Inactive
  • User-Defined Item Categories
  • User-Defined Order Restriction Tags
  1. From the Items & Catalog Numbers option, select Mass Update Catalog Numbers.
  2. Modify available item information as necessary. Then, click Save Changes.
    Click on the image below for larger view.

    You will see a series of processes running will the system is updating.

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UPC Codes

  1. From the Items & Catalog Numbers option, select UPC Codes.
  2. Click Add UPC Code.
  3. Scan or type the UPC Code from the item, box, case, pallet, etc. Than, click Ok.
  4. Use the Search tool to locate and select the item from the list. Then, click Ok.

  5. The Item, Unit Kind, and UPC Code will be displayed in the list. Repeat the process for each item. When you are done, click Save Changes.

    Unit Kind

    If the Unit Kind is incorrect, use the drop-down menu to select the correct Unit Kind.

    Deleting a UPC Code from the System

    In order to delete a UPC Code from the system, right-click on the correct item. Then, select Delete Row.

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