MySchoolApps Daily Tasks

MySchoolApps Daily Tasks



This guide will walk you through what needs to be done on a Daily Basis within MSA Client.

Note: If these tasks are not performed daily, your online applications will never make their way into your Point of Sale. These are daily tasks that have to happen in order to process apps. Follow the below steps to match & process your online applications.


Step 1: Log into MSA Client Software

Open MSA Client by clicking the icon on your Desktop.

Username: firstname.lastname
Password: Admin123

Note: If  username/password is not working, please contact Support.



Step 2: Auto Processing

Application Review

Select Application Review from the Home tab.

This will pull up a list of all of the applications waiting for you to process. They will either be Red, Yellow, or Green. If they are green, they have been there less than five days. If they are red, they have been there more than 10 days. You should try to have them gone from this list before they turn yellow.

Select Process All from the Actions tab.

Note: This will automatically process any problem-free applications, which should include most of your applications. If your queue is empty, skip Step 3. If you have applications still in your queue, please continue to the next step.


Step 3: Solving “Problems” or Holds

By default, MSA Client is very restrictive as to what it allows to automatically process. Most schools will allow the application to be processed regardless of what the parent entered.

If an application is still there after processing, you will want to double click on their application to find out why.

Here is a closer look of some the problems section of MSA. Even though they are labeled “problems” it does not mean that there are any errors on the application, but they are just a flag in the system to hold the Application for review.

The following photo and tables are very import to have configured before selecting Process All. If any of the below circumstances are present, the app will be held for review.

Example: The parent entered their income as Annual. If this is okay, Select Admin & Maintenance and then click System Settings. Then, change that setting under Application Review.

Having trouble viewing this chart? Please refer to the following knowledge article:
MSA Client - Solving “Problems” or Holds



Options to Resolve



Options to Resolve

Student Not Found

Student Name cannot be found in the MSA Client Student Database, or the parent used a nickname, etc. The spelling could be different.

Double-click to select the Matched check box next to their name to manually match them.

If they do not appear, check to see if they are in your SIS/POS system

If it's determined the student will not be enrolled they can be converted to household member by right clicking on their name.

Zero Income

Parent stated they made zero income annually.

Double-click to select the check box.

 Deselect Hold Zero Income Applications for Review.

Special Circumstances

A special circumstance was selected for a student or household. Example: Homeless, Migrant, Foster.

Double-click to select the check box. 

 Deselect Hold Special Circumstances Application for Review.

Annual Income

A parent entered their income in as annual income instead of weekly or monthly.

Double-click to select the check box.

 Change Hold Annual Income to: Do not hold annual income for review.

Suspicious Income: High/Low

A parent either entered an income below $1,000 a year, or above $100,000 a year.

Double-click to select the check box.

 High Income: Set to 1 Million, or a higher number then 100,000

 Low Income: Set to Zero

Student is Inactive

The parent put a student on the application that is currently inactive in the Point of Sale system.


They either aren’t supposed to be inactive, or they meant to add them as a household member.

If they are supposed to be inactive, double-click to select the check box.

 If they should be active, fix the Student in either SIS or POS

 If student should be a household member, right-click on the student name and Convert to Household Member.

Emancipated Minor

A student filled out an application and stated they were an emancipated minor on their application.

Double-click to select the check box.

 Deselect Hold Applications Signed by Emancipated Minors for Review.

High Total Members

A parent has more than 10 people on the application.


Double-click to select the check box.

 Change High Total Members to 100 or a higher number then 10.

Foster, Homeless, Migrant, Other

A non-extendable special circumstance is listed on an application

Mosaic: Foster students can usually be processed normally by double checking the foster hold problem if it exists. The foster students will go onto the related income eligibility record in Mosaic with the special circumstance listed. If Mosaic already knows about the special circumstance please follow the Nutrikids recommendation below. If you want to verify first with a district Foster liaison you can keep them held until the foster list is published. I recommend adding a good worklog/comment to their applications while you wait to show you're working on it. If foster is not being held, you can set a hold in the system settings, MSAClient > Admin & Maint > System Settings > Application Review > Check the Foster hold.

Nutrikids/WebSmartt/Cafe Enterprise: Foster students by themselves on an application can be processed normally and they should receive a Foster application status in Nutrikids. If they are mixed in with other students on an income application, which is usually the case, we should convert them to household in MSAClient by unmatching them then right clicking on their name to convert to household. They should then be added manually in the POS.

DC Students mixed with Non-DC

A DC student and a non-DC student are both listed on the same application.

You will want to extend the DC benefits to the other students on the app that are not DC via the POS Software, not MSA.

 After all Students are either DC or Extended DC, the app will then process in MSA when you click Process All


Step 4: Export to Point of Sale

Getting Applications into Point of Sale

Each Point of Sale handles their export out of MySchoolApps a little bit differently. Please review the following information below to find out how your point of sale handles this. If you have specific questions about how you get your applications into your Point of Sale, call their support number and someone will be able to help.

Note: If you are doing a manual export out of MSAClient, and get an error about overwriting a file, always say no to avoid overwriting the other file.


How to Import


How to Import


Usually automatic. By default, we set this up to export automatically and import into Mosaic/Lunchbox on a task. If your apps do not show up within Mosaic or Lunchbox within an hour or so, please contact Support and we can look into this for you.


Manual. Because Nutrikids is not a cloud-based product, the export has to be done manually. Go to Utilities > Advanced > Export Data, then click Run located at the lower-right, it will export a file for you. Then, open App Scanning Bridge Software and run an import.


Automatic or manual: MSA can be set to automatically or manually export applications.  If manual, go to Utilities > Advanced > Export Data, then click Run located at the lower-right, and it will export a file for you. Open EZ-Meal App and do an import.

Café Enterprise

Manual. You will have to manually export out of MSAClient with Utilities > Advanced > Export Data, then click Run. There is an option within Café Enterprise to import your applications.