Sync Site Manager
Sync Site Manager enables you to enter serving sites that are not currently replicating to be set up for synchronization.
Configuring Serving Sites for Synchronization
To configure a serving site, follow these steps.
- Enter the site name or ID. This field uses Smart Search, so partial names or IDs are acceptable. Any sites matching the text you enter here will display in the drop-down menu.
Note: If you have a site serving students from an alternative site, it is a best practice to set them both up on Sync in order to avoid balance discrepancies. This is not enforced through the software, but it is strongly recommended. - Click the site you want to configure for Sync. It will automatically populate in the list.
- Add as many sites as you want to configure.
- Enter the configuration information.
- The database name will default to "WebSMARTT". You can change this, but it is generally recommended to keep this default value.
- Enter the server name for this site. Note that the combination of the database name and server name must be unique for each site.
- If you are using SQL authentication, enter the username and password. Otherwise, select the checkbox in the Win. Auth column.
- Select the appropriate URL for that site from the WebSMARTT URL drop-down menu.
- If you would like to centralize the Sync data or back up the database, use the Centralize Data and Backup Site Database checkboxes. For more information, see the Centralizing and Backing up Data section below.
- Click Save when you have configured your sites. The software will validate the server name information. Errors will display if a connection cannot be made, and the ones that do connect will be saved. Correct any errors and click Save to continue.
Centralizing and Backing up Data
When adding new sites, there are two checkboxes that can be used to centralize and back up data from the added serving sites. The two checkboxes are Centralize Data and Backup Site Database.
Centralize Data - Checking this box will centralize the data of any newly added Sync site that has the same database name if Sync was previously enabled on the database.
Backup Site Database - Checking this box will back up the database at the site to the C:\ drive, but only if it already exists. For this to work, the user running the SQL Server at the site has to be a user that has permissions to the Program Files folder on the C:\ drive. An example would be Local System.
If the above location is inaccessible, the Sync backup will be placed in the default SQL Server Backup folder.
When using Centralize Data, if the database name does not exist or Sync was not enabled on that database, it will fail to centralize.
When using Backup Site Database, if the chosen database name does not exist at the site, the backup will fail.
Enabling and Disabling Serving Sites
If you need to enable or disable a serving site from replicating, you can use the Enabled checkboxes or the buttons near Save.
If you need to find a specific serving site, use the Search pane to find that site. Entering part of the site's name will cause it to appear below the Search field. Click the site's name to search for the replicating serving site associated it.
The list of syncing sites has an Enabled column to the right. Click to check or uncheck the boxes in this column. A checked box means that the site is enabled. An unchecked box indicates that the site is disabled.
You can also click Enable All to enable all of the sites in the list or Disable All to disable all of the serving sites in the list. When you have enabled or disabled the desired sites, click Save.
After configuring your sites, you can access the Sync Site Monitor to verify that they are synchronizing. Click the Admin breadcrumb, and then click Sync Site Monitor.