Reports (Admin Function)
The Reports function allows a Central Office user to enable or disable WebSMARTT Reports, modify sorts and filters, and add custom reports created in SQL Server Reporting Services.
To find a report you want to edit, enter criteria in the Search window and click Search. Report Name helps narrow results by name, Report Area can narrow results by the Tab on which it appears (Customers, Inventory, etc.), and Report Types narrows down results by showing either Custom reports (reports made by the user) or System reports (reports that are available in WebSMARTT by default).
After clicking Search, a list of reports based on your search criteria appears below the Search window. To edit a report, click Edit next to its entry. To delete a custom report, click the red X next to its entry.
Adding/Editing Custom Reports
Creating the Reports and Stored Procedures in SQL Server Reporting Services
IMPORTANT: Custom reports must be created using SQL Server Reporting Services. This requires someone with the technical knowledge to write and install the reports on the server.
After creating reports, they need to be saved to a Reports folder so that WebSMARTT can access them. The Reports folder is found in the WebSMARTT files under "[installation directory, such as C:\Program Files] \WebSMARTT\web ". Within the Reports folder, copy the created SQL report into the sub-folder corresponding to the desired WebSMARTT Tab (Customer, Inventory, etc.).
You must create a stored procedure to run the report for it to show up in the Command Name drop-down menu in WebSMARTT. WebSMARTT should have provided you with a template for stored procedures for each section, which would allow you to create your own custom procedures.
Adding and Editing Reports in WebSMARTT
To add a custom report, click Add New Custom Report.
After clicking Add New Custom Report, the Report Edit page will appear. Enter a name for the report under Report Name; this is the name that will be seen when selecting and running the report. Enter a file name for the report under File Name; this is the name that WebSMARTT will use to identify the report.
IMPORTANT: When entering a file name, make sure that the name ends with the file extension ".rdlc ". Leave the Enabled checkbox checked if you want the report to be visible and runnable by users. Uncheck Enabled if you need to disable a report. Check the Allow Site/SiteGrp checkbox if you would like to allow Central Office users to filter the report by site or by site group. The Area drop-down menu determines where in WebSMARTT the report is located. For example, if you select Item Management, the report will appear under the Item Management tab.
The Ranges and Sorts tables indicate what options are available when using the Range and Sort drop-down menus on a report. Ranges determine how the information in the report can be narrowed down when running the report. For example, "All" would show all the applicable examples in the data, "Transaction Date" lets you search for transactions within a specific date range, etc. Sorts determine how the report will organize the data being reported. For example, "Item ID" would list the items numerically by their ID, "Item Description" would list the items alphabetically by their descriptions, etc. To add a Range or Sort option, click the entry to highlight it. To remove a selected entry, click the option to remove the highlight. All highlighted entries will become available options for narrowing and organizing the report.
After entering the report info, you will need to add at least one data source. Data sources determine where the report will pull its data. To add a data source, click Add.
Under Data Source Name, enter a name for the data source. From the Command Name drop-down, select the name of the command that the report will use to retrieve its data. Click the blue Save hyperlink to add the data source.
Note: You must have already created a stored procedure to run the report for it to show up in the Command Name drop-down menu. WebSMARTT should have provided you with a template for stored procedures for each section, which would allow you to create your own custom procedures. Create the stored procedures on the SQL server for them to show up in the Command Name drop-down menu.
You can click Add again to add multiple data sources. To edit an existing data source, click Edit. When you have finished, click the yellow Save button.
Editing System Reports
System reports are reports that already exist within the WebSMARTT system. They cannot be deleted, and the options for editing them are limited. You can disable or enable a system report, and you can edit the ranges and sorts of a system report. When you have finished editing a system report, click Save to save your changes.