Meal Prices

Meal Prices



This section allows you to setup the meal prices that are displayed to the parent.  You are allowed to set up to 5 different meal price categories in case you have different prices for Elementary, Middle, High schools etc.  This information is displayed on the 'Instruction' step of the application. 

Establish Meal Price and Meal Prices - Row settings as applicable. Then, click Update Settings.

Meal Prices

  • Number of Meal Prices To Display - Determines the number of meal prices to display on the Instructions page.

Economic Benefit Survey Support

If you are utilizing MySchoolApps to accept Economic Benefit Surveys and you do not wish to display Meal Prices during the application process, enter 0 for Number of meal prices to display. You may also choose to hide USDA Income Eligibility Guidelines.

You must populate the appropriate fields. For example, if you have 3 different meal prices for your elementary, middle, and high schools, set the prices (price 1, 2, 3) and the meal price description then set this value to 3.

If some of your schools do not participate in the Breakfast program, clear the corresponding meal price fields so they are blank. Leaving the fields blank will be displayed as dashes where a meal price would normally show within the meal prices section on an application.

If none of your schools participate in the Breakfast program, clear the corresponding meal price fields so they are blank. The Breakfast Prices column will be suppressed to the applicant.

Meal Prices - Row (#1-5)

  • Meal Price Description # - Enter a description to designate which students pay listed meal prices. (e.g. Pre-K, Elem, Middle, etc.)

  • Breakfast Full Meal Price # - Set these values to match your full breakfast pricing.  Please make certain you set a value for each set (if applicable).

  • Breakfast Reduced Meal Price # - Set these values to match your reduced breakfast pricing.  Please make certain you set a value for each set (if applicable).

  • Lunch Full Meal Price # - Set these values to match your full lunch pricing.  Please make certain you set a value for each set (if applicable).

  • Lunch Reduced Meal Price # - Set these values to match your reduced lunch pricing.  Please make certain you set a value for each set (if applicable).