How Do I Subscribe Customers to Another Cafeteria?

How Do I Subscribe Customers to Another Cafeteria?

It may be necessary to subscribe a customer to a secondary cafeteria if the customer eats at a different cafeteria.

Central Office

Step 1: From the Central Office tab, select Customer Maintenance.

Step 2: Search for the customer. Enter a Name, Student Number, or SIS Data and click Refresh.

Step 3: Select the student and click the Edit Subscription button.

Step 4: Establish customer subscription options.

  • Cafeteria - Use the drop-down menu to select the secondary cafeteria.
  • Guest - If the student is a guest at the secondary cafeteria, place a checkmark in the box.
  • Expiration Date - Enter an expiration date for the subscription. If there is no expiration for the subscription, leave the cell blank.

Cafeteria Operator

Step 1: From the Point-of-Sale menu, select Maintenance. Then, select Customers.

Step 2: In the POS Customer Maintenance window, click the Add button.

Step 3: In the Add new POS Customer window, choose Subscribe to an existing customer record. Then, click Ok.

Step 4: Search for the customer. Enter a Name, Student Number, SIS Data, POSID, School, F&R Attached, or Inactive and click Refresh.

Step 5: Select the customer from the list and click Ok.

Step 6: Edit the subscription for the customer. Then, click Ok.

  • Manual Customer Subscription Type
    • None (There are no special circumstances for the customer)
    • Regular (Customer is served regularly by this cafeteria despite being enrolled elsewhere)
    • Guest (Customer is served occasionally by this cafeteria despite being enrolled elsewhere)
  • Expiration Date
    • Default (Use system settings for determining expiration date)
    • None (The subscription will never expire)
    • Specific (The subscription will expire on the specified date)

After you have added a subscription, you may verify the information by clicking the View button in the POS Customer Maintenance window. Then, click Edit Subscription in the POS Customer Dashboard window.


Line Operator

Step 1: From the main POS line machine, select Search.

Step 2: In the customer search window, select the Add Customer from Other School button.

Step 3: Search for the customer. Enter a Name, Student Number, School, SIS Data, or POSID and click Refresh.

Step 4:  Select the customer from the list and click Ok.

Step 5: Select the customer subscription type.

The customer's name appears in the Customer Subscription window to ensure the correct customer is being subscribed.


  • Regular Attender - Customer is served regularly by this cafeteria despite being enrolled elsewhere.
  • Guest - (Customer is served occasionally by this cafeteria despite being enrolled elsewhere.
  • Cancel - Cancels the customer subscription.

Complete the sale for the newly subscribed customer.