Closing the Serving Line

Closing the Serving Line


Closing the serving line allows all the transactions for the batch to be submitted to the back office computer in order for necessary reports and posting to occur. Before you close the serving line, you should make any corrections through the Review Transactions.

Quit Serving Line

  1. To close the serving line, click the Search button in the main screen when utilizing an input device. Then, in the POS customer selection window, select Quit Serving Line. You may also choose to use the CtrlF10 button.
  2. You will be warned that you are about to quit Newton POS. Click Yes to continue.
  3. In the End Batch window, enter the total amount of cash and checks in your drawer.
    1. Click the Open Cash Drawer button to count the amount of money collected.

      If you made a mistake and would like to continue with sales or review transactions, click the Return to Batch button.

    2. Enter the number of cash and change in your drawer. The Total of cash and change will be automatically updated.
    3. Click the Tally Check Total button if you collected checks during the meal. Then, click Ok. The Total Amount of Checks will be automatically updated.
      1. Compare the checks in your drawer to the checks in the Tally Checks list.
      2. For each check located, select the customer and click Found (F1), the F1 button on your keyboard, or double-click on the customer.
      3. If a check has not been located, select the customer and click the Missing (F2) button or the F2 button on your keyboard.
      4. Click in the Comments cell to add any comments about the check. (e.g. "Check is missing" or "Check is post-dated. Hold check until tomorrow.")
    4. You may also click the Key Check Total to enter the total amount of checks collected. Then, click Ok.
  4. Once you have completed entering amounts, click Ok.
  5.  You will be asked if you are finished entering amounts. Click Yes to continue with closing the serving line.

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Quit Newton Point-of-Sale Menu

In the Quit Newton Point-of-Sale menu, you can choose to send pending batches, exit Point-of-Sale, start another batch, access the credit card terminal to review and close batches, send archived batches, configure the serving line, and utilize the advanced support tools option.

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Send Pending Batches

If there are pending batches that need to be sent to the main computer, click Send Pending Batches.

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Exit Point-of-Sale

Click the Exit Point-of-Sale button in order to send the batch and close Newton POS.

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Start Another Batch

If another batch needs to be started in order to enter sales, click Start Another Batch. As long as the meal is still running, sales for meals and items can continue. Meals previously sold will still be highlighted in green; however, you will not be able to review transactions from the previous batch.

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Credit Card Terminal

The Credit Card Terminal button opens credit card terminal utilities to allow you to review credit card transaction details and close any open credit card batches.

  1. Click Credit Card Terminal. Then, select which action you would like to complete.

    1. Review Details - Allows you to retrieve and review credit card transactions, void any incorrect transactions, and close the batch.

      To void a transaction, locate and select the transaction. Then, click Void. It may be easiest to use the Authorization Code to quickly locate the transaction.
      To close a batch, click Close Batch. refer to instructions below for closing a batch.

    2. Close Batch - Click Close Batch
      Confirm you wish to close the batch by selecting Yes.

      You will see a series of processes running while the terminal closes out the batch.

      The batch number associated with the transactions, the number of transactions closed, and the total dollar amount of credit card transactions is displayed. Click OK to close.

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Send Archived Batches

In cases where a batch has not appeared on the back office machine or there were issues with importing a batch, you may choose to locate the archived batches to resend.

Click Send Archived Batches. You should review the Date modified column in order to ensure you are selecting the correct batch. Once you have selected the correct batch, click Open.

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Configure Serving Line

When first establishing a serving line, configurations need to occur. Sometimes these settings need to be changed if the back office computer is replaced or there are changes in the network. You should contact your cafeteria supervisor or Central Office contact if you feel changes need to occur.

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Advanced Support Tools

Advanced Support Tools allow the database to be repaired or deleted, send data to tech, or allow a support agent to remotely connect to your machine.

Repair Local Database

Each time Newton POS is started, a sync occurs in order to ensure the data is accurate. Your database may become corrupt on occasion. If you feel your database has become corrupted, please contact Support before proceeding with repairing your database.

Delete Local Database

Each time Newton POS is started, a sync occurs in order to ensure the data is accurate. Your database may become corrupt on occasion and repairing the database does not resolve the issue. If you feel your database has become corrupted, please contact Support before proceeding with repairing your database.

Send Data to Tech

On occasion, it may be necessary for MCS to review your data for issues. This allows MCS to troubleshoot items while allowing you to continue to perform any tasks on your computer.

  1. If requested (and permissions allow), you can click Send Data to Tech in order for data to be sent to MCS for restoration and troubleshooting in order to reach a resolution.
  2. Select which data to send to tech. Then, click Ok.
    1. Ensure Local Database is checked. 
    2. If you are experiencing issues with photos, ensure Photo Database is checked.
    3. If you have additional files you would like to send, click the ellipsis icon to locate and select the file from your local or network drive. Ensure Additional Files is checked.

MCS Remote Assistance

If you are having an issue and have submitted a case to Support, a support representative may contact you and as to connect remotely to your computer in order to work through the issues.

  1. Click MCS Remote Assistance.
  2. Type the code you received from your Support agent. Then, click Start Support Session.
  3. You will be prompted by a series of processes that need to run in order for connection to occur.

    Java must be installed in order for the connection to authorize and run properly. If you receive any type of notification or pop-up in regards to Java, please select Run, Yes, Install, or whatever other positive answer is provided.

  4. Once all installation processes have completed, you will be warned that you are about to share your screen. Click Ok to continue.

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