Direct Certification Overview

Direct Certification Overview

To start off a new school year, it’s important to upload a Direct Certification list to establish statuses for students who should be classified as a free eligibility.
The Direct Certification Process is set up and performed in MCS Franklin.

Direct Certification file specifications can change depending on the State where you live. Please refer to the appropriate Direct Certification Plugin for your State.

Establish DC Priority

Some states prefer certain Direct Certification (DC) sources over another. If a student has multiple DC sources, you have the ability to set priority so that the preferred source is applied.

From MCS Franklin, navigate to Admin & Maintenance > System Settings. Select the Direct Certification tab to configure DC Priorities.


Perform a DC Override

Performing Overrides allows you to manually control student eligibility for Direct Certification, Special Circumstances, and Status Overrides when special cases exist.

From MCS Franklin, navigate to Admin & Maintenance > System Settings. Select the Direct Certification tab to configure Status Overrides.

Override Doc - Documentation - Need stronger understanding


For override types and further instructions, please expand the section below.


Backdating DC Matches

You may need to backdate a batch of student eligibility statuses if you need to change the effective start date for a DC match file. Your district has the option to enable or disable this function.

Enable/Disable DC Status Backdating

From MCS Franklin, navigate to Admin & Maintenance > System Settings. Select the Direct Certification tab to enable the ability to set a DC status to a previous start date. This option is enabled by default.


Perform DC Status Backdating

From MCS Franklin, navigate to Utilities > Direct Certification > Import File.

Needs Screenshots, Documentation

Extend DC Status to Siblings

Manual Household Matching


Household Matching

If the SIS has a field that links students to a household (like a Family ID), this can be pulled into Franklin to more easily identify the matches and extend benefits.

Households with Benefits Differences Report

Update page & create excerpt

Student Reports | StudentReports HouseholdsBenefitDiff