HSS Users (Internal Support Only)

HSS Users (Internal Support Only)



Users allows you to add new users, edit existing users, lock/disable users, and define user roles in order to complete necessary functions within MySchoolApps. You may also select Manager Users from the Administration Home page.

Your user must be member of the 'HSS Administrator' role in order to manage/view Users.  If you do not have the proper permissions, please consult a user in this role for further assistance.

From the MySchoolApps homepage, click on Manage Users or click Users at the top of the site window.

Add New User

Additional HSS users can be added at any time in the admin console and you may add as many users as you wish.  In general, you should only add a user to this role if the user needs administrator capabilities on a day-to-day basis.

The username must be at least 5 chars, no spaces, alpha/numeric/underscores, and periods only.

Email Addresses
Using a District email address is very important since all alerts, password resets, and other automated emails are sent to this address. Email addresses for District users must be a District sanctioned email addresses. Do not use addresses such as yahoo.com, gmail.com, or any personal email address.

  1. In the Manage Users window, select Add New.

  2. Enter User Account information.  Then, click Add User.

    District Name - The District name in which the user belongs (Not editable).
    Username - Enter a unique username.
    Job Title - Enter the job title of the user which you are adding.
    Email Address - Enter the user's District email address.
    Role - Use the drop-down menu to select a role for the employee. Please refer to the list of Role Permissions below.
            HSS Administrator - Allows complete permissions over the application settings for the District, including the ability to disable the application for the entire District and add new users.
            HSS Employee - Allows the user limited permissions within the MSA application site.

  3. Once a user account is created, an email will be sent to the email address specified during creation. The user must click on the link in the email in order to activate and change the temporary password assigned to the account. Once this step is completed, the user's account is fully active and they can log in at any time.


HSS Administrator Role

HSS Employee Role

View/Edit Users

Change Own Password

Edit Global District Settings

  • see note below

View Global District Settings

View/Edit District Application Settings

Create Kiosks

Attach/Detach (Edit) Kiosks

View District Kiosk Settings

View/Edit Schools

Reports : Mark Applications For Re-download

Reports : Search/View Submitted Applications

Note: Editing of Global District Settings such as TimeZone, Integration ID and District Name can only be performed by HSS personnel.  These settings are obtained and configured during the initial setup and in most cases should never be edited.  However, if a change is required please submit a support case to initiate the change request.

Editing Users

You can edit a user at any time to view/change the user's email address, role, status, or password.

  1. From the Users tab, locate the correct user and click Edit.

  2. Make any necessary changes to the user's account. Then, click Update.

Job Title - Enter a job title for the user
Email Address - Edit the user's District email address. (Required field)
Role - Use the drop-down menu to edit the role for the employee (if applicable). (Required field) *See role definitions under Add User.
Status - Indicates the status of a user's account. Use the drop-down menu to select a status.
        Active - The account is ready for use.
        Inactive - The account has been created; however, cannot be used until the email activation has been completed or the user no longer requires access.
        Locked - The account has been denied access to the site indefinitely unless an administrator releases the lock.
Password - Click Change Password to enter a new password in cases where the current password is not working.

Locking/Disabling Users

There may be times when a user account needs to be disabled from use.

  1. From the Users tab, locate the correct user and click Edit.

  2. In the Status option, use the drop-down menu and select Locked. Then, click Update.

Unlocking Users

There may be times when a user has locked themselves out of their account or needs their account re-enabled.

  1. From the Users tab, locate the correct user and click Edit.
    Locked User Accounts Users whose accounts have been locked show a Locked status in red.

  2. In the Status option, use the drop-down menu and select Active. Then, click Update.

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