Information Release

Information Release



This section allows you to toggle which information disclosures are visible on the application and specify the default response for each program. The program names are uploaded by your application processing system when you upload your school file. All options provided in this section will be presented to the applicant as a Yes/No/Require User Input/Completely Optional statement or question. All default settings are noted by *.

Establish Information Release Medicaid and Information Release User-Defined settings as applicable. Then, click Update Settings.

Information Release Medicaid

For your convenience, the USDA  disclosure is provided by default. In order to modify this statement, please go to the Custom Strings And Alternate Language Support section.

  • *Show Info-Release Medicaid - The default instructions, provided on the signer information step of the application process when the applicant provides additional (optional) information for disclosure, is shared with Medicaid/CHIP/SCHIP.  

  • Info-Release Medicaid Program Name - The name of the program to display to parents during the application process in lieu of 'Medicaid' (e.g. Medi-Cal, LaCHIP, etc) and the parameter is controlled by Franklin/MSA Client. This is a custom string value that will substitute your custom value throughout the online application.

  • Medicaid Default Value - A Yes/No/Require User Input/Make Completely Optional default option can now be set for the Medicaid disclosure statement.  If set to *Yes, the statement will default the answer to "yes"; if set to No, it will default to "no"; if set to Require User Input, the end-user will need to enter additional information; If set to Make Completely Optional, the end-user will have the option to continue with the application process without selecting "yes" or "no".

Information Release User-Defined (#1-30)

In addition to the default USDA disclosure, you can also define up to 30 custom statements that require a Yes/No/Require User Input response from the applicant.  This section allows you to define which ones will show up on the website.  In order to create user-defined statements please go to the Custom Strings And Alternate Language Support section.

  • Show Info-Release User Defined # - Checking the options prompts for sharing of information to each User-Defined program in addition to the default USDA disclosure.

  • User-Defined # Program Name - The name of the program to display to parents during the application process and the parameter is controlled by Franklin/MSA Client.  This is a custom string value that will substitute your custom value throughout the online application.

  • User-Defined # Default Value - A Yes/No/Require User Input/Make Completely Optional default option can now be set for each information disclosure statement.  If set to Yes, the statement will default the answer to "yes"; if set to *No, it will default to "no"; if set to Require User Input, the end-user will need to enter additional information; If set to Make Completely Optional, the end-user will have the option to continue with the application process without selecting "yes" or "no".