Free & Reduced Student Data Import File Configuration

Free & Reduced Student Data Import File Configuration

This page is intended for users who are importing Student Data into MSA Client.

Student Importers allow you to import your Student Information System (SIS) file into the system. Student data may be imported as simple text files or through SQL Server databases.

The system is designed to protect you against any mass changes that seem suspicious in order to protect the integrity of the system.

When running a student data import in MSA Client, you will receive a warning message if the import results in changing total students by 60%, or adding/inactivating 20% or more of the total students already in the database. You may confirm the changes and continue with the update process.

If the import results in adding 50% or more of the total students already in the database, an authorization request must be completed and released by an authorized HSS Support representative. The proper procedure is to submit a request case with comments to Support prior to making changes. This will allow a Support representative to schedule a time resulting in the least impact on your staff and their daily operations.

  1. From the Admin and Maintenance tab, click on Miscellaneous Setup. Then, select Student Importers.

  1. If you have not yet established a student import file, click Add and select the correct Student Importer Type. Then, click Ok.

    Note: If you need assistance, contact the support number associated with your product.
    Mosaic - 1 (800) 256-8224 Option 1
    Nutrikids - 1 (800) 724-9853 Option 5
    WebSMARTT - 1 (800) 748-9631

  2. Setup Student Importer details. Then, click Configure.
    Note: A Full Refresh will increase the amount of time it takes to update student records, depending on the Full Refresh Scope. It is recommended that if a Full Refresh is performed, it is done at the end of the day or during nightly jobs.

    Description - Enter a description for the Student Importer file.
    Expected Period - Enter the expected period when the import should occur (e.g. Every 24 hours).
    Inactive - If a student importer is no longer used/replaced by another, place a checkmark in the box.
    Refresh Type - Select which information should be refreshed upon an import.
    Changes Only - Only updates changes made since the last import.
    Full Refresh - Updates information depending upon the Full Refresh Scope settings.

  3. Configure the Student Importer file. Be sure to Test the configuration settings. Click Ok in the configuration window once you are done. Then, click Ok in the Student Importer window to save all settings.

Note: Field Names, Data Type, and Formulas are already mapped for your SIS file to ensure the proper data is being imported. You should not need to make any adjustments.

Establish the Server Name and Database Name.

Note: Field Names, Data Type, and Formulas are already mapped for your SIS file to ensure the proper data is being imported. You should not need to make any adjustments.

Establish the Server Name and Database Name.

4. Click Run Now to begin importing students and student information. You will see a series of processes running while data is imported.

5. Review the imports the system will make. Then, click Ok.
Note: If you have a large school District, only the first 10,000 rows will be displayed.

a. Verify SIS information is updating properly by spot checking a few records.
b. Click the plus sign + to expand details.
c. Verify the student information is correct and/or not blank (e.g. A student's last name is not changing to an address, etc).
d. If any of the change numbers seem incorrect, click Cancel.

6. The system may find a massive amount of changes suspicious. If you have spot-checked the changes and agree to commit the changes, click Yes. See details at the beginning of this section for what is considered suspicious and what requires higher-level authorization in order to commit changes.

7. If higher-level authorization is necessary, the following window will appear. Follow the instructions from your Support representative. Once approval has been granted, the Authorization Required window will disappear and the changes will complete.

Submit Request - Requires a comment entry why changes are being requested. This allows accurate tracking of why changes are being made and who is requesting the changes.
Manual Approval - If you are connected to a Support representative, they may prompt you to click this button and enter an authorization code. 


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