

What is the difference between a Cafeteria Quick Sync and Full Sync?

A quick sync updates all records in the local database that appear to be out of date. A full sync updates all records regardless. Both sync operations perform a Rebuild POS Customer before actually synchronizing the data. A quick sync performs a quick rebuild, and a full sync performs a full rebuild. A quick rebuild examines only those customer records that have changed since last time they were successfully built, whereas a full rebuild examines all customer records to see if they need to be rebuilt. The rebuild process updates and creates POS Customer records for a given cafeteria (this is where POSID assignment occurs) from the central office Customer records.

A quick sync is performed automatically when selecting a cafeteria (which is automatic if a workstation is attached to a cafeteria)

Is there more information about POS Customers and Synchronization? Yes. For additional information about this process, refer to the following articles:
How Does POS ID Assignment Work in Newton?
Explanation of Building POS Customers and Local DB Synchronization in Newton.

I lost my network connection. Can I still serve meals to customers?

Yes. Loss of a network connection does not stop the program from continuing to serve meals. Meal batches are stored locally to ensure that loss of network connectivity does not negatively impact the process of serving meals and loss of batch data. 

Can I subscribe a guest during POS if the network is down? No.
Can I post if the network is down? No. You can save changes to your posting figures to be posted later, but you cannot post them during a network outage.
Can I print a student account statement if the network is down? No. The only reports that can be printed while the network is down are the before posting reports.
Is there more information about what I can do when the network is down? Yes. For additional information, refer to the following articles:
Working Offline
I Have Questions About Posting

When are students counted in the total enrollment (feeder, etc.)?

All active students that should be in your cafeteria (enrolled in a school fed by your cafeteria, match automatic feeder rules, are set to a feeder group that your cafeteria feeds, or manual subscriptions) except guest subscriptions are counted in the enrollment figures.

If a student is subscribed as a permanent customer, is (s)he counted in the total enrollment? Yes.
If a student is subscribed as a guest, is (s)he counted in the total enrollment? 
Do you have any additional information about customer subscriptions? Yes. For additional information about customer subscriptions, refer to How Do I Subscribe Customers to Another Cafeteria.

What's the difference between a Fed-By school and a Feeder School?

A Fed-By School is added to the Schools tab in the Cafeteria option in Administration and Maintenance. Fed-By Schools maintain separate meal details and posting day information such as Daily Figures (enrollment and attendance factors), Expenses & Revenue, and Miscellaneous Counts. Since these statistics are entered separately, the Fed-By School details are included for reporting purposes. A Feeder School is added to the Automatic Feeder Rules option in Administration and Maintenance. Feeder schools meal details cannot be separated from the primary school and both schools merge meal details for reporting purposes.

I'd like to know more about Community Eligibility Provisions (CEP). Do you have any information that can assist me in determining qualifications for this program?

Yes. Heartland has written A Beginner's Guide to the Community Eligibility Provision in order to help you understand the ins and outs of the program and provided resources to help you make that determination.

PAX S300 Troubleshooting

Please read if you have received a "TAMPERED" Error on your PAX S300 Credit Card Reader.

This error may occur if:

  • The device has been opened or tampered with, including the removal of the USB converter.
  • Power Surges are going through the device.

If you have received the message, please contact the Heartland Service Center.
Email: Paxsupport@e-hps.com
Phone: 888-909-8498