Serving a Meal - Virtual Cafeteria

Serving a Meal - Virtual Cafeteria

Step 1: Select the Virtual Cafeteria


  • From the Newton menu, choose Select Cafeteria.

  • Choose the Virtual Cafeteria from the drop-down menu and click Ok.

Step 2: Start the Operating Day


  • From the Point-of-Sale menu, select Start Operating Day from the checklist on the left.

  • Select the date of the operating day from the calendar (The system will default to the current day).

Step 3: Start the Meal


  • Click Start Meal in the checklist on the left (choose whichever meal you will be starting).

  • Verify the meal and the date on the Calendar page and click Ok.

  • Start the meal by selecting the proper option for your configuration.

  • Enter a Starting Balance and Log In to the Point-of-Service line.

Step 4: Locate a Customer

Because this is a virtual cafeteria, no customers will be listed when initially starting up the cafeteria.

  • From the POS window, select the Search button.

  • Select the Add Customer from Other School option (you can also hit <Ctrl + F7>).

  • Enter the customer's name, student number, SIS data, or POS ID, then select Refresh. The results can also be filtered by the customer's school.

  • Select the student and click Ok.

  • Choose whether the customer is a Regular Attendee or a Guest.

    • Regular Attendee - Customer will be subscribed to this cafeteria and available for selection during future meals. Recommended for long-term (expelled) regular customers.
    • Guest - Customer will not be subscribed to this cafeteria. Recommended for short-term (suspended) customers.

Once the correct student is found, continue with the transaction as usual. When the meal is finished, quit the serving line and stop the meal.