DataCenter Start of Year (Recommended)

DataCenter Start of Year (Recommended)


DataCenter Start of Year Instructions 2024-2025

The following document will guide you through the recommended Start of Year instructions for MCS DataCenter.

You must be logged in as a user with sufficient privileges for creating a database on the SQL Server. The user admin has this level of permission by default (unless the user was modified by your SQL Server Administrator).

Frequently Asked Questions

When should I run my Start of Year process?
Running the recommended DataCenter Start of Year process should occur once you have completed running End of Year processes for ALL MCS programs. This process ensures all programs are communicating and syncing with the upcoming school year and not previous databases.

Will I still be able to access my Prior-Year DataCenter databases?
Yes. You will still be able to access Prior-Year databases in DataCenter with the lock enabled. 

What should I do if I am unsure how to proceed?
If you have any questions or are unsure how to proceed before or during this process, it is recommended that you contact Support for assistance.  

I received a message that my SIS Import was suspicious. How do I proceed?
The SIS Import can have 3 outcomes:

  1. The import is not suspicious, and no action is needed.

  2. Import calculations are suspicious (20% or more records were changed, added, or deactivated).

  3. Import calculations are highly suspicious (50% or more records were changed, added, or deactivated).

If the import is a Changes Only import, then the "current student count" is the entire population (record count of the SIS_STUDENT table)
If the import is a Full Refresh import, then the "current student count" will be limited to the number of students in the SIS_STUDENT table that match the Schools and Grades configured for the import.

Contact Support if you need assistance.

Lock Prior-Year Databases

After you have completed EOY in ALL programs, we strongly recommend you lock any prior-year databases in DataCenter. This is strongly recommended to those who begin the implementation process of new software before the current school year ends and have plans to begin fully utilizing the software at the beginning of the upcoming school year.

  1. Log in to DataCenter.

  2. From the Admin tab, select Previous Year Databases.

  3. Select the checkbox associated with any prior-year databases that are not already locked. Then, click Ok.
    Do not select the checkbox in Database Name MCS_DATACENTER.




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