Virtual Cafeteria Set Up

Virtual Cafeteria Set Up

Step 1: Add the Virtual Site to DataCenter


  • Open DataCenter

  • From the Admin menu, point to Maintenance and select the School Maintenance option.

  • Enter the Virtual Cafeteria number and name, and click Ok.

Step 2: Synchronize Newton with DataCenter

This will add the Virtual Cafeteria to the Newton database.

  • Open Newton.

  • From the Utilities menu, select DataCenter and choose the Quick Sync option. The Virtual Cafeteria will now be available in Newton.

Step 3: Configure the Virtual Cafeteria in Newton


  • From the Administration and Maintenance menu, select Cafeteria Setup and choose the Cafeterias option.

  • Click Add.

  • Highlight the Virtual Cafeteria on the list, and click Ok.

  • From the General Information tab, select the Inactive option.

Remove the Virtual Cafeteria from the School section

Because this is a virtual cafeteria, it cannot be listed as belonging to a physical school. It must be deleted or an error will occur.


  • Select the Schools tab

  • Highlight the school and click Remove.

Set as a Virtual Cafeteria

  • Select the Virtual Cafeteria tab and select the This cafeteria is a virtual cafeteria option.

Add the schools that will utilize the Virtual Cafeteria

  • In the Virtual Cafeteria section, click Add.

  • Select a school from the list and click Ok. Repeat for each school that utilizes this virtual cafeteria.

Set the Price Category Mapping Template

  • From the Virtual Cafeteria tab, select the Price Mapping Category from the drop-down menu next to each school.

Set the Primary School for the Virtual Cafeteria

  • From the General Information tab, select the Primary School from the drop-down menu. The primary school receives payments for any function key sales (e.g. F1 - Free, F8 - Employee, etc.).

Step 4: Add a Serving Line to the Virtual Cafeteria


A serving line must be added for each actual serving line used in the Virtual Cafeteria in order to serve meals.


  • From the Administration and Maintenance menu, select Serving Line and choose the Serving Lines option.

  • Click Add.

  • Select the cafeteria from the drop-down menu.

  • Set the Line Number, enter a Description, and click Ok.

Step 5: Add a Virtual Serving Line for Each School

A virtual serving line must be added to each school that utilizes the Virtual Cafeteria. Give the serving line an unused number (99 is recommended).


  • From the Administration and Maintenance menu, select Serving Line and choose the Serving Lines option.

  • Click Add.

  • Select the cafeteria from the drop-down menu.

  • Set the Line Number, enter a Description (Virtual Feeder Remote Line), and click Ok.

The Virtual Cafeteria is now configured and ready to serve a meal.