Special Circumstances Change Letter

Special Circumstances Change Letter

The Special Circumstances Change Letter has been added to letter reasons when special circumstances change. The custom string statement may be modified and a separate template can be created for this letter. for more infomration, refer to the Letters section of the Administration Guide.


Custom Strings

Step 1: From the Administration and Maintenance tab, locate and click on Miscellaneous Setup and choose Letters. Then, select Custom Strings.

Step 2: Expand the each of the Language sections you wish to view or edit. Then, expand the LetterReason section.

Step 3: Scroll down and locate SpecialCircumstancesChanged. Modify the custom text.

Letter Batch Kinds

Step 1: From the Administration and Maintenance tab, locate and click on Miscellaneous Setup and choose Letters. Then, select Letter Batch Kinds.


Step 2: Create a new letter batch kind. Next, expand Normal Letters and the new letter batch kind. Then, drag and drop the Special Circumstances Changed Letter Reason into the new letter batch kind.

Select the Letter Template and the Default Output Kind using the drop-down arrows. 

When you are done, click Save Changes.