POS Software Installation

POS Software Installation


Installing MCS Software on your system involves 3 steps: Downloading, Configuring and Installing. The downloading and installation procedure is the same for most software packages, excluding Inventory Management.

To begin the installation process, you must have the MCS Admin Console and Application Server installed on your system. See the MCS Admin Console-Application Server Administration Guide for more information.

Downloading the Software 

To access the download files you must have a customer portal account. If you do not have an account please check with your District's MCS Software contact to determine if an account already exists for your District. If you are a primary Point of Contact, please submit a request to Customer Support for the creation of an account.

  1. Connect to the Customer Portal and login with your user name and password. To keep this page open, right-click on the link and select Open Link in New Window or Tab.
  2. Select Download Software in the Common Links section.
  3.  Select the appropriate folder. 
  4.  Select the InstallNewtonPOS.exe file.
    (Select the install file that corresponds with the software package being installed.)
  5. Select Save the file to your system. Some browsers download files instead of giving you the option to save. (It is important to know where files are downloaded to on your computer.)

Take note where the file is being saved on your computer or network. It is important to know where files are downloaded to on your computer.

Installing the Software

  1. Locate where you have downloaded the file and double-click on the downloaded InstallNewtonPOS.exe.file.
  2. A Security Warning may appear to establish if you wish to run the software. Uncheck the box stating Always ask before opining this file to stop this notice from opening every time Newton is accessed. Select Run.
  3. A setup window will appear. Click Next to begin running the setup process.
  4. You will then see a license agreement. Please read the statement and click I Agree if you accept the terms of the software license.
  5. In the Installation Location window, ensure the path is established for C:\Program Files\MCS\NewtonPOS. If the path is incorrect, use the ellipsis button to locate the correct path. Then, click Next.
  6.  If the Start Menu Folder is not already defaulted to MCS Software, locate the folder from the list. Then, click Install.
  7. Once the installation is complete, click Next.
  8. The Completing the Newton Setup Wizard window will appear. Click Finish to exit out of the setup wizard. Newton is now installed.

Establish Connection to Back Office Machine

Once you have installed Newton POS at a School location, you will need to establish a connection between the POS line machine and the back office manager's machine.

  1. Login to Newton.
  2. Start an operating day by clicking Start New Day from the ribbon or Start Operating Day from the checklist.
  3. Select the operating day from the calendar and click Ok.
  4. Start a meal by clicking Start Meal from the checklist. You may choose any Start Meal from the checklist.

    If the date and meal type are correct, click Ok.
  5. Login to Newton POS.
  6. Setup the Serving Line connection. Then, click Ok.

     Host Name - Click here for details on how to locate the Manager's machine host name.

    The DNS server resolves the domain name to the IP address. If the IP address changes, connectivity should still occur if the Real-Time Server address is established as the Manager's machine host name.

      1. From the Manager's machine, click the Start button.
      2. Right-click on Computer and select Properties.
      3.  Locate the Full Computer Name and write it down for accuracy. Then, click the red X to close.
     Static IP address - Click here for details on how to locate the Manger's machine static IP address.

    If the host name does not resolve the IP of the workstation, you will be required to enter a static IP address.

      1. From the Manager's machine, click the Start button.
      2. In the Search programs and files box, type CMD and press the Enter key.
      3.  In the C:\ Administration window, type ipconfig and press the Enter key.
      4.  Locate the IP address and write it down for accuracy. Then, click the red X to close.

    You should see a series of processes running as network connectivity is established.

  7.  Select the appropriate Serving Line and click Ok.

    Serving Lines must first be established on the Manager's machine. Serving lines are designated Point of Sale machines when multiple computers exist.

    If no meal is currently running, you will receive the following message:

Test Newton POS

You should perform these steps for each new POS line established at a site location.

In order to access Newton POS, an operating day and meal must first be established in Newton. If an operating day and meal have not yet been established, follow Steps 1-4 in Establish Connection to Back Office Machine instructions.

From Newton POS

  1. Start Newton POS.
    Once you have determined all information is correct, click Ok.
  2.  Complete a few test transactions to ensure everything is operating properly.
  3. Exit out of Newton POS.
    1. Click the Quit Serving-Line button.
    2. Confirm if you are ready to quit the serving line by clicking Yes.
    3. Click the Exit Point-of-Sale button.

  4. From Newton (Back Office)

    Steps 4-6 are crucial in order to ensure the correct information is processed through the system the next time an operating day and meal are started. Additionally, these steps will clear the test meals preventing inaccurate meal counts and duplicate sales.

    Stop the meal by clicking Stop Meal from the checklist.

  5.  From the Point-of-Sale tab, select Cancel/Abandon Day.
  6. The system will prompt you by asking if you are sure you would like to cancel the current operating day. Click Yes.

You have successfully completed installing Newton POS and ensuring the system is operating properly.

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