7. Ending the Month

7. Ending the Month

Run Inventory Reconciliation
Physical Count
Correct Monthly Food and Supplies
Perform the Physical Inventory Process
Print the End of Month Reports
Quick Guide - End of Month

Run Inventory Reconciliation

Before physically counting, run the Inventory Reconciliation to check for Negative Inventory Balances. This can occur, only if an item was issued in production and later the invoice is corrected, resulting in a decrease in the inventory receiving.

Step 1 - Select Actions > Inventory Reconciliation and the following form will be displayed:

Step 2 - If any items are listed, click the Reconcile button. This will fix most negative inventory problems.

Step 3 - If the Reconcile does not clear all negative items, then click the Print button, select Detailed Report, and click Ok. Proceed to the Correct Monthly Food & Supply section of the manual for further assistance.

Physical Count

A physical count of food and supplies must be manually counted and recorded on the last day of the month! Make sure you have completed receiving all invoices, producing all serving dates, and completing all transfers for the current month.

Step 1 - Select Reports > Inventory > Physical Inventory Worksheet to print the report that will assist with physically counting and checking your inventory balances.


Step 2 - Select Storage Category and Count Sheet, and then click Ok. The report will be sorted by Storage Location make it easy to distribute to workers.


Step 3 - Hand-write the count for each item in the space provided. Write comments in the Additional Information section. 

Correct Monthly Food & Supplies

Step 1 - To check that all meals and supplies have been produced, select the Cost of Food by Meal and Day Report (Reports > Inventory > Cost of Food by Meal and Day) for the appropriate Date Range.


Step 2 - Check each day to make sure that meals have been served for Breakfast, Lunch and/or Snack.

Step 3 - Compare the plate count with the number of meals shown (numbers submitted for the claim) on Recap/Reconciliation Report from MCS POS program.

Step 4 - If a day is missing, then select Production from the Quick Launch and enter the Serving Date that is missing. To make a correction to a date that has already been produced, select Actions > Review Production. Please refer to the Production Section of this manual for more information.

Step 5 - Correct invoices by selecting Actions > Review Receiving. Please refer to previous section of the manual to Correct Invoices.

Step 6 - Compare Invoices with Invoice Receiving Recap Report ( Reports > Inventory > Invoice Receiving Recap).

Step 7 - If the physical counts still do notagree with the counts printed on the worksheet, please refer to the View Inventory with History section below for further assistance with discovering errors.

Perform the Physical Inventory Process

Step 1 - Select Actions > Physical Inventory and the following form will be displayed:

  • When you click the START button to begin the physical inventory process, the program takes a picture of the current quantity remaining for every item in inventory.
  • Once the INVENTORY PROCESS has been started, you will not be allowed to receive, issue, or produce inventory.
  • To refresh and clear the Quantity, click the CANCEL INVENTORY PROCESS button and then click the START button again.

Canceling the Physical Inventory Process will erase all counts entered.


Step 2 - Click the Start Inventory Process button and the following message will be displayed:

Step 3 - Click YES to continue the physical inventory process and the following form will be displayed:



Step 4 - The remaining selections should not be changed unless directed by your supervisor. Click the OK button and the following form will be displayed:


Step 5 - Click the Enter Counts button and the following form will be displayed:

To change the order of the items in the list, click on any of the Column Headings. For example, if you printed the Physical Inventory Worksheet in Storage Category order, click the Store Category heading so the listed will appear in the same order as the report. This will make it easier and quicker when entering the counts.

If the physical count is different than the calculated quantity, enter the correct quantity in quantity. Do NOT enter the difference. Enter the quantity you counted on the last day of the month.
If the physical count is the same as the calculated quantity, leave it alone, it is correct and you do not need to do anything.
When counts are entered for an item, the text in the line will turn blue.


Step 6 - In the Quantity column, enter the count that you have for the Unit Description. Where slashes appear, you can enter two separate counts. Only numbers and slashes need to be entered. The program will automatically fill in the descriptions (cs, lb, oz, etc.).

For example, for the item # 4211330, Cheese, enter the number of unopened cases that contain 4 (four) 5 (five) pound bags, then type the slash and enter the number of lose 5 lb. bags.
In the example above, for the Cheese, you have 3 cases, and in each case there are 4 (four) bags, each weighing five (5) lbs. You also have 2 (two) loose 5 lb. bags.


Step 7 - In the Partial Column enter the count that you have for the Partial Unit. If you have a bag that has been opened, in the Partial Count column, enter the number of pounds remaining in the open bag.

For example, for the item # 4211330, Cheese, enter the number of pounds in the opened bag.

Step 8 - To add an item not in the list, scroll to the bottom of the list to the blank line.

  • Type the catalog number or part of the item description to search for an item.
  • Select the item that you wish to add to the list and click Ok.
  • Click the Ok button to select the item and return to the list.

Search hints:

  • If you know the Catalog Number, start typing the number in the Catalog Number field and the list will begin filtering items.
  • If you know the Item Description, start typing the description in the Item Description field and the list will begin filtering items.

If the list of items was pre-filled, Purchase and Commodity prices cannot be changed. Items prices may be changed when you have added a new item to the list.


Step 9 - Click the Ok button to save the counts and close the form.


Step 10 - Click the Apply button to save the counts and continue.


Be sure to click Ok or Apply after entering 10 or more items in case of power failure.

Clicking the CANCEL button will erase/delete all counts entered.


Step 11 - Click the Printbutton and select the Balancesheet to print a list of items displaying the calculated counts and dollar amounts*.*


Step 12 - Return to the Enter Counts Screen to make any necessary changes, otherwise, click the Reconcile Counts button.

Step 13 - The following form will be displayed and only the items whose physically entered counts are different from the computer calculated counts will be shown.

Corrections to receiving, issuing or production cannot be made once the START INVENTORY button has been pressed. Therefore, if it is necessary to make corrections, the Physical Inventory Process must be cancelled and restarted.
You can RECONCILE the counts, make corrections to receiving, issuing or production and then RESTART the physical process to fix only those items that were corrected. Please contact your supervisor for instructions to cancel and restart the physical.


Step 14 - Click the Print button to print the Inventory Discrepancy report. If there are items listed, then this report should be printed for documentation purposes.


Step 15 - Click the Reconcile button on the bottom right of the Physical Inventory Reconciliation form to accept the counted quantities.

  • When the calculated quantity is greater than the counted quantity, an issue record will be created and may be viewed and edited by selecting Actions | Review Issues.
  • When the counted quantity is greater than the calculated quantity, a receive record will be created and may be viewed and edited by selecting Actions | Review Receiving.

Failing to enter zero for items that are not in inventory could cause duplicate or double quantities.


Step 16 - When the Physical Inventory process has completed successfully, the following message will be displayed:

Print the End of Month Reports

Some of the most commonly printed end of the month reports for inventory are as listed below. However, please check with Central Office Supervisor to specific reports that are required by your school district.

Step 1 - Cost of Food Used Worksheet – Select Reports > Inventory > Cost of Food Used Worksheet.

Step 2 - Perpetual Inventory Report- Select Reports > Inventory > Perpetual Inventory.

The End of the Month is complete

Quick Guide - End of the Month

Step 1 - On the last day of the month, take a physical count of all foods and supplies.

Step 2 - Finish receiving all invoices.

  • Check invoices – Reports>Inventory>Invoice Receiving Recap
  • Correct errors - Actions>Review Receiving

Step 3 - Finish producing all meals and supplies.

  • Verify that all meals are produced - Reports>Inventory>Cost of Food by Meal & Day.
  • Correct errors - Actions>Review Production

Step 4 - Print Inventory report --Quick Launch -View Inventory Report

  • Compare to the physical inventory taken in #.
  • Count does not match the physical inventory, run a View Inventory with History. 
  • Investigate to see where the problem is
    • If the error is an invoice - Actions>Review Receivings
    • If the error is a production - Actions>Review Production
    • If the error is a transfer - Actions>Review Transfers
    • If the error is an issue(spoilage, theft) - Actions>Review Issuing 

Step 5 - Print & compare the inventory with the physical count taken on the last day of the month.

Step 6 - Run Inventory Reconciliation – Actions > Inventory Reconciliation. It should be blank.

Step 7 - Print Perpetual Inventory report - Reports > Inventory > Perpetual Inventory

Step 8 - Close the month - Actions > Physical inventory

  • Start Physical
  • Select the Month 
  • Options - Only items on hand, Price, Last day of the inventory period
  • Reconcile Counts 
  • Successful - Message saying Inventory successfully reconciled 
  • Done

Step 9 - Print Reports – End of Month reports to be sent to the Central Office.

Step 10 - Begin new month - Receiving and Producing for the next month.