Site Manager - Ordering

Site Manager - Ordering


The Ordering process will automatically generate an order based on meal planning counts, inventory quantities on-hand, substitutions, par-levels, and satellite orders.

Quantities needed during the ordering process are determined by:

  • Menus on the calendar starting with the current date and ending with the selected date
  • Ingredients on the recipes containing planned serving counts
  • Scaling the recipes
  • Ingredients on pending orders
  • Ingredients on-hand 

From the Home tab, select Order.

Create a New Order

  1. Click Create New Order from the Action tab.

  2. Begin the ordering process by following the wizard and click Next.

  3. Use the drop-down menu to select an ordering group. Then, click Next.

    Ordering Groups must first be configured in Admin & Maintenance > Ordering & Price Contracts.

  4. Use the calendar icon to select the delivery date in which to receive the order. You may also choose to Show All Available Items on the price contract. Then, click Next.

    Requested Delivery Date/Price Contract Date

    This date will be used to determine which price contract needs to be used.

    Show All Available Items

    When selecting Show All Available Items, items which are not part below par-level, needed for planned meals, or filled from the selected site appear in the order list with zero (0) quantities. These item quantities will be highlighted pink to reduce confusion.

  5. Select options on how to automatically estimate your ordering needs. Then, Click Next.

    Default Planning Dates

    Default planning dates are established by Central Office staff under Administration → Ordering & Price Contracts → Ordering Group Configs.

            Items below par-order levels - When the quantity on-hand falls below the minimum quantity, the item will automatically be listed on the order and the quantity will be prefilled to at least the maximum quantity.
            Items needed for planned meals between - Establish a date range by using the calendar tools.
                  Meal Types - Use the drop-down menu to deselect/select one or more meal types for planned meals within the established date range.
            Items ordered to be filled from this site - Establish a date range by using the calendar tools. This option is typically used by a Central Warehouse or Central Kitchen during manual ordering. Leaving this option checked will not have a negative effect if this does not apply to you.
            Items needed for predicted orders from all sites based on planned meals between - Establish a date range by using the calendar tools.

    Items needed for predicted orders from all sites based on planned meals between

    This option is typically used by a Central Warehouse or Central Kitchen for advanced vendor ordering to ensure there is enough inventory available to fill site orders. Selecting this option disables additional ordering options.

  6. Click Finish to start your order.

    Ordering Criteria

    Edison looks at meal planning counts, inventory on-hand, and quantities being removed from current inventory in order to assist with ordering the correct quantities of each item.

    You will see a series of processes running while the order is generating. Some processes, such as predictive ordering, may take longer.

  7. Review the generated order items and quantities by looking in the Quantity column and the Max Quantity Available column.

    If there is an insufficient quantity available for the selected item, the Max Qty Available column will be highlighted red.

    Adjusting Order Quantities

    You can make adjustments to the quantity ordered by clicking in the cell. For more details, refer to the instructions under the Add/Remove Item section.

    Show All Available

    If you chose to Show All Available Items in the Ordering Wizard, items which are not part below par-level, needed for planned meals, or filled from the selected site appear at the bottom of the order list with zero (0) quantities. These item quantities are highlighted pink to reduce confusion.

    View Worksheet

    If an issue exists with the order, such as an unavailable catalog number, the View Worksheet button will blink. It is highly recommended you run problem reports before completing your order. Refer to Step 11 for more information.

     Add/Remove Item

  8. Click Add Item to add a new item from the order list.

  9. Use the Search box to locate a specific item. Then, select the correct item(s) by placing a checkmark in the cell for the correct item. When you have completed selecting all items, click Ok.
  10. New order items will be added to the end of the list. Review the Max Quantity Available column. Then, enter the amount necessary to order under the Quantity column. Repeat this process for each new item added to the order.

    To remove an item, select the row. Then, click Remove Item.

     Custom Inventory Fields

    Custom Inventory Fields can be added by your District to be entered into an order. If setup, the custom fields will be available above the order item list.

  11. (Optional): View Worksheet for Automatic Meal Ordering.

    1. To review or print the worksheet prior to saving changes and completing the order, click View Worksheet.

    2. Select a report option. Then, click Ok.

      If the View Worksheet button is blinking, it is recommended that you run reports to Include a summary of all items with problems or Include details of all items with problems.

      The Ordering Worksheets reports display:

      • Encumbrance needs for earlier planning - Considers quantities necessary for issue and production prior to the next received order. These items quantities will not be available to fulfill menu counts for the current order.
      • Encumbrance quantities met - Considers quantities available and ordered to fulfill encumbrances outside the planning dates.
      • Real needs for date range, incoming orders, par levels - Quantities needed for the specified date range of the order.
      • Real needs met by unencumbered inventory, order - Quantities on-hand or previously ordered (minus encumbrances) to meet the needs for the specified date range of the order.
      • Remaining quantities needed to be ordered - Planned quantities and quantities on-hand to determine ordering needs (if necessary) for the specified date range of the order.

        If you receive the warning You do not have enough inventory on-hand/on-order to fulfill encumbrances prior to order range, you have low quantities on-hand/on-order for the selected date range. The system will not automatically change order quantities. You will need to adjust your item quantities on the existing order or add item quantities to a future order.

        If you receive the warning Catalog number not available for order, that item is not on a Price Contract and cannot be ordered until it has been added to one. You should inform the Central Office staff when this message appears on a report.

        You may choose to Print or Export the report.

        If you do not have enough inventory on-hand or in an order to fulfill encumbrances prior to the order range, it will be noted on the worksheet.

         Include summary of all items

         Include details of all items

         Include summary of all items with problems

         Include details of all items with problems

         Include details of only the selected item

  12. Enter any necessary comments to include with the order. When you have completed the order, click Save Changes and Complete Order.

    If you have a higher quantity than the max available for an item, you will receive a notification that there is Insufficient Quantity on Hand and you will be unable to complete your order until it is fixed.

    This completes the order for final review prior to sending the order for processing. Your order will not be sent to final review until you have selected this option.

    You may also choose to Save Changes. This will save changes to your existing order, but will not complete the order for processing.

    Minimum order amount/minimum case amount

    The Order screen contains a Total Case count and a Total Order amount. If a minimum order amount or minimum case amount has been established for a vendor, a message will appear if you have not met the minimum order requirements. Higher permissions may be required for approval for those orders not meeting minimum requirements. For full details, refer to Edison's FAQs.

  13. Once you have saved changes and completed the order, it may be automatically sent to the vendor/warehouse or placed in a pending queue to await review and approval by your site supervisor or central office staff.

     Orders automatically sent to vendor/central kitchen/warehouse

    You must print or export the order to complete the ordering process.

    Print or export the order report. To close the report, select Close Print Preview or click the X at the top of the window.

    If you have chosen to close the order without printing, the following message will appear. Click OK to continue.

  14.  Click OK to continue if you receive the following message:

     Orders pending supervisor review and approval

    You may print or export the Order Details report; however, it is not required at this level. To close the report, select Close Print Preview or click the X at the top of the window.

    Once your order has been completed, you will receive a message that supervisor approval is needed. Click OK.


     Orders pending central office review and approval

    You may print or export the Order Details report; however, it is not required at this level. To close the report, select Close Print Preview or click the X at the top of the window.


Review and Approve Pending Orders

Some orders may require the manager or central office staff to review and approve the order. Review "I created my order. What's the next step?" for more details.

  1. From the Home tab, select Review and Approve Orders.
  2. Select and double-click on an order to review. Next, make adjustments to the order and Save Changes (if necessary) and close the Order tab. Then, click Approve Order.

Edit Order

In cases where an order has been created and saved, but not yet completed, you may choose to edit an order.

If you have already closed the Order for <site> tab, you must first select Order from the Home tab.

In the Action tab, select an order from the list to make changes. Then, click Edit Order and complete necessary additions, deletions, and quantity adjustments.

Add an Attachment

You may choose to add an attachment to the Price Contract.

Select Add Attachment from the menu bar, then browse and select a file to attach (Images, PDFs, Word Documents).
Note: Maximum file size is 10mb.

Delete Order

On occasion it may be necessary to delete an order that has been created, but not yet completed.

  1. Select the order from the list to delete. Then, click Delete Order.
  2. Confirm you wish to permanently delete the order by clicking Yes.

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