


The Adjustments ribbon allows you to make adjustments to customer accounts such as making payments, giving refunds, performing corrections, and posting NSF checks. 

From the Central Office tab, locate Adjustments in the ribbon.

Make a Payment

Make a Payment allows you to apply any payments (cash or check) to a select customer.

  1. Locate and click on Make a Payment.
  2. Pick a customer. Then, click Ok.
    1. Enter the customer Name (first, last, and/or partial is acceptable), Student Number, SIS Data, POS ID, School (drop-down menu), F&R Attached (drop-down menu), and/or Inactive (drop-down menu) to narrow the search.
    2. Click the Refresh button.
    3. Select the correct student from the list.
  3. Enter payment information. Then, click Ok.
    1. Customer Name - Not editable
    2. Adjustment Type - Not editable
    3. Amount - Enter the amount of the payment.
      1. Cash
      2. Check - Enter check number and check date.
    4. Unallocated - Shows the current balance of unallocated funds available, the change (indicated in the amount cell), and the new balance once complete.

      Payment amounts may be split between unallocated and reimbursable only funds depending on District/cafeteria setup.

    5. Reimbursable Only - Shows the current balance of reimbursable funds available, the change (indicated in the amount cell), and the new balance once complete.
    6. Transaction Comments - Enter any comments in regards to the transaction.

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Give a Refund

Give a Refund allows you to apply any refund (cash or check) to a select customer. POS Customer refunds apply to unallocated and reimbursable-only balances, not change dispersed on the serving line.

  1. Locate and click on Give a Refund.
  2. Pick a customer. Then, click Ok.
    1. Enter the customer Name (first, last, and/or partial is acceptable), Student Number, SIS Data, POS ID, School (drop-down menu), F&R Attached (drop-down menu), and/or Inactive (drop-down menu) to narrow the search.
    2. Click the Refresh button.
    3. Select the correct student from the list.
  3. Enter refund information. Then, click Ok.
    1. Customer Name - Not editable
    2. Adjustment Type - Not editable
    3. Amount - Enter the amount of the refund.
      1. Cash
      2. Check - Enter check number and check date.
    4. Unallocated - Shows the current balance of unallocated funds available, the change (indicated in the amount cell), and the new balance once complete.

      Payment amounts may be split between unallocated and reimbursable only funds depending on District/cafeteria setup.

    5. Reimbursable Only - Shows the current balance of reimbursable funds available, the change (indicated in the amount cell), and the new balance once complete.
    6. Transaction Comments - Enter any comments in regards to the transaction.

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Make a Correction

Make a Correction allows you to apply corrections to a select customer.

  1. Locate and click on Make a Correction.
  2. Pick a customer. Then, click Ok.
    1. Enter the customer Name (first, last, and/or partial is acceptable), Student Number, SIS Data, POS ID, School (drop-down menu), F&R Attached (drop-down menu), and/or Inactive (drop-down menu) to narrow the search.
    2. Click the Refresh button.
    3. Select the correct student from the list.
  3. Enter correction information. Then, click Ok.
    1. Customer Name - Not editable.
    2. Adjustment Type - Not editable.
    3. Amount - Enter the amount of the refund.
      1. Cash - Not editable.
      2. Check - Not editable.
    4. Unallocated - Shows the current balance of unallocated funds available, the change (indicated in the amount cell), and the new balance once complete.

      Payment amounts may be split between unallocated and reimbursable only funds depending on District/cafeteria setup.

    5. Reimbursable Only - Shows the current balance of reimbursable funds available, the change (indicated in the amount cell), and the new balance once complete.
    6. Transaction Comments - Enter any comments in regards to the transaction.

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Post NSF Check

Post NSF Check allows you to post details about non-sufficient funds to a select customer.

  1. Locate and click on Post NSF Check.
  2. Enter NSF check information. Then, click Ok.
    1. Customer - Click the ellipsis icon to access the Pick Customer window and select a customer.
    2. NSF Allocation Information
      1. Check Number - Enter the check number.
      2. Check Date - Enter the check date.
      3. Original Amount - Enter the original amount of the check.
      4. District Fee - Enter the District fee for NSF charges (if applicable).
      5. Bank Fee - Enter the bank fee for NSF charges (if applicable).
    3. Comments - Enter any comments in regards to the transaction.

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Transfer Money

Transfer Money allows you to transfer funds from one student to another (typically siblings or household members).

  1. Locate and click on Transfer Money.
  2. Enter Transfer Money information. Then, click Ok.
    1. Amount to Transfer - Enter the amount of funds to transfer.
    2. Transfer money FROM customer - Click the Pick icon to access the Pick Customer window. Once a customer has been selected, the Name, Student Number, and School will be auto-filled.
      1. Unallocated - Shows the current balance of unallocated funds available, the change (indicated in the amount cell), and the new balance once complete.

        Payment amounts may be split between unallocated and reimbursable only funds depending on District/cafeteria setup.

      2. Reimbursable Only - Shows the current balance of reimbursable funds available, the change (indicated in the amount cell), and the new balance once complete.
    3. Transfer money TO customer - Click the Pick icon to access the Pick Customer window. Once a customer has been selected, the Name, Student Number, and School will be auto-filled.
      1. Unallocated - Shows the current balance of unallocated funds available, the change (indicated in the amount cell), and the new balance once complete.

        Payment amounts may be split between unallocated and reimbursable only funds depending on District/cafeteria setup.

      2. Reimbursable Only - Shows the current balance of reimbursable funds available, the change (indicated in the amount cell), and the new balance once complete.
    4. Transaction Comments - Enter any comments in regards to the transaction.

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