



The Synchronize option allows you to import applications from MySchoolApps.

Online Applications

Online Application imports are typically updated through Scheduled Jobs. If you would like to import applications at other times or if a scheduled job has failed, you can import online applications through the steps below. You may also Upload Schools to MySchoolApps during beginning-of-year procedures to ensure schools for the upcoming year are available for the MySchoolApps end-user.

  1. From the Utilities tab, locate and click on Online Applications.

  2. If you have not yet entered your MySchoolApps Integration ID and Integration Password, click Edit and enter the information. After you are done, click Import Apps.

    Click Upload Schools to export schools in your District to your MySchoolApps account.

    You will see a series of processes as synchronization is competed.

  3. Once the import has completed, you will be notified how many online applications have been successfully imported. Click OK.

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