Review Letter Batches

Review Letter Batches


The Review Letter Batches option allows you to review any past letters generated (by Cafeteria or Central Office). You may also reprint letters or labels for past batches.

  1. From the Reports and Letters tab, locate and click on Review Letter Batches.
  2. Select a letter batch option. Then, click Refresh.
    1. Cafeteria Letters - By default, All Cafeterias are selected if Newton is not attached to a Cafeteria. Use the drop-down menu to select a specific cafeteria.
    2. Central Office Letters
  3. Select the appropriate past letter batch by clicking on the row. Then, click Review. Click Cancel or the x on the tab to close.
  4. A list of customers from the selected past letter batch is displayed. Select how you would like to proceed.

    Batch Details

    Batch Details are provided and include the date and time the batch was initialized, the type of letter selected from the Review Past Letter Batches screen, the cafeteria (if utilizing the feature from the Central Office), and custom letter batch text (if applicable).


    In order to select one or more specific letters to reprint, place a checkmark next to each customer in which you wish to reprint a letter.

    1. Sort Order - Use the drop-down menu to select how to sort the letter batch. The order in which the batch is sorted is the order in which the letters will print.
    2. Re-Send - Re-sends emails to all customers in the batch.

      This feature is only available if using the email letters option for the batch.

    3. Print - Use the drop-down menu to select a print option.
      1. All - Reprints all letters included in the letter batch.
      2. Selected - Reprints all customers with a checkmark.
    4. Mailing Labels - Click the Mailing Labels button to reprint mailing labels for queued letters.

  5. Review letters in the print preview window. When you are ready to print, click the printer icon. You may also select to export to PDF.
    To close the preview screen without printing letters, click Close Print Preview.

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