Edison 6.5 Release Notes

Edison 6.5.1 - March 9, 2020

Edison 6.5.1 - March 9, 2020

Release Summary

The goal of this release was to address issues when attempting to multi-select throughout various areas of the program.

The following enhancements and modifications were made since version 6.5.


  • Multi-select - Removed a custom editor that was causing multi-select to fail throughout various areas of the program with the latest DevExpress upgrade.

Edison 6.5.0 - March 5, 2020

Edison 6.5.0 - March 5, 2020

Release Summary

The goal of this release was to calculate real-time recipe costs and real-time menu costs, to utilize Windows’ default language, to select localization language files (V1),  support MealViewer V2 integration, Secondary Storage Layouts functionality, upgrade various Bid reports, add Site Category (e.g. Delivery Routes) filters to various aspects of the ordering process.

The following enhancements and modifications were made since version 6.0.

New Features

  • Calculate recipe costs in real-time

  • Calculate menu costs in real-time

  • Ability to configure the program to use the Windows’ default language
    Note: Not all aspects of the program are translated via this process. Additionally, all text outside the scope of the program (e.g. Item Descriptions, Recipe Instructions, etc) is not translated.
    Edison Icon | My Profile | User Settings | Default Language

  • Localized language files (V1-Beta)

  • Site-level permission to count blanks as zero quantities during the physical inventory process
    Admin & Maintenance | Sites and Categories

  • MealViewer V2 integration changes from MealViewer V1
    Note: Access the MealViewer Integration guide here.

    • System Settings
      Admin & Maintenance | System Settings | MealViewer Tab

      • MealViewer Integrations separated from External Integrations and exists in its own tab

      • URLs updates to support V2 integration

      • Test Connection for MealViewer connection

      • Full-Refresh on Next Sync automatically disables once a manual sync has been executed

      • Sync Intervals defaulted to 15 minutes

      • Ability to Exclude 0 Planned Counts

    • MealViewer Status & Sync
      Utilities | Synchronize | MealViewer Status & Sync

      • MealViewer Server Connection status

      • Automatic Data Synchronization status

      • Last Completed Sync details

      • Last Attempted Sync details

      • Next Expected Sync details

      • Sync insights

      • Ability to manually Sync Now - defaults to 30 days in the future with a maximum of 90 days when performing a Full Sync

    • MealViewer Sync Failure Alert - Added a system alert if a MealViewer sync has not occurred in the past 24 hours.

    • MealViewer Menu Groups
      Admin & Maintenance | Advanced | MealViewer Menu Groups

      • Internal concept of “buckets” that house “like recipes”.
        Note: Typically used for larger Districts that serve “like recipes” on multiple serving lines.

    • Mass Update MealViewer Menu Groups - Allows the District to more easily apply created Menu Groups to recipes on a given menu.
      Admin & Maintenance | Recipes & Menus | Mass Update | MealViewer Menu Groups

    • MealViewer Blocks
      Admin & Maintenance | Advanced | MealViewer Blocks

      • Edison setup to support how MealViewer determines what menus to display at which times. Once created, MealViewer Blocks may be added to a Menu Template.

    • MealViewer Display Groups - Edison setup to determine how menus are grouped for display both in the MealViewer Schools website and on digital signage for designated serving lines in each cafeteria. 
      Admin & Maintenance | Sites & Categories | Sites (select a site) | MealViewer Display Groups tab

    • Managers may edit where a recipe is displayed to account for daily changes.
      Note: MealViewer Display Groups will not be automatically applied if at least one planned count exists for a day.

    • Mass Update MealViewer Display Groups - Allows the District to more easily apply created MealViewer Display Groups to one or more sites.
      Admin & Maintenance | Recipes & Menus | Mass Update | MealViewer Display Groups

    • Edit MealViewer Display Groups Assignments - Site Permission - By default, the manager has the ability to edit where a recipe is assigned to a display group to accommodate for daily changes.
      Admin & Maintenance | System Security | Meal Planning | Edit MV Display Groups Assignments

  • Option to Check for Unreceived Transfers in the End of Year process and the ability to ignore the alert. The Unreceived Transfers report, located in the End of Year utility, may be accessed at any time given the correct permission level.

  • Site-specific support for Secondary Storage locations
    Note: A primary location must be established before inventory counts are moved to a secondary location. 
    Admin & Maintenance | Miscellaneous | Site-Specific | Secondary Storage

  • Updates the Physical Inventory UI screen to display secondary locations

  • Report updates to support Secondary Storage - Physical Inventory Worksheet, Staged Order Pull Sheet, Fill Order Pull Sheet, Loading Details

  • Site Categories - Updated the following screens to include the ability to add and filter Site Categories from the Column Chooser. Additionally, the layout may be captured on a per-Site basis so the user does not need to add the column(s) back every time. The option to capture and apply the layout to some of the Site Templates exists.

    • Site - Review and Approve Orders

    • Central Office/Utilities - Review and approve Orders *Note a layout does not need to be applied for this screen. It is retained by the user and can be reset via the My Profile function.

    • Fill Order

    • Stage Order

  • Request for Bid Quote (Alternate) - A new stock report has been created to a specific layout
    Reports | Other Reports | Request for Bid Quotes (Alternate)


  • Updated the system to DevExpress 19.2.6 and .NET Framework 4.5.2.

  • Restricted the ability to fill a Staged Order via the Staged Order system only.

  • Added a “Staged” status to the Review and Approved Orders utility.

  • Simplified DataCenter Sync - DataCenter Sync has been simplified to improve performance on SQL Servers and MCS Cloud instances
    Note: As Full DataCenter syncs should rarely occur, the functionality and location have changed. Once a Forced Full DataCenter Sync has occurred, the option will reset to disabled.

  • Enable Debug by Default - In order to assist in troubleshooting issues, log config files are automatically set to debug and the default file size increased to 20MB.

  • Added OpenID Connect (OIDC) support for on-prem.

  • Added UsageDescription and StorageDescription fields to the Request for Bid Quotes report override.

  • Price Contract Detail Report - Updated the report to include CN Labels, Price per Unit, Units per Case, From and To dates, bid award details such as Time of Bid Opening, Date of Bid Opening, Reference Number, and added the ability to enable row highlighting.

  • Updated the functionality when awarding tie bids. Each item is randomly assigned an internal number in the system from 1 to ~2,000,000,000.  Every time a tie occurs, the system “tosses a coin” to award the winner.


  • Item Merge - Fixed an error when attempting to convert a new converted zero quantity when the original quantity was non-zero. 

  • EdisonMobile Physical Inventory Counts - Fixed an error that was failing to import data from EdisonMobile if the Physical Inventory screen was already open.

  • Physical Inventory - Fixed an error that was incorrectly detecting a barcode scanner.

  • Price Contract Receiving - Fixed the default day to today when receiving from a price contract.

  • Bulk Order Transfer Ticket - Fixed an error that was not including comments on the Transfer Ticket after making bulk changes.

  • Order Tracking Log - Fixed an error that was not including comments on the Order Tracking Log report.

  • Add Item in Bid Analysis - Fixed a bug that was opening the “New Item” tab behind the Edit Bid Quote tab and keeping focus on the Bid Quote screen.